Area #2, as of 31 October 2023, there are 30 days of delay in critical path of the Project. the major delay comes from civil works of internal road, WTG foundation and its hardstands for WA223-WA232. As per the Overall Layout of Wind Farm (refer to Annex-6), it’s obvious that the road of WA206-WA213 is the only access to WA223- WA232. Due to Biodiversity Survey, WA206-WA213 and its internal roadsuspension from29 July2023 till 27 September2023, overlapping with the complicatedand steep geological condition of WA223-WA232 and heavy rainy season, withoutgood condition for road WA206-WA213, the EPC Parties even could not transportequipment/ fuel neither manpower into the deep forest of this area to continuethe road and foundation works for WA223-WA232.Following the analysis of resource efficiency at site, the EPC Parties shall assign additional resources to accelerate the progress of the road works for internal roads for WA223 ~ WA232 which are expected to be completed before 29 February 2024 and these WTG foundation and hardstands are planned to be completed before 7 July and 18 August 2024 respectively. The required additional resources are attached as Annex-3.1 and Annex-3.2。