Touching the Void

Touching the Void

作者: 太麻烦了不取了 | 来源:发表于2015-01-11 14:54 被阅读700次

《Touching the Void》也许是我看过最揭示人性的纪录片了。你能多相信你的队友,朋友?Even with your life? Joe和Simon登顶秘鲁处女峰下撤时,Joe不幸摔断了腿,在近7000米的高处,这几乎就是死刑,但是Simon没有放弃他,竭尽自己所能帮着Joe下降,两人在下撤途中,又遭遇险情,两人命悬一线 - 不是两人一起坠落,就是Simon割绳放弃Joe自救,Simon选择了自救。Joe坠入150多feet的冰窟窿,并最终神奇的拖着一条断腿,在雪地上爬了3天,爬回大本营。两人都获救了。

最值得深思的是Joe在事后接受interview的时候的这三个问题 - "Are you and Simon still friends?" "When you were in Peru did you call on God to help you?" "Would you have done the same thing?" Joe这样回答 "Yes" (超强大啊,赞!); "Definitely not" (他出自Catholic家庭,有点奇怪,他选择相信内心); and "Actually, I don't think I could have done what Simon did." (!!)



... that if an avalanche buries you and you're lying there underneath all that snow, you can't tell which way is up or down. You want to dig yourself out but pick the wrong way, and you dig yourself to your own demise. That was how I felt, disoriented, suspended in confusion, stripped off my compass.


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