文章适合已经读过一遍Holy Bible的友人们,至少明白一点为最佳:宗教与哲学息息相关,不可分割。在《罗马书》解释里我们看到了律法与律法主义的踪迹,那么 《加拉太书》为什么在谈及 自由时,笔墨如此多?自由与律法,都是神的注脚吧!
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在西方哲学思维训练中,真正的自由出自与上帝的和解,黑格尔如是说,也是他的世界历史哲学中的一个思想。在怎样的意义上来理解的人之为人的自由是基督教的结果 而不是起点,并构成了基督教的世界历史意义。在神学中把这种自由思想与选择自由的思想联系起来,它把某一种理解看成自由最初的,但尚未固定的形式:在一个人还能够决定对抗真正的善——这,善,是对他来说的善——的地方,他就还不是真正自由的。
The apostle Paul had gone to the region of Galatia and he had preached the gospel,and the Gospel is that salvation comes by faith alone apart from works. The gospel of grace,the gospel of Faith was the true gospel,and Paul said any other gospel i to be damned,cursed. Only the gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ.
Every thing was going down the right path,until some Jews came from Jerusalem. And these Jews have been called Judaizers in New Testament,because they want Gentiles to be Judaized,to turn them into Jews under the notion that u can't just go from being a Gentile to being a child of God.
人,被规定要与上帝有这种共契,人,唯有通过参与耶稣与圣父的子嗣关系才能把自己固定在这种共契里,意志最初微弱的自由通过这种共契被固定在善中 并得以完成。
律法和应许:弟兄们,我且照着人的常话说:神并不是说众子孙,指着许多人;乃是说你那一个子孙,指着一个人,就是基督。 我是这么说:神预先所立的 约,不能被那四百三十年以后的律法废掉,叫应许归于虚空。因为承受产业,若本乎律法,就不本于应许,但上帝是凭着应许,把产业赐给亚伯拉罕,这样说来,律法是为什么有的呢? 原是为过犯添上的,等候那蒙应许的子孙来到,并且是籍天使经中保之手设立的。但中保本不是为一面作的,上帝却是一位。
Christian freedom can't be to be disinterested in the honor of God,the glory of God,the Word of God. Christian freedom can't be to be free to sin,to be free to be passive with regard to righteous,godliness,purity. Rather,Christian freedom must be expressed within the reality that i have been turned into a lover of God,and my freedom is defined as finding all the ways that i can express that love toward God. And,that shows up in my obedience,an it shows up in my desire to honor Him,to glorify Him,and to worship Him. It is then the nature of a true Christian to love God and to love His Word and to love commandments. "Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin." They think they're free in sinning,the truth is they're in bondage. They're captive to sin,they can do nothing else,si,can do nothing else...
Becoming a Christine in reality is becoming a slave. It's slavery.
It's the most rich,blessed,rewarding,joyful,fruitful,peaceful slavery,because it is a slavery of love,true love. We love the Master who first loved us,and He lavishes us with all heavenly blessings in Christ. Faithful Christians are not trying to figure out how disobedient they can be before the Lord kills them in some sin unto death. They're not trying to figure out how selfish they can be before the LORD is so depleted He begins to do damage to the things in their life.
So what do we do ?
It throughout my life,okay,i mean "throughout ", i could do it,maybe not,maybe yes.
Question 1: Will it be spiritually profitable?
Question 2: Will it build me up ?
Question 3: Will it edify me?
My freedom is not freedom to sin,and it's not even freedom to do things that might not be sinful in themselves,but they don't provide any spiritual benefit,they don't build me up,and they very well could slow me down in the race? AND,,,similarly i wanna run,to what?
To win. Likely to start a habit,all things are lawful,but not all things are profitable. "All things are lawful for me,but i will not be mastered by anything."
In Galatians 5,verse 16,again let's focus back to our freedom:
" I say walk by the Spirit,and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh."
verse 24: " Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."
verse 13:" but through love serve one another,through love,agape,the highest,noblest,sacrificial,humble love . This is the highest of all loves,reflecting selflessness.
Through love serve one another.
beauty or freedom?文字分别写于2018-10-07,2018-10-29,整理于2018-11-01.
God bless u.