

作者: 蔚海山庄三六子 | 来源:发表于2022-09-21 18:50 被阅读0次
Nūcerīnī erant laetissimī et Rēgulum laudābant. Pompēiānī tamen nōn erant contentī, sed clāmābant, 'ubi sunt leōnēs? cūr Rēgulus leōnēs retinet?'

The people of Nuceria were pleased, and they praised Regulus. However, Pompeians were unsatisfied, but they exclaimed: “where are lions? Why did Regulus hold back the lions?


Rēgulus, postquam hunc clāmōrem audīvit, signum dedit. statim trēs leōnēs per portam ruērunt. tuba iterum sonuit. bēstiāriī arēnam audācissimē intrāvērunt. leōnēs tamen bēstiāriōs nōn petīvērunt. leōnēs in arēnā recubuērunt. leōnēs obdormīvērunt!

When Regulus heard this shouting, he gave a signal. At once, three lions through the gate rushed into the arena. The trumpet sounded again. Beast-fighters very boldly entered the arena. But the lions did not attack the beast-fighters. The lions lay down in the arena and went to sleep.



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