1.seal a deal
3.set terms
4.sales pitch
5.open the door to
6.make the case for
1.签订一项协议 2.n.(必须整体接受的)一揽子交易,一整套协议
3.指定条件,规定条件 4.推销的话,宣传论点
5.为sth敞开大门,使什么成为可能 6.为某事陈述论据,阐明理由
脱欧协议 the Brexit deal/package
1.EU agrees 'best possible' Brexit deal, urges Britons to back May
'best possible':可能范围之内最好的,加上引号表示判断是别人的看法,不一定是事实。
新闻标题的习惯写法:在agree后省略了冠词 a;直接使用,连接两个句子;
英国人可以说是Britons,而不仅是English man。
2.European Union leaders finally sealed a Brexit deal on Sunday, saying the package agreed with Prime Minister Theresa May was the best Britain will get in a warning to the British parliament no to reject it.
in a warning to sb.:警告某人。+no to do:对某人不要做..的警告。对孕妇不要饮酒的警告:a warning to pregnant women not to drink alcohol.

3."Those who think that, by rejecting the deal, they would get a better deal, will be disappointed," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told reporters after the 27 other EU leaders formally endorsed a treaty setting terms for British withdrawal in March and an outline of a future EU-UK trade pact.
和平条约:a peace treaty,treaty比deal要正式。
起草条约:draw up a treaty
批准条约:sign a treaty
terms and
conditions :是一对近义词,比如在使用某个网站或者app之前,要同意的内容。
搭配from:British withdrawals from the EU.
互不侵犯条约:a non-aggression pact

4.May used a post-summit news conference to make a sales pitch for her plan, telling television viewers at home that it was the "only possible deal", offering control of UK borders and budgets while maintaining close alignment with EU regulations that was good for business and the security of Britain and Europe.
news conference:新闻发布会
at home:不仅仅表示在家,而是英国国内的电视观众。

5.Parliament's vote could open the door to a "brighter future" or condemn the country to more division, she said. "I will make the case for this deal with all my heart," she added, declining to answer whether she would resign if parliament rejects it.
condemn..to搭配:迫使某人忍受某事,condemn sb. to sth. The illness condemned him to a lonely childhood.疾病让他童年孤独。
make the/a case for: to argue that sth. is the best thing to do, given your reasons.阐明做某事是最好的原因。

6.The EU leaders took barely half an hour to rubber-stamp the 585-page withdrawal treaty, aimed at an orderly exit in March to be followed by two to three years of a status-quo transition period. In May's exchanges at the summit, there was no discussion of what may happen if parliament rejects the deal in a vote likely to take place just before the next EU summit on Dec. 13-14.
barely可与only just互换。
rubber-stamp 不加-是橡皮图章,加上是个动词,走个过场,不经判断。
status-quo transition period:维持现状的过渡期。
