I found an article that is helpful, and copied a paragraph as follows:
If there’s only one thing I could teach someone before they started learning to program, I’d teach them how to be consistent.
Successful self-taught developers don’t have any special abilities that others don’t possess.
What they do have are the habits, routines, and/or life circumstances that allow them to consistently apply effort towards their studies.
I believe the hardest part of teaching yourself programming isn’t the difficulty of the material but rather setting up your life in a way that allows you to consistently chip away at your goal.
Existing habits are hard to break. Expectations of the people around you are hard to manage. These factors are often overlooked.
The key difference between someone who has successfully taught themselves programming and someone who has failed is that one person stopped before the job was done and the other person didn’t. It’s that simple.
A slow learner who shows up consistently will always outperform a fast learner who quits early.
Regardless of who you are, learning to program is a large undertaking that requires a sizable commitment of time. Until we discover a way to upload memories into our brains, the only reliable way we can make it through this large pile of hours is through consistency.
Shortcuts and hacks don’t work. It’s not possible to become proficient at programming by drinking a case of Red Bull and studying for 3 days straight.
Just like eating an elephant, learning programming can only be done one bite at a time.