

作者: 枫林悦读_Diana | 来源:发表于2019-08-23 21:14 被阅读0次


[if !supportLists]1、[endif]闻过则喜。不要害怕犯错,主动找机会“曝光”,请老师指出自己平时忽略的语音点,每发现一个不足,就是一个进步的机会。坚持一段时间晨读之后,再返回去听自己第一天晨读内容,会有惊喜。

[if !supportLists]2、[endif]变换练习思路。之前习惯于听一遍原声,自己再跟着念,但是在第十天晨读的时候Eric先是让我照着材料对话用自己的方式读了一遍,再播放原声给我听,这样一比对,自己和原声的差距冲击更加的直观,改进目标也更为清晰。尤其是:

”I’ll take you up on that if they offer me the job.”标线的部分其实是有连读的,且是一个词组不能随意切割,take someone up on something意思是accept someone’s invitation to do something。

”I took your advice(语调上扬) and wore jacket and tie.”这句话语调的旋转流动很微妙。

”Hey, maybe they didn’t like my tie!”这句中英美人士喜欢开玩笑,要以一种比较轻松的语气。


Day 10

[if !supportLists]1、[endif]iron it out “解决问题”

[if !supportLists]2、[endif]Someone in the know “知情者,了解内幕的人”

例句:Somebody in the know told me that he is going to resign.

补充:be not to know“无从知道”“并不知道(做错了事)”

例句:I’m sorry I called you when you were in bed.

-Don’t worry, you weren’t to know.

[if !supportLists]3、[endif]形容一个人面试或者演讲的时候(动作或者语言)生硬、不自然,背诵痕迹明显怎么说?Staged、stilted(looking too practiced or memorized)

Practice your answers, but be careful to sound natural and not to sound too staged.

His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling.

补充:死记硬背还有一个常用的表达rote learning或者to learn something by rote.

[if !supportLists]4、[endif]熟词生意land做动词的时候可以表示

--(困难)降临;使...陷于(困境);不得不应付 land in sth. \ land sb in sth;land sb with sth

His hot temper has landed him in trouble before.

She was arrested and landed in court.

As usual, I got landed with all the boring job.(所有苦差都落在了我头上)


She’s just landed herself a company directorship.

5、错失良机,把事情搞砸了怎么说?Blow sth

You had your chance and you blew it.

[if !supportLists]5、[endif]达成一致\做出决定的事怎么说?致命一击,催命符怎么说?Nail down; a nail in the coffin

各方似乎都渴望敲定停火一事。All the parties seem anxious to nail down a ceasefire.

补充:口语中常见的You nailed it!意思就是“完全切中要点,(干地、说地)太好了”

[if !supportLists]6、[endif]万万不行怎么说?

A big no-no

[if !supportLists]7、[endif]熟词生意throw作动词“使...处境不利;进展不顺”(很有惨画面感,狼狈又凄惨)

例句:经济衰退导致数百万人失业...Economic recession had thrown millions out of work.

出租车司机的抗议使得这座城市陷入混乱. The city was thrown into turmoil because of protest by taxi drivers.


Throw\pitch sb a curveball :出其不意令人不快的惊奇

feather in one’s cap:令人自豪或者骄傲的事物

Get\have a foot in the door:涉足xx行业、设法加入xx圈子、(进行某事的)第一步

I always wanted to work in TV but it took me two years to get a foot in the door.

9、Don’t let is shake your confidence!



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