

作者: 珊大王King | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 09:11 被阅读0次


    1、The policeman saw the thief (   )he appeared on the street corner.

    A.not until

    B.as long as

    C.the moment

    D.only if

    2、He won’t() to bring me my umbrella unless I tell him again.





    3、“Where do you live?”

    “I live (     )    550 Dalian Road.”

    A. on                        B. at                            C. to                            D. for

    4、Although she was frightened, she answered with a() voice.





    5、Her parents objected to() that farmer, though he has a lot of money.

    A.her marrying



    D.her marrying with

    6、(   ) to find the proper job, he decided to give up job-hunting in this city.


    B.Being failed

    C.To fail

    D.Having failed

    7、 It is required that anyone applying for a driver’s license _____ a set of tests.




    D.will take

    8、You can take as many as you like because they are free of() .





    9、English teachers are() needed in remote areas.





    10、Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar() write correctly.

    A.can you

    B.will you

    C.you can

    D.can’t you

    11、There are usually at least two() of looking at every question.





    12、My boss said that he was badly (      ) need of my assistance.





    13、Tom (   ) the party as no one saw him there yesterday evening.

    A.can’t attend

    B.mustn’t attend

    C.won’t have attended

    D.couldn’t have attended

    14、()no need to take any kind of vitamin pills if we eat well and properly.

    A.It is


    C.There has

    D.There is

    15、i don’t think() possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.





    16、“What do you think of the cake?”   “It’s nice. I’d like to have().”

    A.some other




    17、The number of the teachers in our college() greatly increased this term.





    18、“Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need() to read through it.”

    A.other three minutes

    B.another three minutes

    C.three other minutes

    D.more three minutes

    19、We don’t deny that your products are superior in quality to (   ) of Japanese make.

    A.the one




    20、I’d love to join you() I have to drive my son to his football game.





    21、Don’t be too() about things you are not supposed to know.





    22、What() after you finish your study in college?

    A.do you do

    B.are you going to do

    C.are you doing

    D.will you have done

    23、I like spring. I hope good weather will() .

    A.go on




    24、The reason why the car was stopped was().

    A.that the road was slippery

    B.due to the slippery road

    C.because the road was slippery

    D.because of the slippery road

    25、You can not see the doctor() you have made an appointment with him.





    26、By the end of this year Mr. Smith (    ) in our company for exactly three years.

    A.is working

    B.has worked

    C.will work

    D.will have worked

    27、In today’s newspaper, it() that there will be strong wind this afternoon.





    28、When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was().





    29、(), the more you are aware of content and meaning.

    A.The more words you are familiar to

    B.The more words you are familiar with

    C.You are familiar to more words

    D.You are familiar with more words

    30、(        ) tired of Tom’s all-talk-no-action, Julia decided to do the job all by herself.

    A.To get

    B.To have got


    D.Have got



    marketing consists of advertising and promoting your product or service in order to sell it. your business produces goods and services. marketing is what lets __1___ customers know that they are available for sale. sales, advertising, and public relations are each essential ___2___ of marketing and each require specialized skills and expertise. while a small business may have only one person performing all these functions under the marketing umbrella, knowledge of each area is important to develop a ___3___ effort.

    a focus ___4____ what the customer wants and needs is essential __5____ successful marketing efforts. this customer-orientation should go hand-in-hand with the company’s objectives of maintaining a __6____ volume of sales. marketing is a creative process combining all the activities needed to __7___ both of these objectives.

    the process of marketing begins __8____ discovering what product customers want to buy. providing the features and quality customers want is a/an ___9____ first step in marketing. you will be facing an uphill battle if you provide something you want to produce and then try to ___10_____ someone to buy it.

    1. a. future          b. potential     c. invisible       d. visible

    2. a. components     b. elements     c. features       d. factors

    3. a. focusing        b. focused      c. fixed         d. fixing

    4. a. to             b. on           c. at           d. in

    5. a. on            b. at           c. to           d. in

    6. a. profit          b. profitable    c. many        d. much

    7. a. reach          b. get to       c. accomplish    d. achieve

    8. a. with           b. in          c. at           d. by

    9. a. critical         b. important    c. significant     d. necessary

    10. a. ask            b. advise       c. persuade      d. convince


     andy loved the idea. mary arthur   1   it. kurt mendez didn’t think it was any big deal. mr. el thought it was a brilliant idea. after all, it was   2   idea.

    “it’s only fair, ” mr. el explained to his new fourth graders as they stood in line waiting for the lunch bell   3   , “that we turn things around. every year you guys line up in alphabetical order. alphabetical order to go to lunch, to go to gym, to go home, and so on. this year we’re using reverse alphabetical order.”

    mindy vale put her hand down as mr. el pointed   4   her. “i’ve always had to stand at the back of the line, ever since kindergarten! now i’m near the   5  . thank you, thank you!”

    the teacher smiled.   6  , he called on christopher cash, a serious and thoughtful young man. “mr. el, i think you should   7   this policy. this is very drastic and unnecessary. this could confuse our fragile young minds!”

    “put a lid on it, chris!” shouted david tyler.

    “we won’t have any outbursts like that, david! ” mr. el said firmly. he turned   8   christopher. “don’t   9  , christopher. we only have strong minds in this class.”

    “how many of you think this is a good idea?” mr. el asked. as you would probably   50  , most of the hands that went up were in the latter half of the line.

    1. a hated       b liked        c heard        d needed

    2. a no         b that         c his          d her

    3. a ring        b to ring       c ringing       d rung

    4. a out         b for          c in          d to

    5. a last         b front        c bottom       d forward

    6. a. so         b. therefore        c. then       d. after

    7. a reconsider       b carry         c think       d make

    8. a at          b in          c toward         d down

    9. a move        b worry        c scream         d speak

    10.a expect        b doubt         c forget        d review


    too much to read! it's impossible to find time to read today's top business books-and thousands are published each year. yet not keeping up with those books could be a serious-and expensive mistake. often the ideas and insights they contain are available no else. but how can you even  1   titles are worthwhile-let alone find time to read them?

    fortunately, there's a  2_ : soundview executive book summaries. it really   3_ in fact, it's 4  to work. it is ingenious and essential. every month, you  _5__ two or three quick reading, timesaving  6  of the best new business books. each contains all the key points in the    7_ book. the big difference, instead of 200 to 500 pages, the summary is only 7 pages. instead of   8__ five, ten or more hours to read, it takes just 15 minutes.

    of the thousands of business books __ 9 _ annually, only a  10__ are really worth reading. to save your time, our editorial board goes over them all eliminating 90%. our standards are high, and the criteria rigorous.

    1. a. see              b. know           c. ask                      d. answer

    2. a. answer          b. solution                c. question                  d. problem

    3. a. works   b. costs              c. sells                    d. buys

    4. a. guarded        b. granted                c. guided                d. guaranteed

    5. a. pay             b. send              c. receive             d. buy

    6. a. titles            b. summaries        c. names             d. prices

    7. a. original     b. first                      c. same                     d. another

    8. a. spending         b. costing                 c. taking                   d. sitting

    9. a. publicized     b. polished              c. published          d. popularized

    10. a. dozen      b. little                 c. handful                 d. couple



    governments,media and people around the world have become very worried about something called sudan i (苏丹红1号). this chemical dye,_1_ in many food products, was said to _2_ cancer. newspapers told everyone to be careful and governments pulled this product off supermarket _3_.

        sudan i is a red dye used for _4_ oils, waxes, petrol, shoe and floor polishes(上光剂). scientists have found if used in food, it can _5_ an increased risk of cancer.

        on march 4, beijing’s food safety office said that it found the cancer-causing dye in meiweiyuan chili(红辣椒)sauce in the city. now the _6_, famous us food company heinz, has recalled its chili sauces and chili oils sold in china.

        this follows news of food companies, including mcdonald’s, _7_ some products in britain after finding the dye in them.

        france was the first to _8_ the chemical dye in 2003. since then , foods _9_ sudan i have been banned in the european union.

        _10_ experts say that people who have eaten any of the products should not _11_ too much. the cancer risk from sudan i is very _12_, as only tiny amounts of it are used in foods.

        sudan i was banned from food products because experiments on rats _13_ that it could cause serious tumors(肿瘤).

        but, alan boobies, an expert in london, says there is little _14_ for the public to worry. he said that the levels fed to the rats were in much, much bigger amounts _15_their body size. the amounts in food products eaten by humans are _16_.

        the rats that got tumors were given 30 milligrams of sudan i per kilogram of body weight, every day for two years. animals given half the amount showed no _17_ of cancer.

    the tumors only _18_ in the rats after many months. for humans, this means that if the dye were to have any _19_, it would take around 20 years. professor boobis gives a _20_.”it’s just like the cancer risk linked with smoking just one cigarette in a lifetime,” he said.

    1. a. stuck                       b. stored                     c. found               d. offered

    2. a. produce                         b. cause                     c. make               d. give

    3. a. shelves                b. cases                c. storage            d. tables

    4. a. gluing                        b. gathering                c. coloring        d. conducting

    5. a. allow for                  b. adjust to                 c. call for             d. contribute to

    6. a. seller                         b. producer                 c. customer     d. farmer

    7. a. breaking up            b. putting out        c. pulling away    d. taking back

    8. a. reject                         b. invent                         c. notice                     d. produce

    9. a. causing                   b. including                 c. containing              d. using

    10. a. but                           b. also                        c. then               d. so

    11. a. complain                  b. disagree                 c. worry               d. blame

    12. a. high                         b. low                          c. common       d. rare

    13. a. guided                         b. guaranteed             c. rated               d. showed

    14. a. concern                     b. reason                 c. cause                  d. right

    15. a. compared to            b. regardless of          c. used to            d. in spite of

    16. a. none                        b. larger             c. tiny                  d. more

    17. a. signals                      b. marks                         c. symbols           d. signs

    18. a. produced              b. developed                 c. made               d. created

    19. a. effect                       b. cause                         c. harm               d. change

    20. a. connection            b. perception                  c. recognition      d. comparison


    35、这位电影明星拒绝就他的私生活发表任何评论。(comment on)

     The film star refused to comment on the rumors(谣言) of his private life.

    36、那个经理亲自调查产品的质量问题。(in person)

    The manager looked into the quality problems in person.

    37、 据说这位老人是镇上最富有的人。(it is said)

    10.It is said that the old man is the richest one in the town.

    38、这个国家的经济在很大程度上依赖于它的旅游业。(depend on)

    The economy of this country depends heavily on its tourist trade.

    39、你无权用别人的生命来冒险。(take risks)

    You have no right to take risks with other people’s lives.

    40、他过去只关心自己的家庭,可现在情况却大不相同了。(care about)

    He used to care only about his own family, but has greatly changed now.


     she claimed she hadn’t done it , but i didn’t believed her.


     both of us are likely to benefit from this cooperation.








      All teachers are requested to meet in the college conference room on Saturday, January 7, at 2:00 p.m. to discuss questions concerning Spring Festival vacations.



