Dinner at Joanne‘s
人物:Josh Lester Senator Rogers
第一幕(who’s Josh Lester?)
画外音:Josh was black , in his early thirties, and an agreeable -looking person , dressed smartly but not expensively. But his demeanor concealed a Harvard law degree and an internship in DC with a congressman ,a long with a razor-sharp intellect and an ability to think on his feet.
Josh:(全场灯光聚焦在Josh身上,他望着台下的同学和老师们,Josh拿着毕业证书脸上露出欣喜的微笑,激动地说道):”I want to take this opportunity to thank them all, and share with them the pleasure and honor of receiving this award . Thank you very much.”
第二幕(who’s Josh Lester?)
Josh:(步伐飞快的在办公区的走来走去,给同事们下达工作指令)David,could you please collate the documents for me?
Josh: lucy , could you please organize the schedule of meetings before 2p.m.?
Lucy: yes,sir.
第三幕(赴约keep an appointment)
画外音:It was snowing heavily ,the shoppers on fifth avenue were in a hurry ,they want to get home to their families for Christmas Eve. Josh Lester turned into 46th street . He was not yet enioying the Christmas spirit , because he was still work, albeit a working dinner at Joanne’s .
地点:Josh办公的地点 罗杰斯办公的地点
Josh:(电话铃响起,Josh拿起了电话接听。)Hello, it’s Josh Lester speaking.
罗杰斯:Hello,it is Rogers speaking。I want to invite you to have dinner at Joanne’s .would you like to have dinner with me?
Josh :Oh~yes! It is my pleasure.
罗杰斯:Emm ~ I only have time for Christmas because of my schedule.Do you mind ?
Josh: No problem!
罗杰斯:See you later~
Josh: See you later.
第五幕(who’s rogers?)
画外音:Rogers ,the senior senator for Connecticut, and one of the best-known face in the US. Time magazine had her in the running for Woman of the year.
Rogers:(激情的做演讲,演讲动作扬手,语调激昂~)I was pro-abortion!I was anti-corruption ,I was pro-low carbon emissions and anti-capital punishment !
第六幕(The joanne‘s)
画外音:The joanne’s is well-known for the stellar quality of its sophisticated guests .politicians ,diplomas ,movie actors ……in short , anyone who was anyone in this city of power brokers.
领班(waiter):(Josh进来时,看了他一眼):“Can I help you?”
Josh: yes, I have an…… (被领班打断)
领班:Excuse me , sir.(看到有两位客人走了进来,领班打断了Josh的话。)Good evening Mr Hanks Good evening, Miss Bacall .(领班打了个响指招呼服务生带他们入座。)Now, sir…do you have a reservation?(耸了耸肩)We have no spare tables whatsoever, as you can see.
Josh: I am meeting a Ms Rogers here tonight.
领班:(从头到脚把josh打量了一番)May I have your name?
Josh: Josh Lester
领班:(好不容易才忍住没撇嘴,但他还是鼓了鼓鼻翼,显示出他的不屑以及自然而然的优越感)Let me see……well , yes, we do have a table for a Ms Rogers , but will she be arriving soon?
Josh:(乔希没有被领班的怀疑吓到,镇定自如,淡定的回答道) I’m sure she will, could you please show me to her table?
Waiter:(领班带着不耐烦的语气说道) Come this way, sir. (领班领着乔希往餐厅里面走,指了指卫生间旁的一张桌子)
Josh:(乔希彬彬有礼地说) Thank you. Could you get me a Martini, please?
Waiter:(惊讶又殷勤地喊道) Senator Rogers! What a great honor it is to see you at Joanne’s again!
Rogers: (从容淡定,端庄优雅,微笑着对领班说) Good evening, Alberto. I’m dining with a young man, name of Laster.
Waiter:(吃惊地瞪大眼睛,咽了咽口水,颤颤巍巍、毕恭毕敬地说道) Yes, senator, please come this way.
Rogers:(微笑着走近乔希,伸出右手,乔希站起来和她握手)It’s good to see you again, Jish. Let’s have something to eat, then I’d like to talk to you about a business proposition.
Waiter: (此时领班回到餐桌旁,深深地弯下腰,毕恭毕敬地对罗杰斯说道) Senator, as this table is so cold, so uncomfortable, I was wondering if … (领班说话的声音越来越小)
Rogers:(面无表情地轻声说)Go on.
Waiter:(下定了决心似的,说道)I was wondering if you’d like a better table, in the middle of the restaurant, so you have a better view of everyone…. You’ll be much more comfortable, and… (领班渐渐地停止了说话)
Rogers: (看了看四周,不为所动地说道) I agree, this isn’t the best table in the house. But you brought my friend here, and I guess this is where we’ll stay. We’ll have my usual, please.
Waiter:(罗杰斯和乔希站起身来准备离开,领班快速走过来对罗杰斯说道) I’m sorry that I failed to put you in a good position. To apologize, this meal is free of charge.
Rogers: (罗杰斯和乔希披上外套,罗杰斯一口回绝,故意笑着说道) Thank you, Alberto. Oh, have I introduced you to my company, Josh Lester?.
Waiter:(一脸惊恐,绝望中带着企盼,低声说道) Ah, not yet, no,… not properly.
Rogers: (一本正经地介绍道) Josh Lester. This is the latest recruit to my election campaign. He’s going to be my new deputy campaign manager, in charge of raising donations. And if we get that Republican out of the White House next year, you’ve just met my Chief of Staff.
Waiter: (重新换上殷勤的表情,说道) Absolutely delighted to meet you, Mr Lester, a real privilege, I’m sure. I do hope we’ll see you both again in Joanne’s very soon.
Rogers: (看了一眼领班,冷冷地说道) No, I don’t think that’s at all likely.