Teacher-centered versus student-

Teacher-centered versus student-

作者: Crystalzou | 来源:发表于2017-11-14 21:53 被阅读0次

    Over the past few decades,teaching styles have changed significantly.Many teachers no longer feel satisfied with lecture-style,teacher-centered learning.A student-centered teaching style has been shown to have substantial benefits for both teachers and students.

    Student-centered learning can help students take an active interest in their education,Attendance is a problem in today's universities and colleges.Some students fail to attend classes,while others sleep or socialize during class time.Students who are forced or at least encouraged to participate in discussions and answering questions aloud are more likely to pay attention.Studies have shown that answering questions aloud improves understanding and retentions.In additon,students' participation may help them realize that going to class is more effective than simply reading the textbook on their own,without the aid of a teacher.

    At first glance,student-centered learning seems to make teaching a more difficult task.It requires instructors to think of ways to engage their students and make sure that each one is participating.In reality,however,student-centered learning is of great benefit to teachers.When students are forced to express their opinions and answer questions on the spot,it is easy for the instuctor to see where students are having trouble.This type of communication between teachers and students can greatly enhance a teacher's understanding  of what the students have learned or misses.

      Another advantage of student-centered learning is that it can enable students to improve their social skills.under a teacher-centeres mode of instuction,students have little or no opportunity to interact with their peers.As a result,opportunities to build communication and teamwork skills may be severely limited.One of the important functions of higher education,including in-class learing,should be to prepare students foe a smooth transition into society and the workplace.Only by encouraging student participation and interaction can universities foster students'ability to make this transition smoothly and effectively.

      Student-centered learning helps teachers do a better job of planning what material they are going to teach and how best to present it to their students. Students find this type of learning not only more enjoyable,but also much more effective than teacher-centered learning.



      本文标题:Teacher-centered versus student-
