20:45pm(27th) Departure flight from Brisbane airport
1am Arrive in billet home
billet host女主lyn半夜三更起来为我开门,非常感动。
2am Fell asleep
7.30am Woke up
8am Host Lyn showed me around the house and breakfast
通过跟Lyn的更多接触和交流之后,得知她有两个女儿,两个女儿都已经长大离开家了。(所以才多出房间给我住)而老公jeff是个financial planner,早已7点半出门去town上班了。
尽管女儿不在家,Lyn这个全职妈妈的身份还没有退休。一大早上,第一个任务就是喂她的宝宝们。家里有一只狗、两只猫。(后面有图)除此之外,客厅的走廊间她还养了三个fish tank,加上庭院里的两个小鱼池。feed 完一轮之后,回到屋子里又把白面包切碎了放小盒子里,说是给外面固定班底(由一群野鸟和鸭子组成)做的早餐。一大早就忙个不停、做妈妈真不容易。
10am golf (short game and long game)
Green faster than home’s greens.
course map- getting around Darwin gc2pm early dinner
One pot mealEasy and quick. nom nom...
3.30pm 30 minuet power nap
4pm Greeted Jeff and chatted for a bit
4.30pm played back 9 with Lyn till dark
Old greens, sloped towards the sides ( bell curve)
13th hole one less club for approach shots- super fast green; bunker right back of the green
Darwin day 1 review Pretty full moon sight6.30pm evening treat
7.30pm shower and stretching
8.30pm Out in the living room and doing my homework for 007
Tibbie dog Monty 18months sootie 13yrs oldTo be continued...