

作者: 珊大王King | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 09:12 被阅读0次


    1、As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when ( ) and see him.

    A.will you come

    B.you will come

    C.you come

    D.do you come

    2、With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ( ) each year.

    A.is washing away

    B.are being washed away

    C.are washing away

    D.is being washed away

    3、The doctor suggests that I should sleep with the window open() it’s very cold.





    4、In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym ( ) to do exercises.





    5、By nine o’clock I() that my guests were not coming.





    6、Neither of his two friends ( ) told him the truth.





    7、I’m sorry that I ( ) you had been there already.

    A.won’t know

    B.didn’t know

    C.don’t know

    D.haven’t known

    8、You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting,(   ) ?

    A.weren’t you

    B.didn’t you

    C.have you

    D.did you

    9、“Can I help you?” “Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ( ) thank you all the same.”





    10、As the ( ) manager of the company, Alan White should be responsible for all the sales of the department.(1 分)





    11、The young couple ( ) their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track.





    12、Robert is said to (    ) abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

    A.to have studied

    B.to study

    C.to be studying

    D.to have been studying

    13、If the boy had ( ) the dog alone it wouldn’t have bitten him.





    14、If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,() great it is.





    15、It will() much time if we drive the car instead of walking.





    16、“Where do you suggest going?” “We promised() the children to the West Lake.”


    B.to take



    17、In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ( ).

    A.have survived

    B.are to survive

    C.would survive

    D.will survive

    18、Not until the early years of the 19th century() what heat is.

    A.man knew

    B.didn’t man know

    C.man did know

    D.did man know

    19、He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own ( ).





    20、The mother together with her sons ( ) asked to go to the court.





    21、They were all very tired, but() of them would stop to take a rest.





    22、The meeting ( ) next week is sure to be a great success.

    A.to take place

    B.to be taken place

    C.to have taken place

    D.being taken place

    23、I’m going to Xi’an next week. Have you anything ( ) to your parents?

    A.to take

    B.to be taken

    C.to be bought to

    D.to buy

    24、( ) we need more practice is quite clear.





    25、Tim ( ) a great number of different places in Australia.

    A.already has visited

    B.has already visited

    C.has visited already

    D.has ever visited

    26、By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ( ) for London to attend a meeting.

    A.will leave


    C.will have left


    27、i got a letter from my sister,() me that she would visit us next month.




    D.to tell

    28、His grandma() in bed for a week.


    B.has lain

    C.has laid

    D.has lied

    29、Before anyone could take a photo of the strange-looking bird, it()away.

    A.has flown


    C.was flying

    D.would fly

    30、when we breathe, the oxygen in the air() with our blood and gives us life.



    C.takes in




    too much to read! it's impossible to find time to read today's top business books-and thousands are published each year. yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious-and expensive mistake. often the ideas and insights they contain are available no else. but how can you even  1   titles are worthwhile-let alone find time to read them?

    fortunately, there's a  2_ : soundview executive book summaries. it really   3_ in fact, it's 4  to work. it is ingenious and essential. every month, you  _5__ two or three quick reading, timesaving  6  of the best new business books. each contains all the key points in the    7_ book. the big difference, instead of 200 to 500 pages, the summary is only 7 pages. instead of   8__ five, ten or more hours to read, it takes just 15 minutes.

    of the thousands of business books __ 9 _ annually, only a  10__ are really worth reading. to save your time, our editorial board goes over them all eliminating 90%. our standards are high, and the criteria rigorous.

    1. a. see              b. know           c. ask                      d. answer

    2. a. answer          b. solution                c. question                  d. problem

    3. a. works   b. costs              c. sells                    d. buys

    4. a. guarded        b. granted                c. guided                d. guaranteed

    5. a. pay             b. send              c. receive             d. buy

    6. a. titles            b. summaries        c. names             d. prices

    7. a. original     b. first                      c. same                     d. another

    8. a. spending         b. costing                 c. taking                   d. sitting

    9. a. publicized     b. polished              c. published          d. popularized

    10. a. dozen      b. little                 c. handful                 d. couple


    the young engineer sat down on a rock and rested his head in his hands. he would never get home; it was hopeless. for weeks he had been1 in the northwest canadian forest. now there was a terrible pain behind his eyes, and worst of all, he had gone 2.

    suddenly a man appeared out of the woods, an indian who had been hunting in the area. seeing the engineer’s  3 , he caught a fish in a nearby stream and fed the sick man the  4 of the fish and some flesh from its head.  5 , within a few hours the engineer’s pain was gone. a day later he could see again, and the next day he had completely  6 .

    when he returned home, the engineer told the story to dr. price. not until years later did it become a(n)  7 fact that this was just an everyday lifeguard doing its work, for what the engineer did, by eating fish eyes, was to take his vitamin(维生素).

    vitamin a’s biggest job is to keep the eyes  8 . without a, people and animals get night blindness and other eye problems.9 a, people can even be totally blind. a helps to keep the skin in good shape. a also helps with bones and teeth and has something to do with proper   10 of blood cells.

    1.a. lose     b. lost       c. losing       d.to lose 

    2.a.blind     b.mad       c.changed      d.separated

    3.a.starvation    b.situation      c.trouble     d.reality

    4.a.tail       b.skin        c.bone        d.eyes

    5.a. possibly        b. surprisingly

     c. fortunately      d. immediately

    6.a.covered     b.discovered       c.recovered      d.uncovered

    7.a.actual      b.accepted         c.solved         d.ordinary

    8.a.rolling      b.moving         c.going          d.looking

    9.a. for        b. with           c. without       d. about

    10.a.growth        b.search        c.choice        d.size


    it was sunday and there was  1    school that day.

    “look! john, it’s snowing  2  ,” said jack. john rushed to the window and saw it was really true. different   3    other days, john got up, washed and put clothes on himself as  4   as possible. in a few minutes he stood watching the garden turn white as the snow fell.

    after the snow had stopped, johnand jack ran into the garden. they threw snowballs   5    each other. then their six-year-old neighbour, peter,   6   them. they ran, laughed and played  7    snowballs. soon they became tired of this and jack said, “why   8    make a snowman?”

    so they started to work, using a garden spade and their hands to build the body.

    when the body was finished, some stones were used for making the nose, eyes, ears and mouth. john put his hat on the snowman’s head.

    the work was   9   and the snowman stood there, the same size   10    john.

    1. a. not                       b. not a                        c. little                         d. no

    2. a. big                       b. heavily                     c. heavy                       d. hardly

    3. a. as                        b. in                             c. from                        d. like

    4. a. quick                    b. soon                        c. quickly                     d. slowly

    5. a. at                         b. on                            c. for                           d. with

    6. a. took part in           b. joined in                   c. attended                   d joined

    7. a. with                         b. the                           c. of                            d. on

    8. a. don’t                    b. won’t                       c. not                          d. not to

    9. a. off                       b. up                            c. end                          d. over

    10. a. like                     b. as                            c. of                            d. for



    susan cleveland is the young president of a candy company in the city of chicago. her father began the company in the 1960's. he died three years ago. now, the company belongs to susan.

    susan,  1 , did not have any jobs before becoming head of the company. she just finished the college.

    the employees(雇员) became  2 ” what does a “short leash” mean? a leash is a kind of rope. we use a leash  9 our pet dogs. the leash keeps the dog from 10 away  11getting into trouble.concerned during susan's first months  3 the job. mr. cleveland had been a  4 leader. but susan permitted  5 employees to make their own  6 . one employee said, “old mr. cleveland  7 told us what to do. he kept people on a short leash.  8 the company did well.

    keeping a person on a short leash means keeping him or her 12 close control. the person can't make many decisions for himself or herself. ms cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash. 13 , she encourages them to get  14 ways to do business. for example, her secretary proposed(建议) an idea. she said the company should15 asum of money as a prize to the best student in the high school16the factory. the winner could use the prize money to study at a university. ms cleveland  17 the idea. after the prize was announced,  18 who lived in the area of the factory began to buy  19 of the company's candy. local newspapers wrote about the competition. business  20 .

    ms cleveland made her secretary the company's first director of public relations. the former secretary was very pleased.

    1. a. but            b. yet               c. so           d. however

    2. a. so little         b. even less        c. even more     d. no more

    3. a. on             b. in                c. for            d. at

    4. a. weak          b. strong            c. kind           d. clever

    5. a. no             b. a few           c. few            d. many

    6. a. products       b. candy             c. decisions      d. plans

    7. a. never          b. always            c. seldom        d. did

    8. a. although       b. because         c. otherwise     d. but

    9. a. to walk         b. to use           c. to frighten     d. to play

    10. a. stepping       b. pulling            c. running        d. jumping

    11. a. in             b. for               c. when          d. or

    12. a. in             b. on               c. for            d. under

    13. a. still          b. yet               c. instead        d. while

    14. a. other        b. more             c. many          d. better

    15. a. save        b. offer            c. get            d. lend

    16. a. belonging to  b. far from           c. near          d. in

    17. a. studied      b. appreciated        c. refused       d. changed

    18. a. students      b. workers           c. businessmen d. people 

    19. a. some        b. little              c. more         d. less

    20. a. improved     b. failed             c. continued    d. stopped


    35、那位著名演员在剧中扮演重要角色。(play a …role)

     The famous actor played an important role in the play.

    36、他不久就要离开了,但我们还没有找到可以替代他的人。(take the place of)

     He has to leave soon, but we haven’t found anyone who can take the place of him.


    The new method will enable you to solve the difficult problem.

    38、我不喜欢他送给我的礼物,而且,它太贵了。( what’s more)

    i don’t like the gift he sent to me, and what’s more, it’s too expensive

    39、他是唯一穿着正装出席晚会的人,这使他感到很不自在。( out of place)

     he was the only person who wore a formal dress at the party, and he felt out of place.

    40、报纸影响思想潮流。( influence, current)

     Newspapers influence the current of thought.

    41、我以前从未听说过那个名字,他一定是新记者。( hear of )

    I’ve never heard of that name before, he must be a new reporter.

    42、他还没有意识到诚信的重要性。(be aware of)

     He hasn’t been aware of the importance of honesty.


    43、以Should Students Make Friends on Line? 为题,写一篇100词的短文。



