To-Do list

To-Do list

作者: cppUncleSix | 来源:发表于2024-10-02 09:55 被阅读0次

Making a daily To-Do list is a good habit, it can remind you what to do next, and it can make you feel like you are in complete control of your life or work.

But it also has its drawbacks. If the tasks on your To-Do list are too simple or easy, you are likely to waste the rest of your time. Or, if the To-Do list is overwhelming, you may lose hope of getting everything done and not even try to finish anything.

I always underestimate how long a task on my to-do list will take. If it doesn't get done on time, I might get nervous. This could backfire and cause me to lose motivation, making it even harder to get things done.

Creating a valid daily To-Do list needs intelligence and psychological skill.


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