
作者: 夏小伙 | 来源:发表于2019-10-01 19:23 被阅读0次

      In China,there was a famous  calligrapher and painter.His name was Qi Bai Shi.When he was young,he liked the shrimps.So every day,he went to the river and looked at the cute shrimps.When Qi Bai Shi grew up,he painted the shrimps,they were very nice!The shrimps looked alive,they were swimming or fighting or playing.How amazing!

      And Qi Bai Shi had a famous picture named “Black shrimps”.There were many shrimps in this picture.These shrimps were playing with each other.These shrimps only had eight legs,not ten legs.So it looked special. That’s why Qi Bai Shi was so famous

      I like Qi Bai Shi’s pictures,and I also want to be a famous painter like Qi Bai Shi!


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