Approadch 1:
利用TransDecoder的gff3_file_to_bed.pl脚本完成(conda 安装TransDecoder)
gff3_file_to_bed.pl /public/home/qtxu/rice_anotation/Rice_annotation/Tige7.0.gff3 >Tigr_MSU_7_raw.bed
#format the bed files!
sed 's/;LOC\S*\t/\t/g' Tigr_MSU_7_raw.bed |sed 's/ID=//g' >Tigr_MSU_7.bed
Approadch 2:
下载 Gff3ToBed(https://github.com/YoannPa/Gff3ToBed)
sudo chmod +x Gff3ToBed
# Example: Extract all data to a Bed file
./Gff3ToBed.sh gencode.v26.annotation.gff3 gff3 all both
Approadch 3:
#下载# [BEDOPS v2.4.40](https://bedops.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/reference/file-management/conversion/gff2bed.html#downloads)
#We can convert it to sorted BED data in the following manner:
$ gff2bed < foo.gff3
chr1 1049 1500 exon00002 . - USA exon 0 ID=exon00002;Ontology_term="GO:0046703";Ontology_term="GO:0046704"
chr1 1299 1300 exon00001 . + Canada exon . ID=exon00001;score=1;zeroLengthInsertion=True
chr1 2999 3902 exon00003 . ? Canada exon 2 ID=exon00003;score=4;Name=foo
chr1 4999 5500 exon00004 . . . exon . ID=exon00004;Gap=M8 D3 M6 I1 M6
chr1 6999 9000 exon00005 10 + . exon 1 ID=exon00005;Dbxref="NCBI_gi:10727410"
gff 2 gtf
gffread gencode.v19.annotation.gff3 -T -o gencode.v19.gtf