

作者: 37625 | 来源:发表于2019-10-30 21:43 被阅读0次

One day late in spring,Grandpa planted a seed.

In summer, turnip leaves sprouted. The turnip grew and grew.

Grandpa grabbed leaves and pulled. The giant turnip didn't budge.

Grandma walked by.

"You need help!" she said.

Grandma grabbed grandpa and pulled.

The giant turnip didn't budge.

Granddaughter walked by.

"You need help!" She said.

Granddaughter grabbed grandma and pulled.

The giant turnip didn't budge.

Dog walked by.

"You need help!" he said.

Dog grabbed granddaughter and pulled.

The giant turnip didn't budge.

Cat walked by.

"You need help!" She said.

Cat grabbed dog and pulled.

The giant turnip didn't budge.

Mouse walked by.

"You need help!" he said.

Mouse grabbed cat and pulled.

The giant turnip budged.

Then it burst forth from the ground.

Grandpa, grandma, granddaughter, dog, cat and mouse fell backward in a heap. Before them lay the biggest turnip they had ever set eyes on.

From then on, they had turnip for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


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