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推酷《Guru Weekly》第四十五期

推酷《Guru Weekly》第四十五期

作者: 推酷 | 来源:发表于2016-09-28 17:00 被阅读40次

    推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


    1. 7 Things You May Not Know in JavaScript

    2. Airbnb CSS / Sass Styleguide

    3. 30 Learning Resources For Mastering Angular 2

    4. Welcome to HTML 5.2!

    5. CSS Grid Layout: A Quick Start Guide

    6. Should I use 'single' or "double-quotes" for strings in JavaScript

    7. Your Ultimate Guide to Mobile First Web Design

    8. Getting Started with Sass

    9. You Might Not Need Redux


    1. [iOS] Good practices to become a great iOS developer

    2. Xamarin: Enhanced Notifications in Android N with Direct Reply

    3. BubbleAnimationLayout

    4. React Native UI Challenge: Wunderlist clone

    5. React Native Tutorial: Integrating in an Existing App

    6. Android Animation Tutorial

    7. Effective Android Architecture


    1. Redesigning the HHVM JIT compiler for better performance

    2. Create a Single Page App With Go, Echo and Vue

    3. Returning from Exceptions

    4. Kotlin in Production - What works, Whats broken

    5. 10 Best Python Frameworks For Developers

    6. Functional programming in C++

    7. Introducing .NET Standard


    1. Introducing MySQL InnoDB Cluster – MySQL HA: Out-of-Box, Easy to use High Availability

    2. Monitoring Magento Visitor Logs with the ELK Stack

    3. Serverless Architectures

    4. Dead-simple HTTPS Set up with Docker and Let's Encrypt

    5. Tuning NGINX


    1. The decline of Stack Overflow

    2. Understanding REST And RPC For HTTP APIs

    3. What are Bloom filters?

    4. The Fundamental Limits of Machine Learning

    5. An Introduction to Stock Market Data Analysis with Python (Part 1)

    6. Deep Learning Part 3: Combining Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Recurrent Neural Network

    7. A simple neural network with Python and Keras

    8. A Beginner’s Guide to HTTP/2 and its Importance

    9. Building an NGINX Access Log Monitoring Dashboard

    10. Node.js at Scale - npm Best Practices

    11. Understanding Test Rules

    12. A Linux user's guide to Logical Volume Management

    13. Deploying Docker Containers On A Raspberry Pi Device

    14. Building a Game with Three.js, ReactJS and WebGL


    1. Primitive Pictures

    2. Lodash, but lightweight: Pareto.js

    3. HttpStat: It's like curl -v, with colours

    4. EliasDB - a graph based database

    5. Gallium – Build Desktop Applications in Go and HTML

    6. Rekit - Toolkit for building web apps with React, Redux and React-router



        本文标题:推酷《Guru Weekly》第四十五期
