

作者: 马云腾Ne | 来源:发表于2020-06-10 19:12 被阅读0次

The inner process is primarily one of de-

energizing ilusions rather than one of acquiring

new information.

The“experiencer" is the perceptual edge of


that is independent

of the nature of the data being processed. It is

this quality that one identifes with as “me" or

叮1”With observation, it will be recognized that

this function is autonomous and impersonal,

although the self claims it is identity. The ex-

periencer is not a“who" but an“it." It is an au-

tonomous functionality. It is comparable to a

multifunctional processing-probe faculty. The

ego/self thrives on that“experiencer" quality and

is actually addicted to it.

By attention and volition, the seductive at-

traction of the experiencer can be refused. Suc-

cumbing to its entertainment is only a habit. It

is not a“you," but only an activity with which

the self becomes identifed. The mind thinks that

it will“go blank" and become void without the

constant linear input of information and focus

on“what's going on." Yet at night, sleep is a we-

come relief from the experiencer's endless chat-

ter. Thus, the mind thinks there are only three


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