
作者: CHOCHII | 来源:发表于2017-01-01 21:15 被阅读0次



    <li>US space agency NASA is exploring the possibility of building habitats on the surface of Mars for future explorers using an unexpected material: ice.


    <li>In a statement released this week, researchers at NASA's Langley Research Center described ice as "the best building material" to protect humans from the harsh Martian environment such as extreme temperatures and high-energy radiation.


    <li>Langley senior systems engineer Kevin Vipavetz, who facilitated the design session, said they assessed "many crazy, out of the box ideas" and finally converged on the current Ice Home design, which he said "provides a sound engineering solution."

    兰利高级系统工程师Kevin Vipavetz帮助本次会议的设计评估,评估了许多“跳脱出思维模式的疯狂想法”,最终在现下冰屋设计上达成一致,他说这个结果提供一个十分圆满的工程方案。</li>



    1. I for one 就我而言
    2. Look out for number one 先为自己着想
    3. Take care of number one 照顾自己的利益,为自己打算
    4. the one and only 独一无二的
    5. on earth 究竟
    6. Self-centered 以自我为中心的
    7. pull a fast one on somebody 对某人耍手段
    8. one in a million 百里挑一
    9. it was just one of those days. 平凡的一天
    10. stop at 住宿;逗留在;对..有所踌躇
    11. one too many 多余的
    12. turn into 变成;进入
    13. at one with oneself 清醒的
    14. at one time 曾经,一度
    15. for one thing 首先
    16. one of those things 命中注定的事,不可避免的事
    17. one good turn deserved another 善有善报
    18. one's number is up. 是口语,意思: 某人节数已尽;轮到某人遭殃,某人完蛋了!
    19. be back to square one 回到起点从头再来
    20. all good qualities rolled up into one. 集所有优秀品质于一身
    21. one of these days 总有一天



