
作者: 诗意Prince | 来源:发表于2020-05-24 18:31 被阅读0次




• How would youstore the datain your computer’s memory?                        --建模

• Would your method work for a hundred file cards? A thousand? A million?  --扩容

• Would your method permit quickinsertionof new cards anddeletionof old ones?


• Would it allow forfast searchingfor a specified card?                                --查找

• Suppose you wanted to arrange the cards in alphabetical order. How would you sort them?                                                                                                                                                                                      --排序 








• A data structure is the organization of data in a computer’s memory or in a disk file.

• The correct choice of data structure allows major improvements in program efficiency.

• Examples of data structures are arrays, stacks, and linked lists.

• An algorithm is a procedure for carrying out a particular task.

• In Java, an algorithm is usually implemented by a class method.

• Many of the data structures and algorithms described in this book are most often used to build databases.(数据库的原理看来不简单啊)

• Some data structures are used as programmer’s tools: They help execute an algorithm.

• Other data structures model real-world situations, such as telephone lines running between cities.(电话线网和数据结构有什么关系?也涉及到查询)

• A database is a unit of data storage composed of many similar records.

• A record often represents a real-world object, such as an employee or a car part.

• A record is divided into fields. Each field stores one characteristic of the object described by the record.

• A key is a field in a record that’s used to carry out some operation on the data.

For example, personnel records might be sorted by a LastName field.

• A database can be searched for all records whose key field has a certain value.

This value is called a search key.索引



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