ConsenSys:以太坊区块新奖励机制将由 3 个ETH降到 2 个
1月16日,Ethereum 将进行其第8次重大系统升级——君士坦丁堡。虽然升级预计将显著提高Ethereum的性能,但对矿工的奖励将减少33%,从每个区块的3 个 ETH 减少到2 个 ETH。ConsenSys 表示,矿工行为背后的主要推动力不是每个区块的的奖励,而是电价和以太币的价格。
ConsenSys Explains the New Ethereum Block Rewards Reducing From 3 ETH to 2 ETH
On January 16th, Ethereum will carry out its eighth major system upgrade – Constantinople. While the upgrade is expected to significantly improve the performance of Ethereum, the reward for miners will face a 33% decrease, moving from 3 ETH to 2 ETH per block. ConsenSys say the primary force behind miner behavior on the Ethereum network is not the number of ETH rewarded per block, but rather the price of electricity and the price of ETH.
2018 年汇丰银行区块链平台共完成 2500 亿美元的外汇交易
国际银行业巨头汇丰银行在 2018 年利用区块链技术共完成了金额达 2500 亿美元的外汇交易。该行于一份新闻稿中透露了这一数字,金融时报于1月14日进行引用报道。自 2018 年 2 月起汇丰银行推出其专有的区块链平台”FX everywhere"起,该平台结算了逾 300 万笔外汇交易,并完成了逾 15 万笔支付。
HSBC’s Blockchain Platform Processed $250 Billion in Forex in 2018
International banking giant HSBC settled $250 billion of forex trades using blockchain technology in 2018. The company has revealed the figure in a press release quoted by the Financial Times (FT) Jan. 14. Through its proprietary blockchain platform dubbed “FX Everywhere,” HSBC handled 3 million transactions, which translated into 150,000 payments since it launched in February.
以太坊经典实验室孵化器推出了全新的以太坊经典(ETC)开发团队 ETC Labs Core。该团队将专注于以太坊经典核心项目。据报道,2019年第一季度,该团队将集中精力研究以太坊的君士坦丁堡硬分叉,分叉预计1月16日发生。
ETC Labs Introduces Dedicated Team to Focus on Core Ethereum Classic Projects
Ethereum Classic Labs incubator has launched a new Ethereum Classic (ETC) development team ETC Labs Core.The new team will be working on core ETC projects. In the first quarter of 2019 the team will purportedly focus on reviewing Ethereum’s (ETH) Constantinople hard fork, which is set to happen around Jan. 16.
印度几家大型公司包括印度斯坦联合利华、ABG 造船厂、HDFC 银行以及信实工业目前正探索用于B2B支付的区块链技术。目前正在进行几个试点测试,这些试点将严格运用DLT技术。
Top Firms in India Eye Blockchain for Payments
India’s Biggest Conglomerates include Hindustan Unilever, ABG Shipyard, HDFC Bank, and Reliance Industries are exploring blockchain for B2B payments. Right now, several pilot tests are running which use DLT strictly .
Denmark’s Tax Agency to Collect Information About Bitcoin Traders
Danish tax authorities will soon be going after cryptocurrency traders in the country and beyond. The plan is to collect data from local bitcoin exchanges in order to verify if citizens who have traded digital assets have paid the right taxes. Information about foreign citizens and entities will be shared with other countries.
Charlie Lee
Telegram 上有几个假的莱特币小组在骗人。任何人都可以通过 Telegram 的默认设置将用户拉进新的小组。我认为这个进组的功能不应该是默认的,这样新用户才不会不知道为什么就被拉进假的聊天组,然后被诈骗者利用。至少要显示一下新小组添加邀请的提示!@Pavel Durov(Telegram CEO) @telegram
There are several fake Litecoin groups scamming people. By default, users can be added to new groups by "everyone". This should NOT be the default, so new users aren't silently added to fake groups & exploited by scammers. Or at least show a new group invitation! @durov @telegram
Vinay Gupta
Mattereum CEO
I'm beginning to understand how much of our cognitive restlessness comes from not living in caves and knowing where we will live, work and die. Rootlessness is an amazing thing. I'm a nomad who can't quite settle down, my home always feels like a hotel - I grew up on the road.
Eric Conner
在以太坊上,你可以进行交易、赚取利息、开立贷款、通过 Dai 维持资金稳定或使用其它开放式金融系统。
I continue to be confused at why someone would suggest buying Bitcoin over Ether to a person struggling with their country's banking system.
On Ethereum you could transact, earn interest, open a loan, get stability with Dai or use many other open financial systems.
Tuur Demeester
Adamant 资本创始人
Bitcoin's intended and current primary use case is Store of Value -- it is the basis on which it should be evaluated.
Jimmy Song
"Blockchain, not Bitcoin" is the brainchild of technophiles who only see Bitcoin as a technology nail that their hammers can do something with. Their world is too narrow and until it expands to see Bitcoin as the monetary innovation, they are doomed to irrelevancy.
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