手残党误删文件后的觉悟What? Where the hell is my article half finished which I would like to post on Jianshu at the end of the day? Well, this is not the first time I find in panic that I have mistakenly deleted something important to me.
A sudden lost of something is a refreshment forced onto me. It makes me frustrated at the very beginning, and then I accept the fact that it is no longer with me. I establish a new page and write again, getting myself concentrated until what's been lost remains no longer a big deal for me. The quick and effective cure to a mind mourning for something gone is focusing on something more important and get started anew. If what's in front of you is dark, turn your head and look at something else bright, letting sunshine into your eyes again.
The reason behind my deleting something by mistake is that I keep clicking the document frequently and absent mindedly and touch the wrong button. So I'd better make backups of the documents useful, so I have somewhere to look for them when the same mistake is made again. And it is a lesson telling me that it is better to stop for a while and come back with a mind refreshed to pick it up again. Or a deleting of something by mistake when you are numb and exhausted may waste you more time and energy since it makes you have to start from zero.