

作者: 衡山 | 来源:发表于2020-07-05 20:40 被阅读0次

4月2日 · 3 分钟阅读



The images shown are verified parts of earlier versions that will form the original bitcoin website. You will no longer see any associated links.

当您遇到指向我在Bitcointalk上的最后一篇帖子的链接时,所看到的似乎无害。对于不经意的观察者来说,它似乎是指向我发表的帖子的链接,但是,假定的作者从未发表过。我可以说,换句话说,比特币的创造者没有上任,因为中本聪没有。您会看到,原始论坛是作为bitcoin.org网站的子站点创建的。它不是一个单独的域。查看我在说什么并不难。Wayback Machine并不完美,距离它还很远,可以玩游戏,但是第一次检查Bitcointalk域是在2011年7月(https://web.archive.org/web/*/https:/ /bitcointalk.org/)。当时,该网站尚未创建(https://web.archive.org/web/20110710034118/https://bitcointalk.org/https://web.archive.org/web/20110710034118/https://bitcointalk.org)。您将注意到此后不久该论坛看起来很熟悉。

When you come across a link to my last post on Bitcointalk, what you see seems harmless. To casual observers, it might seem like a link to my post, but the supposed author has never published it. I can say, in other words, that the bitcoin creator didn't take over, because Satoshi Nakamoto didn't. As you'll see, the original forum was created as a sub site of the bitcoin.org . It's not a separate domain. It's not hard to see what I'm talking about. The Wayback Machine isn't perfect, it's far enough away to play games, but the first time it checked the Bitcointalk domain was in July 2011(Bitcointalk.org/)。当时,该网站尚未创建(https://web.archive.org/web/20110710034118/https://Bitcointalk.org/; https://web.archive.org/web/20110710034118/https://Bitcointalk.org)。您将注意到此后不久该论坛看起来很熟悉。) .

人们无法理解的是,Bitcointalk仅在2011年中期进行了注册:https://www.whois.com/whois/bitcointalk.org 。

What people don't understand is that Bitcointalk was only registered in mid 2011: www.whois.com/whois/Bitcointalk.org 。 .


The funny thing is no one's talking about it. Well, I guess it's not that interesting to them. A lot of people remember the original site. Again, most of the same people don't want my version of Bitcoin and think they can do better. If you do the right research, you'll find that bitcoin.org has a forum linked to SourceForge, as well as a forum within the system that runs the site. It doesn't run on a separate server outside of bitcoin.org . This is important because the accounts on Bitcointalk don't belong to Satoshi.

在创建Bitcointalk之前,我已经停止发布消息了。该数据库已被部分使用。新用户于2011年5月5日注册,并提供了帮助。新用户背后的人叫格雷戈里·麦克斯韦(Gregory Maxwell)。






