9月8日雅思口语预测题 | 考前预测

9月8日雅思口语预测题 | 考前预测

作者: 杭州环球教育 | 来源:发表于2018-09-06 16:41 被阅读1次






    Describe someone who has had an importantinfluence on your life.

    You should say:

    Who the person is

    How long you have known him/her

    What qualities this person has

    Explain why they have had such aninfluence on you.

    I'm going to tell you about someone who has influenced my life in an important way.This person is actually my father.

    I am 20 years old so of course I have known him for 20 years as he's my father. We still live together, along with my mother, my older brother and younger sister.

    Oneof his best qualities is that he's very ambitious. While he was working for abuilding company, he was taking evening classes in order to gain a survey orqualification. This took him many years but eventually he succeeded and started working as a senior surveyor. He's also very humble, another great quality.Even though he's achieved so much he doesn't brag or boast about anything. He'squite laid back, too. Despite his busy work, he can always manage to spare sometime for family. We went fishing, camping or hiking sometime, which was reallydelightful and relaxing.

    Themain reasons he has had such an influence on me is the way he helps the others.He donates to a number of charities and sometimes helps out at the weekendswith a homeless charity in town. It's his behavior that has led me to getinvolved in charity work by myself and for the past few years I've worked foran organization that looks after orphaned children. So it's my Dad who has agreat influence on me and the main reason is his charity work.



        本文标题:9月8日雅思口语预测题 | 考前预测
