Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits.
Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. (Albert Einstein)
1. Bruce said the rags-to-riches tale of the Chinese billionaire came as no surprise to him, as he knew from the very beginning that the charismatic teenager was unlike his peers. (2017/6/22 CGTN) [1]
© 马云与布鲁斯·西伦.jpg据中国环球电视网 (CGTN) 报道,马云最近在底特律出席美国中小企业论坛时,与布鲁斯·西伦 (Bruce Thelen) 重逢,上演“老友记”。原来,37年前那个夏天,16岁的马云为了练口语,曾在杭州为布鲁斯担任过义务导游,两人自此结下友谊。
回到原句中,"the rags-to-riches tale" 所对应的就是这样一个“白手起家的故事”。其中,rags指“破旧衣服”,突出“穷”,riches 为“财富,财宝”之义,强调“富”,然后就有了上面这个形容词以及 from rags to riches(从一贫如洗到家财万贯)这个词组。
a rags-to-riches story is about someone who becomes very rich after starting life very poor [2]
(1) It was the old rags-to-riches fantasy.[3]
(2) He likes to tell people of his rise from rags to riches. [4]
(3) Many people are daydreaming about rising from rags to riches and could probably end up a loser.
(4) Inspiring as Jack Ma's rags-to-riches tale is, we are not him and we do not really know him well, so we cannot follow in his steps.
2. The assault comes on the heels of an attack at London Bridge, in which three men rammed a van into pedestrians and went on a stabbing spree at nearby bars and restaurants, killing eight people. (2017/6/20 CNN) [5]
© 伦敦芬斯伯里公园恐袭事件经过.png6月19日凌晨,在伦敦北部芬斯伯里公园清真寺附近,一辆货车撞向行人,目前已造成1人死亡,10人受伤,与6月3日晚发生的伦敦大桥货车恐袭仅相隔半月,恐袭事件的集中程度可见一斑。
正因为如此,美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 在报道时并未用 follow,而是采用 come on the heels of 这一词组,表达“紧随其后,接踵而至”的意思。
(hard/hot/close/) on the heels of:
following close behind someone or something [6]
(1) TV camera teams arrived hot on the heels of the police. [7]
(2) Her remarks came **hard on the heels of **a statement by the President. [8]
(3) Gaokao, university entrance examinations, China's equivalent of America's SAT, came on the heels of the Dragon Boat Festival this year.
(4) A row between Cainiao, e-commerce giant Alibaba's logistics affiliate, and Shunfeng Express came hard on the heels of the Children's Day.
3. The recent discovery of around 400 people living underneath an upscale Beijing apartment complex has shone fresh light on the Chinese capital's housing crunch. (2017/6/20 BBC ) [9]
© 北京惊现能容纳400号人的地下室.jpg这条新闻出自英国广播公司 (BBC) 中国专栏,说北京一高档公寓楼地下室住了400人,更新了人们对首都住房短缺问题的看法。
- shine frsh light on
- housing crunch
cast (new/fresh/) light on something:
to provide information that helps people understand something more clearly [10]
shine (或cast) frsh light on 可理解为“提供信息,从而使某人对某事有更清晰的认识”。
crunch: shortage
<an energy crunch> [11]
housing crunch,即“住房短缺” (housing shortage),类似的表达还有:a lack of housing 或 a shortage of housing等。
(1) Human genome research is casting new light on Alzheimer’s disease. [12]
(2) The neutron observations may help cast new light on solar flares and solar activity. [13]
(3) Research government policies may help** cast new light on** the stock market.
(4) Google’s AI AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, the world’s number one Go player, which has cast fresh light on how scary self-learning AI is.
4. "In today's troubled times, Auschwitz is a great lesson that everything must be done to defend the safety and the lives of citizens," Ms Szydlo said.
The remarks were interpreted as defending her nationalist government's migrant policy.
But a government spokesman said they had been taken out of context. (2017/6/15 BBC) [14]
© 波兰女总理在奥斯威辛演讲.jpg新闻中提到,今年6月正值首批犯人运往奥斯威辛-比克瑙纳粹集中营77周年,波兰总理贝娅塔·希德沃 (Beata Szydlo) 在仪式上发表演讲,却遭政敌指责是在为拒绝接收难民的移民政策辩护。随后,政府发言人回应称总理讲话被断章取义。
... they (the remarks) had been taken out of context.
(1) The papers took my remarks completely out of context. [15]
(2) The production is deliberately styleless, and this takes the play out of its historical context. [16]
(3) Foreign media often take Chinese leaders' statements out of context.
(4) Celebrities' remarks can be easily taken**** out of context by paparazzi.
5. Anwar Gargash, UAE's minister of foreign affairs, said Qatar's diplomatic isolation could "last years".
"We do not want to escalate, we want to isolate," Gargash told journalists during a visit to Paris. (2017/6/19 Al Jazeera) [17]
© 阿联酋外长:我们要孤立卡塔尔.jpg6月19日,阿联酋外长安瓦尔·加尔贾什 (Anwar Gargash) 访问巴黎期间对媒体记者表示,与卡塔尔断交是为了孤立卡塔尔,从而迫使其与恐怖主义划清界限。
"We do not want to escalate, we want to isolate,"...
从修辞角度来看,escalate 与 isolate 尾音均为 [-leɪt],构成尾韵,不仅读起来朗朗上口,还加强了句子的语气。这也说明,要想完全读懂英语新闻,你得会点修辞才行。
(1) Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (by Robert Frost)
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
(2) Every mayor and city council of a sleepy hamlet would love to figure out the formula for urban resurrection, even if it's a risky, costly proposition. (2016/7/27 CNN) [18]
(3) I consider my upcoming resignation to be an evolution, a big transition which is going to be painful.
(4) Qatar sees no justificaton for its continuing political isolation, though the Saudi-led bloc has claimed it is due to the Gulf state's support of terrorism.
小 结
1. 白手起家,从一贫如洗到家财万贯
Bruce said the rags-to-riches tale of the Chinese billionaire came as no surprise to him, as he knew from the very beginning that the charismatic teenager was unlike his peers.
2. 接踵而至
The assault comes on the heels of an attack at London Bridge, in which three men rammed a van into pedestrians and went on a stabbing spree at nearby bars and restaurants, killing eight people.
3. 使某人对某事有更清晰的认识;住房短缺
The recent discovery of around 400 people living underneath an upscale Beijing apartment complex has shone fresh light on the Chinese capital's housing crunch.
4. 断章取义
But a government spokesman said they had been taken out of context.
5. 尾韵:升级 vs 孤立
"We do not want to escalate, we want to isolate," Gargash told journalists during a visit to Paris.
[1] CGTN: Why did a US lawyer insist on meeting Jack Ma in Detroit?
[2] 《朗文当代高级英语辞典 (英英--英汉双解) 》(第5版)
[4]《朗文当代高级英语辞典 (英英--英汉双解) 》(第5版)
[5] CNN: London mosque attack suspect named, according to media outlets
[6] Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (Second Edition)
[7] Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (Second Edition)
[8] Macmillan English Dictionary 2nd Edition
[9] BBC: Subterranean home for 400 found in Beijing basement
[10] Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (Second Edition)
[11] Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th Edition)
[12] Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (Second Edition)
[13] British National Corpus (BYU-BNC)
[14] BBC: Polish PM Beata Szydlo criticised for Auschwitz speech
[15] Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (Third Edition)
[16] Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (Third Edition)
[17] Al Jazeera: UAE minister says Qatar's blockade could 'last years'
[18] CNN: Could Pokemon Go save a city's economy?