

作者: 珊大王King | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 09:12 被阅读0次


    1、mrs. white found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and() very worried.




    D.to look

    2、I don’t quite remember the key() the question though I answered it correctly.





    3、We were so late getting to the theatre that we missed most of() .

    A.the act first

    B.act one

    C.act first

    D.first act

    4、You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting,(   ) ?

    A.weren’t you

    B.didn’t you

    C.have you

    D.did you

    5、()took us several hours to clear the snows and open the road to traffic.





    6、The moon() to a large mirror which reflects the sun’s light to the earth.


    B.can compare

    C.can be compared

    D.may compare

    7、I bought a shirt because it was good in quality and() in price.





    8、Most students in this class ( ) from the countryside.





    9、Tim ( ) a great number of different places in Australia.

    A.already has visited

    B.has already visited

    C.has visited already

    D.has ever visited

    10、it’s interesting to watch so many boats() up and down the river in the morning.

    A.to come

    B.having come



    11、(), it was finished in time.

    A.As the work was difficult

    B.Difficult as the work was

    C.Difficult as was the work

    D.As was the work difficult

    12、“Where is Mary?” “She ( ) to school.”

    A.will go

    B.has been

    C.has gone


    13、His grandma() in bed for a week.


    B.has lain

    C.has laid

    D.has lied

    14、Not only() the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them.

    A.can the computer memorize

    B.the computer can memorize

    C.do the computer memorize

    D.can memorize the computer

    15、very seldom() that two clocks or watches exactly agree.

    A.you find

    B.you will find

    C.you do find

    D.do you find

    16、He called the police for help,() that the problem was more than he could deal with.

    A.to realize

    B.having been realized



    17、i got a letter from my sister,() me that she would visit us next month.




    D.to tell

    18、( ) we need more practice is quite clear.





    19、Although many young people are eager to go abroad, he prefers ( ) in his own country.

    A.stay and work

    B.stayed and worked

    C.to stay and work

    D.to be stayed and worked

    20、The doctor suggests that I should sleep with the window open() it’s very cold.





    21、As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when ( ) and see him.

    A.will you come

    B.you will come

    C.you come

    D.do you come

    22、Science has made() possible for machines to take the place of human labour.





    23、The coffee is wonderful! It doesn’t taste like anything I ( ) before.

    A.was having


    C.have ever had

    D.had ever had

    24、He said that he ( ) to the United States.

    A.had never been

    B.had never gone

    C.was never

    D.has never been

    25、Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science ( ) that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill.


    B.has shown

    C.will show

    D.is showing

    26、“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” “Oh, not at all. I( ) here only a few minutes.”

    A.have been

    B.had been


    D.will be

    27、Not until the early years of the 19th century() what heat is.

    A.man knew

    B.didn’t man know

    C.man did know

    D.did man know

    28、You’re() your time trying to persuade him. He’ll never join us.





    29、By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ( ) for London to attend a meeting.

    A.will leave


    C.will have left


    30、()he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.



    C.The fact

    D.The matter



    too much to read! it's impossible to find time to read today's top business books-and thousands are published each year. yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious-and expensive mistake. often the ideas and insights they contain are available no else. but how can you even  1   titles are worthwhile-let alone find time to read them?

    fortunately, there's a  2_ : soundview executive book summaries. it really   3_ in fact, it's 4  to work. it is ingenious and essential. every month, you  _5__ two or three quick reading, timesaving  6  of the best new business books. each contains all the key points in the    7_ book. the big difference, instead of 200 to 500 pages, the summary is only 7 pages. instead of   8__ five, ten or more hours to read, it takes just 15 minutes.

    of the thousands of business books __ 9 _ annually, only a  10__ are really worth reading. to save your time, our editorial board goes over them all eliminating 90%. our standards are high, and the criteria rigorous.

    1. a. see              b. know           c. ask                      d. answer

    2. a. answer          b. solution                c. question                  d. problem

    3. a. works   b. costs              c. sells                    d. buys

    4. a. guarded        b. granted                c. guided                d. guaranteed

    5. a. pay             b. send              c. receive             d. buy

    6. a. titles            b. summaries        c. names             d. prices

    7. a. original     b. first                      c. same                     d. another

    8. a. spending         b. costing                 c. taking                   d. sitting

    9. a. publicized     b. polished              c. published          d. popularized

    10. a. dozen      b. little                 c. handful                 d. couple


    mr. gray traveled a lot on business. he sold machines of various kinds to farmers, which he thought not really a very exciting job, but mr. gray had always been interested in _  1  , and he was quite satisfied with his life.

    he had a big car, and usually enjoyed driving it long distances, but he was also quite   2   to go by train sometimes too — especially when the weather was bad.he was a little frightened of driving in the rain or snow, and it was   3   tiring to sit comfortably in a train and look out of the windows without being worried about how one was going to get to the next place.

    one of mr. gray's problem was where to stay when he reached some small   4   in the country.he did not expect comfort and wonderful food, but he found it annoying(恼火的)when he was given a cool room, and when there was no hot water  5   good food after a long and tiring day.

    late one winter evening, mr. gray arrived at a small railway station.the journey by train that day had not been at all interesting, and mr. gray was cold and tired and  6 .he was looking forward to a simple but satisfying meal by a brightly burning _7  , and then a hot bath and a comfortable bed.

    while he was walking to the taxi stand, he said to a local man who was also walking there,“as this is my   8   visit to this part of the country and i was in too much of a hurry to find out about hotels before i left home, i would very much like to know how many you have here.”

    the local man answered,“we have two.”

    “and which of the two would you   9   me to go to?”mr. gray asked then.

    the local man scratched(搔)his head for a few moments and then answered,“well, it’s like this,  10  one you go to, you’ll be sorry you didn’t go to the other.”

    1. a. farming       b. gardening     c. travelling           d. driving

    2. a. satisfied      b. tired          c. excited             d. encouraged

    3. a. more         b. less          c. much              d. so

    4. a. room         b. restaurant     c. hotel              d. place

    5. a. or            b. and          c. but            d. nor

    6. a. cross         b. thirsty        c. sleepy         d. hungry

    7. a. fire           b. candle        c. oil            d. light

    8. a. last           b. best          c. first          d. only

    9. a. want         b. advise         c. allow         d. permit

    10. a. whichever     b. whatever      c. any          d. each


    day after day, a small blue truck speeds along the streets of funen. a dog sits besides the driver, looking at him as if listening to his orders. whenever the truck goes by, the people of funen turn and stare, some in   1   , others in admiration, for on its sides are printed the words tracker dog and a telephone number.

    yes, the passenger in the blue truck is a dog that is used to find lost things or follow the   2   of persons and animals. within seven years, the dog and his owner   anderson have found lost things   3   nearly $ 400,000, among which are watches, jewelry, money, cows, pigs, and   4   dogs. of course, the secret of the dog is his sensitive nose.

    each year the dog and anderson   5   700 calls for help. four out of five times they find what they are   6  to look for. whenever the phone rings in andersons’ house, the dog is immediately excited. he quickly runs to the truck,  7   to be off in search of the lost.

    8  the way, anderson repeats the names of what they are looking for. so by the time they arrive, the dog is   9   to get to work. he circles here and there until he picks up the smell of an object in a place   10   it doesn’t belong.

    1. a. wonder         b. anger         c. row           d. fear

    2. a. advice          b. rules          c. tracks        d. feet

    3. a. valuable        b. rather than     c. worth         d. like

    4. a. wild            b. even like       c. lovely         d. other

    5. a. make           b. pay           c. answer       d. refuse

    6. a. permitted       b. asked         c. guided        d. willing

    7. a. eager          b. afraid          c. nervous       d. ought

    8. a. by             b. in             c. on           d. asking

    9. a. pleasant        b. ready         c. used          d. ordered

    10. a. which          b. that           c. where         d. when



    susan cleveland is the young president of a candy company in the city of chicago. her father began the company in the 1960's. he died three years ago. now, the company belongs to susan.

    susan,  1 , did not have any jobs before becoming head of the company. she just finished the college.

    the employees(雇员) became  2 ” what does a “short leash” mean? a leash is a kind of rope. we use a leash  9 our pet dogs. the leash keeps the dog from 10 away  11getting into trouble.concerned during susan's first months  3 the job. mr. cleveland had been a  4 leader. but susan permitted  5 employees to make their own  6 . one employee said, “old mr. cleveland  7 told us what to do. he kept people on a short leash.  8 the company did well.

    keeping a person on a short leash means keeping him or her 12 close control. the person can't make many decisions for himself or herself. ms cleveland does not keep her workers on a short leash. 13 , she encourages them to get  14 ways to do business. for example, her secretary proposed(建议) an idea. she said the company should15 asum of money as a prize to the best student in the high school16the factory. the winner could use the prize money to study at a university. ms cleveland  17 the idea. after the prize was announced,  18 who lived in the area of the factory began to buy  19 of the company's candy. local newspapers wrote about the competition. business  20 .

    ms cleveland made her secretary the company's first director of public relations. the former secretary was very pleased.

    1. a. but            b. yet               c. so           d. however

    2. a. so little         b. even less        c. even more     d. no more

    3. a. on             b. in                c. for            d. at

    4. a. weak          b. strong            c. kind           d. clever

    5. a. no             b. a few           c. few            d. many

    6. a. products       b. candy             c. decisions      d. plans

    7. a. never          b. always            c. seldom        d. did

    8. a. although       b. because         c. otherwise     d. but

    9. a. to walk         b. to use           c. to frighten     d. to play

    10. a. stepping       b. pulling            c. running        d. jumping

    11. a. in             b. for               c. when          d. or

    12. a. in             b. on               c. for            d. under

    13. a. still          b. yet               c. instead        d. while

    14. a. other        b. more             c. many          d. better

    15. a. save        b. offer            c. get            d. lend

    16. a. belonging to  b. far from           c. near          d. in

    17. a. studied      b. appreciated        c. refused       d. changed

    18. a. students      b. workers           c. businessmen d. people 

    19. a. some        b. little              c. more         d. less

    20. a. improved     b. failed             c. continued    d. stopped


    35、学校在民主的基础上运行,所有的员工都参与决策。(democratic, be involved in)

    the school is run on democratic lines, and all the staff is involved in making decisions.

    36、这位电影明星拒绝就他的私生活发表任何评论。(comment on)

     The film star refused to comment on the rumors(谣言) of his private life.

    37、 那个经理亲自调查产品的质量问题。(in person)

    The manager looked into the quality problems in person.


    eating habit varies from place to place.


     Getting that new job has completely transformed her.

    40、他过去只关心自己的家庭,可现在情况却大不相同了。(care about)

     He used to care only about his own family, but has greatly changed now.

    41、他父亲只在周末的时候才准他看小说。(allow sb. to do sth.)

     His father only allows him to read novels on weekends.

    42、大致看来,他的计划是成功的。(in general)

    In general, his plan is successful.



    按上述方法写一篇以“My Bedroom”为题的小短文。

    my bedroom


       i have a bedroom of my own. it is not very big, but it looks beautiful and is comfortable. the window is opposite the door. the door’s color is like wood. near the door, there is a big white desk. a blue lamp is on the desk. my bed is behind the desk. it is so lovely. there is a clothes closet on the right of the bed. a pink teddy bear is on it. you can see the curtain in my bedroom. there’re some pretty flowers on it. that’s my bedroom. do you like it?



