

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2021-08-22 22:44 被阅读0次
    英文 中文
    When you find that one person who connects you to the world, 当你找到你在这个世上的羁绊
    you become someone different. 你就变了
    Someone better. 变得更好
    When that person is taken from you... 而当她被人从你身边夺去
    What do you become then? 那你又会变得怎样
    Whatever he wanna do, you know? 管他想怎么样
    What? 怎么
    Where'd you get that, in a cereal box? 哪弄来的买麦片送的吗
    You wanna see a real gun? 想见识一下真家伙吗
    Forget you. 算了吧
    Every little punk is carrying now, Anton. 现在是个混混就带家伙了安东
    That's why your father wanted us to take the car home. 所以你父亲才要我们开车回家
    Relax. 别紧张
    We're picking up new hardware next week. 我们下周就弄点新装备来
    Restore a little order. 恢复这里的秩序
    Besides, when we take the car, we don't get to meet new friends. 再说了我们开车就遇不到新朋友了
    Look at this guy. 瞧瞧这位
    You didn't bring enough for the whole group. 你带的酒不够大家喝啊
    I have to teach you about sharing. 我得教教你怎么与人分享
    I'll need a statement from the bum. 给那个流浪汉录口供
    Which hospital did they take him to? 他们带他去了哪家医院
    He declined treatment. We got video on it, though. 他不肯接受治疗但我们拿到了监控录像
    You know, you could have done me a favor 你要是多揍那几个小子几拳
    and let those guys land a couple more punches. 也算是帮我忙了
    Question for you. 问你个问题
    Looking at that tape, 从录像来看
    I'd say you spent some time in the service. 我觉得你是当过兵的人
    But you don't learn how to fight like that in the regular army. 但在常规部队可练不出这身手
    So what were you, special forces? 那你是特种部队的吗
    Delta? 三角洲部队
    I'm Carter. You didn't give us a name. 我是卡特你没说你的名字
    You know, it's funny. 真有意思
    Seems like the only time you need a name now 只有在你有麻烦的时候
    is when you're in trouble. 别人才会问起你的名字
    So am I in trouble? 这么说我是有麻烦了吗
    I don't know, you tell me. 我不知道你说呢
    You're the one living on the street. 露宿街头的可是你
    Yeah, making that transition back can be tough. 我知道这种转变很不容易
    Some guys I knew got a little lost, 我认识一些人他们感到迷茫
    needed a little help adjusting. 需要人来帮他们适应社会
    You need some help? 你需要帮助吗
    Of course, some other guys I knew, 当然了我还认识一些人
    they'd done so many evil things, 他们恶事做了太多
    they felt like they needed the punishment. 觉得自己应该受到惩罚
    That sound more like your story? 你是这种情况吗
    Excuse me for a second. 我失陪一下
    I'm here for my client. 我是为我的委托人而来
    Your guy's prints were found in half a dozen crime scenes over the years. 这家伙的指纹出现在近几年的多个犯罪现场
    Open warrants in four different countries. 在四个国家被通缉
    Who you got down there, Carter, 你这是关了什么人物啊卡特
    the angel of death? 死亡天使吗
    I appreciate the help, counselor. 多谢帮忙律师先生
    But who's picking up... the tab? 但由谁来买单呢
    Our employer wants to have a word with you. 我们的老板想跟你谈谈
    Do I owe you money? 我欠你钱吗
    'Cause I'm, uh... 因为我现在...
    running a little short at the moment. 手头有点紧
    You don't owe me anything, Mr. Reese. 你什么都不欠我里瑟先生
    That's the name you prefer, isn't it? 你比较喜欢这个名字是吧
    I know you've had several. 我知道你有好几个化名
    Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anybody about you. 别担心我不会把你的事说出去
    You don't know anything about me. 你根本不知道我的事
    I know exactly everything about you, Mr. Reese. 你的事我全都知道里瑟先生
    I know about the work you used to do for the government. 我知道你从前为政府做的工作
    I know about the doubts you came to have about that work. 我知道你对此产生了疑虑
    I know that the government, along with everybody else, 我知道政府还有其他人
    thinks you're dead. 都以为你死了
    I know you've spent the last couple of months 我知道你过去的几个月里
    trying to drink yourself to death. 都想把自己浸死在酒精里
    I know you're contemplating more efficient ways to do it. 我知道你还在琢磨更有效的寻死方式
    So you see, knowledge is not my problem. 所以说搜集信息对我不成问题
    Doing something with that knowledge... 可是用这些信息做点什么
    that's where you'd come in. 就是你的工作了
    And you can call me Mr. Finch. 你可以喊我芬奇先生
    I think you and I can help one another. 我认为我们能互帮互助
    I don't think you need a psychiatrist 我觉得你不需要精神病医生
    or a support group, pills... 互助小组或是药物
    What do I need? 那我需要什么
    You need a purpose. 你需要一个目标
    More specifically, you need a job. 具体点说你需要一份工作
    Eight million people. 这八百万人
    You know what they all have in common? 你知道他们有什么共同点吗
    None of them knows what happens next. 他们都不知道接下来会发生什么
    Someone is murdered in New York city every 18 hours. 每18个小时纽约就会有一个人遇害
    At the end of the day, one of these people will be gone. 今天结束时他们中有一个人会死
    Bad things happen to people every day. 不幸天天都会发生
    You can't stop that. 这是没办法的事
    What if you could? 如果有办法呢
    Not the things that happen in the heat of the moment. 不是指那种飞来横祸
    But so many crimes are planned days, weeks in advance. 有很多罪行要几天甚至几周来策划
    What if you could stop those? 如果你能阻止这些罪行呢
    I've got a list. 我有张名单
    A list of people who are about to be involved in very bad situations. 名单上的人都将陷入危险
    Murders, kidnappings. 可能被谋杀可能被绑架
    The people that are on my list, 我名单上的这些人
    they have no idea that anything's about to happen to them. 他们还浑然不知会发生什么
    Most of them are just ordinary people 他们大多只是普通人
    - Like her. - Thank you. -比如她-谢谢
    Her name is Diane Hansen, 她名叫黛安·汉森
    and this week she's at the top of my list. 本周她在我名单的首位
    I don't know exactly what's going to happen 我不知道到底会发生什么
    or what her role in it is. 也不知道她会扮演什么角色
    She might be the victim. She could be the perpetrator. 她可能是被害人可能是行凶者
    All I know is that she's involved. 我只知道她脱不了干系
    I want you to follow her, figure out what's gonna to happen, 我要你跟着她查出会发生什么
    and stop it from happening. 并加以阻止
    So what do you think? 你觉得如何
    I think you're a bored rich guy. 我觉得你是闲得蛋疼的阔佬
    I think that woman's probably your ex-wife 我觉得那个女人大概是你前妻
    or someone you rode in an elevator with once. 或是你哪天在电梯里搞过的女人
    And either way, I think I'm done. 不管怎么样我都要走了
    Tonight police are looking for a homeless man for further questioning. 警方今晚在找一名流浪汉做进一步问话
    The unidentified man was originally believed 警方本以为该身份不明的男子
    to be the victim of a violent assault on the subway. 是地铁里遭受暴力袭击的被害人
    But now police consider the man 但现在警方将他作为
    a person of interest in a number of crimes nationwide. 国内多起案件的嫌疑人
    Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong? 宝贝怎么了
    Jess, what's wrong? 洁西怎么了
    You need to understand, Mr. Reese, 你要明白里瑟先生
    the information I have is incomplete, 我所得到的信息并不完整
    but it's never wrong. 但从来不会出错
    You need to know what it would be like 你要知道
    to be forced to listen to someone get murdered, 眼睁睁地听着有人被杀
    and not be able to do anything about it. 却对此无能为力是什么感觉
    ...one three eight dot seven x-ray. ...一三八点七X
    12 August, 2008. 1:37 a.m. 2008年8月12日凌晨1点37分
    Too late. 太迟了
    This recording is three years old. 这盘录音带是三年前录的
    A woman murdered in this room by her husband. 一个女人在这间房里被她丈夫杀害
    For the insurance. 不信读读这个
    You were too late for her. 你来不及救她了
    Just like you were too late for your friend Jessica. 就像你来不及救你朋友洁西卡
    You were halfway around the world when she was killed. 她遇害时你在地球的另一端
    What the hell do you know about it? 你到底知道什么
    It's the truth. 这是事实
    You left the government because they lied to you-- I never will. 你离开政府是因为他们骗了你而我不会
    I think all you ever wanted to do was protect people. 我认为你一直以来只是想保护他人
    It's a wire-tap recording. 这是窃听录音
    NSA or FISA. Government. 国安局或国外情报监视之类的政府玩意
    But you're not government. 但你不是政府的人
    No, I'm not. 的确
    I guess you could call me a concerned third party. 我想你可以称我为相关第三方
    You couldn't have saved this woman... 你救不了这个女人
    Or your friend. 也救不了你朋友
    But you could have if you had have known in time. 但如果你及时知道你就能救她们
    And that's the other thing I'm offering you, 而这就是我能提供给你的东西
    a chance to be there in time. 一个及时赶到的机会
    It's not too late for her. 对她来说还为时不晚
    You could help me stop what's about to happen. 你能帮我阻止将要发生的事
    The question is, will you? 问题在于你愿不愿意
    What is this place? 这是什么地方
    The decline of western civilization. 衰落的西方文明
    The city closed half its libraries. 城里一半的图书馆都关闭了
    Budget cuts. 预算紧缩
    This building was sold to a bank that I control, 这栋楼卖给了我手下的一家银行
    which promptly declared bankruptcy. 之后立即宣布破产
    So the property's in a kind of limbo. 所以这里就被废弃了
    It doesn't exist. 可以说不存在了
    Neither do you. I did a little digging. 你也是我查过你
    I recognize, Mr. Reese, that there's a disparity 里瑟先生我知道
    between how much I know about you and how much you know about me. 我们对彼此的了解程度不对等
    I know you'll be trying to close that gap as quickly as possible. 我知道你会想要尽快缩小差距
    But I should tell you I'm a really private person. 但我想告诉你我很注重隐私
    Drivers licenses... credit cards. 驾照信用卡
    Six cover identities. 六个掩护身份
    Funds to be replenished through a proxy corporation. 有待代理公司填充的资金
    Just like when you were with the agency. 就跟你当年为情报局工作一样
    When I was with the agency 我在情报局工作时
    I knew who was picking up the tab. 我知道谁给我买单
    This is your list? 这就是你的名单吗
    The list? 那份名单吗
    Yeah. 没错
    But you don't get names, do you? 但你拿到的不是名字
    These are social security numbers. 这都是社保号码
    And each of them map out to a violent crime. 每个号码都带出一起血案
    And all of these numbers represent... 所有这些号码都代表了...
    Lost chances. 错失的机会
    I could be a lot more help to you 如果你告诉我
    if you just tell me where you're getting these numbers. 你从哪得到这些号码我能帮得更多
    It doesn't really matter where I get the numbers. 我从哪得到这些号码无关紧要
    What you need to know is that the next number that's up 你只需要知道下一组号码
    is hers. 指向她
    Diane Hansen. 黛安·汉森
    Grew up in Detroit. 在底特律长大
    Moved to the city after law school. 法学院毕业后来到纽约
    Single. 单身
    - She have any enemies? - One or two. -她有敌人吗-一两个
    She's an assistant district attorney. 她是地方检察官助理
    Best conviction record in her department. 在她部门定罪记录最高
    We have no idea when this bad thing might happen, huh? 知道这不幸的事件什么时候发生吗
    Could be in a week. Could be five minutes. 可能是一周后也可能是五分钟后
    That's why we need to learn as much as we can about her. 所有我们要尽可能了解她
    How do you intend to begin? 你打算怎么做
    The slow way. 可以慢慢来
    Cultivate a relationship 培养感情
    to allow you to earn the asset's trust. 获取对方信任
    And the fast way? 那要是快点呢
    First, you break into their home 首先闯进目标的家
    and go through all their stuff. 游览目标的物品
    Email, financial records, personal effects. 电邮财务记录私人物品
    Then you hack into their cell phone. 然后黑了他们的电话
    As long as it's charged and has signal, 只要有电也有信号
    you can use the GPS to track them. 就能用GPS追踪他们
    You can use the microphone to listen into their conversations 可以用麦克风窃听他们的谈话
    whether they're talking on the phone or not. 不管他们是不是在打电话
    Hi, mom. I'm sorry I haven't called you back... 妈妈抱歉没打给你
    Third step-- 第三步
    you need picture. 需要照片
    A wireless camera, and you can keep an eye on them from anywhere. 无线摄像头你可以随时随地监控他们
    I know you're worried. I know. I'm fine. 我知道你担心我我知道我没事
    It is a tough job, but I can look after myself. 工作虽然辛苦但我能照顾自己
    You know that. 这你知道
    She's tough, but she's scared about something. 她很坚强但有什么事让她害怕
    Given Hansen's job, 由于汉森的工作性质
    we've got hundreds of people who could be holding a grudge. 有几百个可能对她怀恨在心的人
    I cut the list to two. 我把范围缩小到两个人
    The first is Wheeler, her co-counselor. 第一个是威勒她的合作律师
    They dated for a few months last year. 去年他们交往过一阵子
    She broke things off. 她分的手
    You got time to talk? Maybe I can buy you dinner. 有时间谈谈么我请你吃晚饭
    I'm busy. Another time? 我很忙下次吧
    Is something wrong? I've been noticing lately-- 是不是出什么事了我注意到最近…
    No, I'm fine, thank you. Thanks. 我没事谢谢谢谢你
    And 40% of murders involve 而40%的谋杀案
    Some kind of romantic relationship. 都涉及到恋爱关系
    Wheeler's divorced. One kid. 威勒离过婚有个儿子
    Partial custody, alimony. Career stalled. 一半监护权要出赡养费事业也停滞不前
    The second person I'm looking into is Lawrence Pope. 我第二个调查的人是劳伦斯·波普
    The man Hansen is currently prosecuting. 汉森现在正起诉的人
    Pope's on trial for killing his friends 波普因毒品交易吃亏
    In a drug deal gone bad. 而杀害他那些朋友们而上庭
    Stole $1/2 million in cash. 还牵走了50万现金的毒资
    Pope's gang may be targeting her for reprisal. 波普的帮派或许会找她报复
    When we got there, the scene was colorful. 我们到达现场时现场一塌糊涂
    Five dead. 五人死亡
    One of them had managed to crawl ten feet to a phone 当中一个在地上爬了十尺好去伸手抓电话
    To dial 911. 打911报警
    Detective Fusco, when you interviewed Mr. Pope, 弗斯科警探你调查波普先生的时候
    What did he tell you in his defense? 他当时是怎么给自己辩解的
    He said that if he'd have shot the poor bastard, 他说如果是他杀了那个可怜虫
    He would have shot him in the head. 他会让他脑袋开花
    Quote, "Same as I always do," Unquote. 引述原话我一贯的风格引用完毕
    He said he wouldn't have left him there half-dead, 他说他不会杀人杀个半死
    Blubbering for his girlfriend. 害得他女人哭泣
    No more questions, your Honor. 我问完了法官大人
    Detective... 警探
    You went a little off script in your testimony. 你之前作证的时候多说了很多话
    You never told me about that conversation, 你从没跟我说起那段对话
    And it could clear Pope's name. 这样的话波普可能无罪
    What's it matter? We got the guy. 怎么了我们抓对了人




