

作者: 飞翔DE荷兰人 | 来源:发表于2017-06-22 08:41 被阅读0次


    Young friends, I can have such a chance to talk about my youth, I talk about a life with no regrets, thank you for giving me such a chance. A pity, I checked the dictionary, a dictionary have every kind of interpretation, an interpretation I like the most is we can go to satisfy the desire, but we did not go to completion, we deeply regret. The first thing I want to tell everyone, even when I was young, is really a very regrettable thing, that thing if it happens, I wouldn't be standing here and share a such thing.

    1969年的时候 我不到十七岁,就穿上军装从北京出发到达新疆,我们坐上了大卡车,(经过)六天的奔波,翻越天山,到达了南疆的喀什,我的战友们都留在了新疆的喀什,我们五个女兵又继续,坐上大卡车向藏北出发了,这一次,这个世界在我的面前,已经不是平坦的了,它好像完全变成了一个竖起来的世界,每一天每一天的海拔,从三千米到四千米,从四千米到五千米,直到最后,翻越了六千米的界山达坂,它是新疆和西藏分界的一个山脉,进入了西藏阿里,我恍惚觉得这已经不再是地球了,它荒凉的程度,让我觉得这是不是火星或者是月亮的背面。

    In 1969 when I was less than seventeen years old, should wear his uniform starting from Beijing to Xinjiang, we sit on the big truck, (after) six days on the run, climb the Tianshan Mountains, arrived in Kashi, my comrades in arms in the Xinjiang of Kashi, the five of us women continued to sit on, the truck to set out, this time, the world before me, is not flat, it seems completely into a vertical up the world, every day every day above sea level, from three thousand meters to four thousand meters, from four thousand meters to five thousand meters, until finally, over six meters Jieshan Daban, it is a mountain of Xinjiang and Tibet boundary, entered the Tibet Ali, I feel that this is no longer the earth, it is desolate, so I think this Is it right? Mars or the dark side of the moon.


    I remember in 1971, we are going to go camping zipper, time is the severe winter. We want to carry luggage, to carry the box, to back to back pistols, grenades, and several days of dry food, a total of sixty pounds. Plateau, severe winter, The dripping dripping water freezes, the temperature is forty degrees below zero, one day we get up at three o'clock in the morning, blowing a number, say we want to climb the unmanned area today, unmanned area a total of one hundred and twenty Village Road, the middle can not have any stay, should be done in one vigorous effort to go in the past, because conditions there particularly bad, but no water. Walked walked walked walked, walked to the afternoon two or three point, I think that the backpack bag, all embedded into my collarbone to the inside, and couldn't say a word, I think the throat constantly in the salty taste bitter, I think I'll spit is certainly blood I think this kind of suffering, when to the end of it, I think of my young life, why all my nerve endings, are used to stand the inhuman pain.


    At the time I made a decision, I must Dutch Act I I at the moment, I do not live, I face this suffering unbearable, I so decided, began to plan what time falling off the cliff. It is constantly looking for, constantly looking for the right time, finally I found a suitable place, in particular, to see is the towering cliffs, looking down a bottomless cliff, I just want Panasonic hand me down, I'll die. But at the last moment, I suddenly found that fellow behind me, he left me too closely, if I go, I will bring him to the cliff under, I have decided I want to die, but I should not drag on others. The team is in motion, it is also a good time after transient, terrain and became flat, I want to find such a place, it's not easy. It walked walked the dark days, we went to the destination. One hundred and twenty miles just passed, carrying the sixty pounds of weight, one or two are many, I was back to the destination. I stand in the snow, his body felt, each finger joint, his knees, including my feet, I am sure that after so much misery, my body even one hair is no less. So that day gave me a deep, special education is, when we often think of when you can not stand, is not the last time, but we had a nervous breakdown. That as long as you adhere to the reforming spirit, uphold the spirit of starting, in fact, when we feel, it is doomed eternally scene, still can go to find its export, can still insist on.


    I know young friends, in our life, there would be every kind of suffering. Sometimes some parents said to me: can you tell me a method? Let my children suffering? I said, I can tell you, the only certainty is, your child he must suffer. But when we are young, our nerves are so sensitive, our memory is so clear, our feelings are so plentiful, we each wound will outflow of blood. So although there are a lot of people tell you, young is one of the most wonderful time, I want to tell you, young when we are suffering, we will leave many regrets. So the biggest regret, is decidedly to end his own life, I think this is disrespectful to life. But in my personal experience, the day I did not end my life, I insisted, I discovered, originally the most invincible, is not what happened to us, but our hearts are strong.


    The Japanese have a doctor, in his work is devoted to the care of patients who died. He and about one thousand terminally ill patient, talk after, he summed up the twenty-five life regret, including: not to eat Food, has not been back to his hometown, his children are not married, and so on.


    I and the doctor too, because I have been to the hospice, accompanied the dying man, the last moment to their lives, and they have a lot of heart to heart. I used to go to a hospice ward, it is a eighty year old man, even his children are no longer there by his side. His children are outside, they can't bear to see the final moment, I said that I would go with him. I went into the room, took a deep breath. I think there are a lot of dying patients in the air, he finally exhaled breath. Then I lay down on the old man's side, touched his hand, and then the old man, gently said a words with me, he said I think I this lifetime, how like never lived.


    Today I read the story and young friends to share, I just want to say, we each person's life is a one-way train ticket, every one of us did not get the ticket from the. So life since we were born that day, it is like an arrow into the distance, we can in their own hands, holding that at this moment, the most precious life. I particularly want to say, I hope our ideal subject to our values. In our hearts, to the burning flames, and give our life to guide and power, are we for themselves that the value of the pursuit of the best.

    举个我个人的小例子,2008年的时候,我终于用我的稿费,买了一张船票开始去环球旅行。走啊走啊走了没多远,才走到南中国海,就知道我们的汶川地震。船上有一千多个外国客人,只有我们六个中国人,可是我说,我们一定要为中国发起一场募捐。后来我们的团队里有人就说,那些外国人要是不给咱们捐钱,我们多么丢脸哪。我说可是我们中国人,要不为自个儿的祖国做点什么,那才是丢脸呢。我们说我们一定捐美元和欧元,这样的话,会让我们那个(捐款)数字变大,如果我们都捐人民币,人家会觉得是我们自己捐的,我们捐美元和欧元,但是当所有的钱都揽到一起的时候,船长对我说,里面有两千元人民币。我们只有六个人的,这很容易查呀,吃饭的时候,我们就互相问:谁捐的人民币? 我们不是说了要捐美元和欧元吗。最后我们六个人说,我们都没有捐人民币,后来我就跟船长说,这船上除我们以外还有中国人吗,他们说在深不见底的底舱,永远不能到甲板上来的,那些工人里,有你们中国人。我就回到北京把这个钱捐了,捐了以后,北川中学知道我回国了,就打来电话,说希望让我到北川中学,去当一次语文老师,因为我有一篇小散文,叫作《提醒幸福》,是收在全国统编教材的初中二年级的课本里。

    For my own small example, in 2008, I was with my money, bought a ticket to travel around the world. Walk walk walk not far, go to South China sea, we know the Wenchuan earthquake. There are more than one thousand foreign guests on board, just the six of us Chinese, but I said, we must a fundraising initiated for China. Then our team, it was said, those foreigners if not give us the money, how we face what. I say we Chinese, or for own motherland do what, it is shameful. We said we must give the dollar and the euro, if so, will let us that (donation) numbers bigger, if we all donated RMB, others will think we donate, we give the dollar and the euro, but when all the money to come together, the captain said to me, there are two thousand yuan. We have six people, it's easy to find ah, dinner, we'll ask each other: who donate RMB? We are not told to donate the dollar and euro. Finally, we six people say, we have not donated RMB, then I tell the captain, the ship would have Chinese except us, they said in a bottomless deck, never to the deck, those workers, have you Chinese. I returned to Beijing for the donated money, donated, Beichuan middle school that I went back to China, phone call, say that I went to Beichuan middle school, to be a Chinese teacher, because I have a short essay, called "to remind happiness", is in the national textbooks in the beginning of two grade textbooks.


    I'm not afraid of the earthquake, but I am afraid, I write this article topic, it is called "happiness" to remind. After the big earthquake that, their teachers have casualties, their classmates have many never returned to the classroom, I'm going to tell them "to remind happiness". I think in such difficult circumstances, where is the happiness. But that a Beichuan high school, giving me a great education. Because the second grade junior high school in Beichuan, all the students gathered together, they tell me, they are the happiest people in the world. I say you say he is the most happy person, can you tell me your happiness in where, later they told me: so many people died. We are still alive, this is happiness!


    We see in the street, so much behind the cars, the license plate number of all, say will write the Beijing Beijing, for example, Guangzhou guangdong. Also, he said we can see the whole China all provinces of the car, we would think that the people in the earthquake to help us, only in the past ten days, we can return to school today, did we not the happiest person in the world you! After I listened really tears, I know that in the face of life and death, what is the most precious thing, we enjoy our life, be sure to put your values, the most important thing in front.


    I will start to Africa next month, I really think it is my desire, if I do not hurry to achieve it, I will be more and more old, the body will slowly more questions, not as bright eyes, can not see the Africa animal, maybe I'm thinking not so agile. The brilliant culture, and history, I understand it, remember, may you have difficulties, and then have to tramp over mountains and through ravines, they should not run chased by lions, Is it right? Also a bit dangerous.


    So if you have a wish, if you really have the strength to do it, I think I must immediately start, to complete their own desire, let yourself less regret. Life is a long process, the young is how good, but please remember, remember a lot of things, when you are young, you don't understand, when you understand, you are old.


    Then let not our fossilized, let us act now, to realize our ideal, let our life less regret, thank you!



