

作者: 自观问渠 | 来源:发表于2022-08-01 09:06 被阅读0次

    系鞋带 tie one's shoelaces

    系上鞋带 Do/Tie up your shoelaces, Rosie.

    take this country forward through tough times 带领这个国家度过难关

    自Boris Johnson resignation statement 辞职声明 "another leader (who will be) equally committed to taking this country forward through tough times." 新首相将同样尽心尽力,带领这个国家度过难关。 

    我要染头发 I'm going to get my hair dyed.

    注意:get my hair dyed 在这里与have my hair dyed 意思一样,都是have sth done 的意思,指的是染头发的动作不是由我来完成的,而是由别人来做的 

    病例case 例句:No other new cases have been found to date. 目前为止没有发现其他新增病例。

    have/ got one's back 保护,支持(某人) 例句:Don't worry, I've got your back. 别担心,我支持你。



    他儿时被人拐骗至英国。 He was trafficked to Britain as a child.

    描述某人儿时发生某事,可以用as a child代替when sb was a child,这样表达更简单也不用考虑动词的时态。

    我来共享屏幕。I'm going to share my screen.

    我不能看电视,我得做饭。I can't watch TV. I've got to do the cooking. 可以同时把句型记下来,“我不能做A,我得做B” I can't A. I've got to B. 

    均衡饮食很重要,我要从减少糖和脂肪的摄入开始。Having a well-balanced diet is vital, I'm gonna start by cutting down on sugar and fat. 

    "脂肪"英文怎么说?没想到是个幼儿园级别单词!_英语口语SHOW | 每周主题英语脱口秀_免费在线阅读收听下载 - 喜马拉雅

    你能不能复印一份然后把原件还给我?Could you make a photocopy and give the original back to me? 

    化妆(强调动作) put sb's makeup on 

    她早晨要花很长时间来化妆 She takes ages to put her makeup on in the morning. 

    血型 blood type 例句:你知道你的血型吗?我刚发现我是B型血。Do you know your blood type? I just found out I'm type B. 

    移民 emigrant, immigrant, migrant 区别

    migrant 迁移者,包括临时的、国内的、人和动物 immigrant 永久迁入(常用指人) emigrant 永久迁出(常用来指人) THIS is the difference between migrants and immigrants in the U.S. [2022]

    兼职 a side gig 

    我来找兼职当教练 I'm looking for a side gig as a coach. 




