
作者: 柳风 | 来源:发表于2023-11-07 22:34 被阅读0次

take photos

take photos

brush your teeth brush your teeth

take a shower

take a shower

sweep the floor

mop the floor

close the door

open the door

drink water

play basketball play football

play the piano

play the guitar

have breakfast

have lunch

have dinner

go to school  go to work

go picnic

I read books

I drink water

I drink water happily in the classroom every day

the future is promising

never can we give up

where there is a will.there is a way

I'm very happy

over the moon

I think

personally speaking

put down

flip over

turn around

spin around

roll up

stand up

push over

put away

take out

roll away

smooth out

tear up

cut up

blow away

gather together

roll out

line up

pick up


good evening

good night

I miss you

it's Upsttt

Will you be my wife


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