
作者: 银杏飘香武 | 来源:发表于2019-06-17 21:19 被阅读60次

in the sky ,the birds are flying freely.

in the wind, the flowers are dancing softly.

in the park,the people are taking a walk happily.

in my world,all these things are beautuful.

in spring,I like to see the green leaves of willows

in summer,I like to see the red lotus in the pon

in autumn,I like to see the yellow leaves of

in winter,I like to see the  in the snow

in my opinion,I think the four seasons are the gifts of the gods for people

the changes make us different ,we can stay at the same place with different feelings.

time passed by,it's night again,with a little tired,write something ,lying on the bed.relax a short while.

good night.


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