

作者: 德拉克洛瓦XD | 来源:发表于2017-09-23 17:20 被阅读0次

Captain Cook's cottage

As we all know British people loves their gardens.But not everybody knows that there is another traditions which are related to cottage gardens.

In 18th century cottage gardens were popular among British families,for a particular need of self-sufficiency(充足)had been revealed.Familys expected to have sufficient food supply roughly in the precapitalistic ages(前资本主义时期).So it followed a rule—pactical.fruits,vegetables and herbs(药草)etc.are provided for the whole family.In this condition Captain Cook's cottage which is famous for a mix design of plants and brilliant view is a very typical example of this particular kind of gardens.


Ivy climbs up the whole single wall and gives a comparation to the old bricks.


The garden is divided into three main area to grow vegetables and hawthorn(山楂)make up fences around.Myosotis(勿忘我),pansies(三色堇)and chrysanthemums(菊花)are growing near the house on the flower border(花境)shaped semicircular.

myosotis pansy

In the flower bed we can see purple lavender and blue leaves of kale(羽衣甘蓝)and beans.

kale A Garden for all Seasons

It's from a single notice In the garden.The flowers blossom in turn during the four seasons.An example of hawthorn is now given to show that.In spring,the new delicate leaves are ofetn picked up for salads.In summer,people can get brandy(白兰地)from those flowers.In autumn the crab apples are often for jam or pudding.In winter the bare branches can make a fire.



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