postquam rētiāriī ex arēnā discessērunt, tuba iterum sonuit. subitō multī cervī arēnam intrāvērunt.
When net-fighters exited the arena, the trumpet sounded. Suddenly many deers entered the arena.
cervī per tōtam arēnam currēbant, quod perterritī erant.
Deers run through the whole arena because they are terrified.
tum canēs ferōcēs per portam intrāvērunt. canēs statim cervōs perterritōs agitāvērunt et interfēcērunt.
Then dogs through the gate entered ferociously. At once, Dogs terrific chased the deers and killed them.
postquam canēs cervōs superāvērunt, lupī arēnam intrāvērunt. lupī, quod valdē ēsuriēbant, canēs ferōciter petīvērunt.
After the dogs overcame the deer, the wolves entered the arena. Because the wolves were ravenous, they attacked the dogs fiercely.
canēs erant fortissimī, sed lupī facile canēs superāvērunt.
The dogs were courageous, but the wolves overcame them easy.