Among all the characters in The Big Bang Theory, the famo...
从2012年开始看美剧,到现在快七年,看过各种类型的美剧,所以想写一下自己和美剧的故事。 入坑的第一部美剧是...
Big Bang Theory may be in its final season, but its stars...
Feli revently i have been watching the big bang theory,wh...
Brief of The Big Bang Theory Season 1: Penny showed up. S...
The Big Bang Theory leads take pay cut so female cast mem...
昨晚微博上看了Sheldon and Amy's wedding, 很感动,今天,又看了Howard 给 Bern...
1. Universe Galaxies 星系 Big Bang theory 大爆炸理论 Hot and in...
Scene: A corridor at a sperm bank.Sheldon: So if a photon...
本文标题:《The big bang theory》S1E3