#口语通杀小分队#雅思“个人品质”Part 3

#口语通杀小分队#雅思“个人品质”Part 3

作者: VC就是VC | 来源:发表于2017-01-04 13:57 被阅读37次

Hello~大家好,上期我们谈到了个人品质的话题,那么这个话题的Part 3有什么样的一些题目呢?这就是我们今天要解决的问题啦。


What qualities should a good teacher have?





A good teacher genuinely knows, understands and appreciates her students and lets them know it. She asks really interesting questions, and considers the merit of all answers, even the ones she wasn't expecting. She keeps her mind open and her energy levels high- ready to run around outside if a student asks why there's a rainbow.

A good teacher is organized, professional and discreet. She works in collaboration with others and shares what works. She questions the dominant discourse and will not put systemic requirements and administrative expectations above the needs of the students in front of her. She finds a way to meet departmental demands without compromising creativity, engagement and spontaneity.

A good teacher is never finished, never satisfied and never happy with simply being a 'good' teacher because she is always striving to be an excellent teacher. She may never really see the fruits of her labor, but she'll be remembered and appreciated for many years, not because of what she taught but because she made learning an adventure and because when her students saw themselves through her eyes, they saw themselves shining.

以上是我自己对于一个好老师的看法,我也很像听听大家的看法,你认为什么样的老师是一个好老师呢?欢迎留言给我哦,中英文皆可~希望下期更新前能看到大家的回答,See u~




    本文标题:#口语通杀小分队#雅思“个人品质”Part 3
