今天学习如何学习的课程时,发现了写作指导Blogger的网站,看到一篇介绍写作的Voice 和 Tone 的文章。然后我就想到了Trailhead 里提到关于写作风格的这篇。Writing Style
什么是写作的 Voice 和 Tone
Voice 大家都应该很熟悉了— “中国好声音”。“I want you”!在音乐里 Voice 就想一个歌手的嗓音,比如:你不会把杨坤和李建的声音搞混。
Tone 则像是不同场景下的不同情绪表达。比如愉快,愤怒,悲伤。
在Trailhead 的这个module 里,salesforce 对于两者的不同的解释如下:
Salesforce 的 Voice
Boost sales with Salesforce. (Salesforce 助力销售业绩飙升)
Boost sales and grow your business with Salesforce. (Salesforce 助力业务增长和销售业绩飙升)
“Simple Steps SMBs Can Take to Make Sure Their Culture Is Built to Scale” (为小微企业构建可增长文化的简单步骤)【Blog 文章】
“You haven’t viewed any leads recently. Try switching list views, or create a lead to track a prospect.”
Sales will be boosted with Salesforce. (销售业绩将会被Salesforce 提升)
By utilizing Salesforce, sales will be optimized and organizational growth will be positively impacted.(通过使用Salesforce,销售会被优化,组织的成长也会被显著影响)
“You Won’t Believe These Incredible Steps SMBs Can Take to Make Their Culture Rock!”(你不能错过的神操作构建小微企业狼性文化)
“No recently viewed leads.”
大家应该都能看出,表达一样的意思,第一组文字才是Salesforce 品牌的 Voice。 两组表述的区别能看出来吗?
主动陈述 vs 被动语法
清晰的表达 vs 繁琐描述
准确有启发 vs 夸大吸睛
人性对话 vs 刻板机器提示
Salesforce 理解voice 需要包括两部分:
What you want to convey about your brand. (你所希望如何表达你的品牌)
How users should feel about their experience with your brand. (客户对你品牌的体验和感受)
Salesforce voice的基本要求有以下4点:
Honest (诚实):Trust is our #1 value, and that means we are always truthful in our writing. We don’t use scare tactics, exaggeration, or misdirection. We don’t need to. We say what we mean, and we never damage our credibility.
Clear (清晰):We make technology that’s easy to use and easy to understand. Our writing is too. Avoid unnecessary jargon, overwriting, and other filler that can bog down a clear point.
Fun (有趣):We have a lot of fun at Salesforce, and it shows in all that we do. Our events are like giant family reunions, with Metallica and Foo Fighters as the bands. We are passionate about what we do—and our writing reflects that energy.
Inspiring(有启发):We help people live their best lives—from our employees to our communities of MVPs and Trailblazers. Our writing harnesses that genuine emotion, without ever becoming schmaltzy.
同样每个人有自己喜欢的行文方式和表达方式。品牌需要一个持续稳定的Voice。用户喜欢和习惯你的Voice 会更容易建立品牌的忠诚度。
推荐大家可以学完这个Module然后比较下你的公司选择的Voice 是什么呢?
最后说的 Voice,我今天还在少数派看到一个老帖子也没什么人气,但我很喜欢他的voice和所表达的意思,分享给大家:
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash