The Platinum-Blond Man读书笔记

The Platinum-Blond Man读书笔记

作者: 吉米妈妈 | 来源:发表于2018-01-07 23:27 被阅读0次


    foul:/ faʊl  ; faul  /in a very bad temper and likely to get angry BrE 情绪不好/脾气暴躁 【英】


    tightrope n. [C] / 'taɪt-rəʊp  ; ˋtaɪt͵rop  /钢丝 tightrope walker走钢丝者

    tight:tight clothes fit your body very closely, especially in a way that is uncomfortable


    peroxide n. [U] / pə'rɒksaɪd  ; pəˋrɑksaɪd  /过氧化氢〔用于漂染头发或杀菌〕her waist-length peroxide blonde hair (= hair made light yellow using peroxide )


    brainy:adj. / ˈbreɪni  ; ˋbrenɪ  /able to learn easily and think quickly AmE 聪明的,多智的,敏锐的 【美】

    violet n. / 'vaɪəlɪt  'vaɪələt  ; ˋvaɪəlɪt  /1[C] a plant with small dark purple flowers, or sometimes white or yellow ones 紫罗兰;2[U] a bluish-purple colour 蓝紫色,紫罗兰色

    tonic:[C] a liquid that you put on your hair or skin to improve it and make it more healthy 护发液;护肤液

    vigorous adj. / 'vɪɡərəs  ; ˋvɪgərəs  /using a lot of energy and strength or determination 强有力的;积极的

    masculine adj. / 'mæskjʊlɪn  'mæskjʊlən  'mæskjəlɪn  'mæskjələn  ; ˋmæskjəlɪn  /having qualities considered to be typical of men or of what men do 属于男性的;男人做的;男子气概的

    grunt / ɡrʌnt  ; grʌnt  /a short low sound that a person or animal makes in their throat 呼噜声,嘟哝声,咕哝声

    tip:[T always + adv/prep] to pour something from one place or container into another 倾倒,倒出



    hunk:一大片,一大块[+ of ]a hunk of bread

    smother:v. [T] / 'smʌðə  ; ˋsmʌðɚ  /to completely cover the whole surface of something with something else, often in a way that seems unnecessary or unpleasant 完全覆盖,厚厚地覆盖smother sth with/in sth: noodles smothered in garlic sauce

    immerdiately:able to be seen or understood very easily 能轻易看见的;很容易理解的


    slap:1[T] to hit someone with the flat part of your hand 用巴掌打,掴;2[T always + adv/prep] to put something down on a surface with force, especially when you are angry 〔尤指生气时〕啪的一声放下,重重地放下;3 slap sb on the back:to hit someone on the back in a friendly way, often as a way of praising them 拍拍某人的背

    flog:to sell something informal 出售,卖 【非正式】

    treasure:[singular 单数] someone who is very useful or important to you informal 很有用的人,得力帮手 【非正式】

    stuff:to push or put something into a small space, especially in a quick careless way  stuff sth into/in/up sth;stuff sth with sth

    dead:a part of your body that is dead has no feeling in it, especially because the blood supply to it has been stopped

    horrendous:/hɒ'rendəs, hə-,hɔˋrɛndəs/ adj.frightening and terrible

    freak:someone who is considered to be very strange because of the way they look, behave, or think

    compact:a small flat container with a mirror, containing powder for a woman’s face〔化妆用的有镜〕粉饼盒

    spill:[I,T] if you spill a liquid, or if it spills, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container(使)〔液体〕溢出[泼洒,溅出]


    neat:a neat alcoholic drink has no ice or water or any other liquid added〔酒〕纯的〔指不加冰、水或其他酒的〕especially BrE 【尤英】

    disinfect: /‚dɪsɪn'fekt,‚dɪsən'fekt,͵dɪsɪnˋfɛkt/ v. [T ] to clean something with a chemical that destroys bacteria

    dilute /daɪˈluːt/:If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker.

    wail: /weɪl,wel/ v.[T] to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining way

    instant:[usually before noun,一般用于名词前] happening or produced immediately. this instant:spoken used when telling someone, especially a child, to do something immediately

    parlour:/'pɑːlə,ˋpɑrlɚ/ n. [C ]客厅,会客厅 beauty parlour 美容院


    make up: If you make up something such as a story or excuse, you invent it, sometimes in order to deceive people.

    a fine crop of black hair:一头漂亮的黑发

    part in the middle:中分头发

    be in for:必将遭到,必有

    sweep out:昂然离开

    what the blazes/who the blazes etc:old-fashioned,spoken used to emphasize a question when you are annoyed

    spring into action:立马行动起来

    boot sb ←→ outphr vto force someone to leave a place, job, or organization, especially because they have done something wrong;boot sb off the list

    now and again:时而



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