
作者: 神奇的小狮子 | 来源:发表于2015-04-09 23:04 被阅读2845次





    Clojure is a young Lispish functional programming language on the JVM platform, suitable for small and large programs. Because it runs on the JVM, all Clojure programs can use all the standard and third-party Java libraries freely.

    user=> (+ 1 2)

    在这门课的material里推荐使用light table作为编译器,大约也是因为可以很好的即时执行Clojure代码的缘故。

    (defn                                ; Start a function definition:
     hello                               ; name
     "Gives out personalized greetings." ; a optional docstring
     [who]                               ; parameters inside brackets
     (str "Hello, " who "!"))            ; body


    * Gives out personalized greetings.
    String hello(String who) {
      return "Hello, " + who + "!";


    Note that in Clojure, there is no return keyword. The return value of a function is always the value of the last expression in the function body.

    (defn sign [x]
      (if (< x 0)
    (sign  2) ;=> "+"
    (sign -2) ;=> "-"
    (sign  0) ;=> "+"


    In functional programming, and specifically in Clojure, everything is an expression. This is a way of saying that everything has a usable value.

    (let [name1 value1
          name2 value2
    user=> (let [x 42]
             (+ x x))
             ;=> 84
    user=> x
    CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException:Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:0) 

    当需要在一个function里声明一个function或者value时,可以使用let关键字。但是此时let声明出的变量或者函数不能在此函数外部使用,说明这是一个local name。

    What kind of values Clojure supports:
    Type Examples Description
    Numbers 42, 3/2, 2.1 Numbers include integers, fractions, and floats.
    Strings "foo" Text values.
    Characters \x, \y, \√ A single characer is written with a preceding \.
    Keywords :foo, :? Values often used as map keys.
    Booleans true, false Boolean values.


    A vector is a collection that can be indexed with integers, like an array in other languages. It can contain values of different types.

    [1 2 3]                 ;=> [1 2 3]
    [:foo 42 "bar" (+ 2 3)] ;=> [:foo 42 "bar" 5]


    (get ["a" "b" "c"] 1)  ;=> "b"
    (get ["a" "b" "c"] 15) ;=> nil
    (get ["x"] 0)          ;=> "x"

    Vectors are immutable即一个已经声明好的向量是不可改变的,但是可以随时利用它来创造新的向量,例如:(conj和assoc是一个函数)

    (conj [1 2 3] 4)          ;=> [1 2 3 4]
    (assoc [1 2 3 4] 2 "foo") ;=> [1 2 "foo" 4]
    Vectors: A Postmodern Deconstruction

    这个我不知道怎么翻译好,似乎是一种提取向量里的值的方法,说是by destructuring,如下:

    (let [[x y z] [1 2 3 4 5 6]]
      (str x y z))
    ;=> "123"


    (defn sum-pairs [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
      [(+ x1 x2) (+ y1 y2)])


    (defn point [x y]
      [x y])
    (defn rectangle [bottom-left top-right]
      [bottom-left top-right])
    (defn width [rectangle]
      (let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] rectangle]
        (- x2 x1)))
    (defn height [rectangle]
      (let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] rectangle]
        (- y2 y1)))
    (defn square? [rectangle]
      (= (width rectangle) (height rectangle)))
    (defn area [rectangle]
      (* (width rectangle) (height rectangle)))
    (defn contains-point? [rectangle point]
      (let [[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] rectangle
             [x y] point]
        (and (<= x1 x x2) (<= y1 y y2))))
    (defn contains-rectangle? [outer inner]
      (let [[k1 k2] inner]
        (and (contains-point? outer k1) (contains-point? outer k2)))




    Where a vector associates integers to values, a map is not restricted to integer keys. You can use any kind of value as a key. A map is written with curly brackets, {}.

    {"foo" 42, "bar" 666}
    {"mehmeh" (+ 2 5)
     "rupatipor" "ropopo"}

    A map is indexed with the get function:

    (let [ages {"Juhana" 3
                "Ilmari" 42
                "King of All Cosmos" -6}]
      (get ages "King of All Cosmos"))
    ;=> -6

    在一个标准的clojure程序中,一个map的keys大多数都是keywords。 Keywords are a convenient way of naming keys for values in associative collections such as maps. They are written with a preceding :.

    (def book {:title "The City and the City"
               :authors [{:name "China Miéville", :birth-year 1972}]})
    (get book :title) ;=> "The City and the City"

    使用Keywords会比这样调用get更方便。They work as functions that access collections:

    (:title book) ;=> "The City and the City"



    (count [1 2 3]) ;=> 3
    (count {:name "China Miéville", :birth-year 1972}) => 2
    (count ":)") => 2

    Adding Values to a Map

    (assoc a-map a-key a-value) sets the value of a-key in a-map to be a-value.

    (assoc {:a 1} :b 2) ;=> {:b 2, :a 1}
    (assoc {:a 1} :a 2) ;=> {:a 2}

    Vectors are an associative data structure, so assoc also works with them.

    ;index: 0 1 2                0   1   2
    (assoc [3 2 1] 1 "~o~") ;=> [3 "~o~" 1]

    Assoc 并不会改变最初的数据结构, 只是会返回一个新的version。

    (let [original [1 2 3 4]
          new      (assoc original 2 "foo")]
    ;=> [1 2 3 4]

    The keys and values of a map can be of any data type, and one map can contain any number of different data types as both keys and values.




    Many of Clojure’s functions that operate on vectors and other collections actually operate on sequences. The (seq collection) function returns a sequence constructed from a collection, such as a vector or a map.

    Sequences have the following operations:

    • (first sequence) 返回sequence的第一个元素

    • (rest sequence) 返回sequence除了第一个元素的其他元素

    • (cons item sequence) returns a new sequence where item is the first element and sequence is the rest.返回item是第一个元素、sequence是其余元素的新的sequence


    (seq [1 2 3])          ;=> (1 2 3)
    (seq {:a 42 :b "foo" :c ["ur" "dad"]})
                           ;=> ([:a 42] [:c ["ur" "dad"]] [:b "foo"])
    (first (seq [1 2 3]))  ;=> 1
    (rest (seq [1 2 3]))    ;=> (2 3)
    (cons 0 (seq [1 2 3])) ;=> (0 1 2 3)


    (first [1 2 3])  ;=> 1
    (rest [1 2 3])   ;=> (2 3)
    (cons 0 [1 2 3]) ;=> (0 1 2 3)

    The map function

    (map function collection)map里有两个参数,一个function和一个sequenceable collection即有序集,或者我们可以说是一个sequence。map会让那个function调用sequence里的每个元素,并返回一个新的sequence,它是由原来的sequence里的每个元素被那个function调用过后返回的结果组成的。

    (defn munge [x]
      (+ x 42))
    (map munge [1 2 3 4])
    ;=> ((munge 1) (munge 2) (munge 3) (munge 4)) ; [note below]
    ;=> ( 43        44        45        46)

    当你有一个关于map的sequence, :keywords也可以做map里的function使用,举例:

    (:name {:name "MEEEE", :secret "Awesome"}) ;=>  "MEEEE"
    (let [people [{:name "Juhana", :age 3}
                  {:name "Ilmari", :age 42}
                  {:name "Jani", :age 72}
                  {:name "King of All Cosmos" :age -6}]]
      (map :age people))
    ;=> (3 42 72 -6)



    (concat ["China Miéville"] ["Octavia E. Butler"]) ;=> ("China Miéville" "Octavia E. Butler")


    (concat (("China Miéville") ("Octavia E. Butler")))
    ;=> (("China Miéville") ("Octavia E. Butler"))

    (apply function a-seq) applies function to the arguments in a-seq. Here’s an example:

    (apply + [1 2 3])
    ;=> (+ 1 2 3)
    ;=> 6
    (apply concat [["China Miéville"] ["Octavia E. Butler"]])
    ;=> (concat ["China Miéville"] ["Octavia E. Butler"])
    ;=> ("China Miéville" "Octavia E. Butler")


    (apply function [arg1 arg2 arg3 ...]) => (function arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    The function (repeat n x) returns a sequence with n x s:

    (repeat 5 "*") ;=> ("*" "*" "*" "*" "*")
    (repeat 3 "~o~") ;=> ("~o~" "~o~" "~o~")


    还有一个主要的data structure是Set. 英文解释是It is an unordered collection of items without duplicates. 个人理解即为使用它后,会返回一个无序的不重复的集合。

    (set ["^^" "^^" "^__*__^"]) ;=> #{"^__*__^" "^^"}
    (set [1 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 1]) ;=> #{1 2 3}

    The textual form of a set is #{an-elem another-elem ...} and you can convert another collection into a set with the function set.


    (def games #{"Portal", "Planescape: Torment",
                 "Machinarium", "Alpha Protocol"})
    (contains? games "Portal") ;=> true
    (contains? games "RAGE")   ;=> false
    (contains? games 42)       ;=> false

    (conj set elem) adds elem to set if it does not already have elem;

    (disj set elem) removes elem from set if it contains elem:

    (conj #{:a :b :c} :EEEEE) ;=> #{:a :c :b :EEEEE}
    (conj #{:a :b :c} :a)     ;=> #{:a :c :b}
    (conj #{:a :b :c} :d :e)  ;=> #{:a :c :b :d :e}
    (disj #{:a :b :c} :c) ;=> #{:a :b}
    (disj #{:a :b :c} :EEEEE) ;=> #{:a :c :b}
    (disj #{:a :b :c} :c :a) ;=> #{:b}


    (count #{1 2 3}) ;=> 3
    (count (set [1 2])) ;=> 2


    (def china {:name "China Miéville", :birth-year 1972})
    (def octavia {:name "Octavia E. Butler"
                  :birth-year 1947
                  :death-year 2006})
    (def friedman {:name "Daniel Friedman" :birth-year 1944})
    (def felleisen {:name "Matthias Felleisen"})
    (def cities {:title "The City and the City" :authors [china]})
    (def wild-seed {:title "Wild Seed", :authors [octavia]})
    (def embassytown {:title "Embassytown", :authors [china]})
    (def little-schemer {:title "The Little Schemer"
                         :authors [friedman, felleisen]})
    (def books [cities, wild-seed, embassytown, little-schemer])
    (defn all-author-names [books]
      (let [author-names
             (fn [book] (map :name (:authors book)))]
        (set (apply concat (map author-names books)))))


    • fn to introduce a helper function,
    • keywords to index the books,
    • 第一个map to get all authors from a single book
    • let to give a name to our helper function,
    • 第二个map to apply the helper function to all the given books, and
    • construct a set with the set function to get rid of duplicates.


    (all-author-names books)
    ;=> #{"Matthias Felleisen" "China Miéville"
    ;     "Octavia E. Butler" "Daniel Friedman"}



