今天分享的齐先生妙小姐系列的little miss princess.
Little miss princess lives in a very big castle and she had lots of people to do everything for her.
People to mow the lawns.
People to cook her breakfast.
She even had people to make her bed.
同时这样的生活并没有让她变得rude and spoilt.她送了一个厨师为阳光小姐做食物当阳光小姐得流感的时候;当她听说忙碌先生很忙时,给他送去一个园丁帮他整理花园;为整洁小姐送去女仆当她听说整洁小姐的拖把用磨损了。
以上这些她为别人做的都对别人很有帮助,且很被感激,所以little miss princess并不真正认为她做了任何有帮助性的事情。
Little miss princess去了错误的地方采购食物,结果空篮而归;在超市成功采购食物后,又将食物放错地方,弄脏了地板和沙发;叠被子把自己弄的一团糟;把食物烹饪的没办法食用。
Little miss princess 为自己做不好任何事情感觉很沮丧,Mr bump说他认为她可以做好所有的事,可以电话定披萨。
Little miss princess 问这可以证明她的什么能力,Mr bump 说:well,you are good at giving orders.