1115 Flora 杨华
Row Row Row Your Boat,所有看过英文绘本的家长都会哼几句,今天拿到这本绘本,儿歌循环播放了一个下午,当之无愧的英语神曲之一。绘本是由儿歌改编,Iza Trapani十分擅长水彩画,她还改编了经典的童谣:《小星星》、《 The Itsy Bitsy Spider》《玛丽有只小羊羔》等。

Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream

Row row row your boat
Happy as can be
Sunshine glowing,off and rowing
With your family.

Row row row your boat
Stroke and follow through
Fumbling,flailing,oars go sailing
What a clumsy crew!

Row row row your boat
Row with all your might

Rocking,bashing,water splashing
Better hold on tight

Row row row your boat
Look ahead to find
Beavers damming,logging,jamming
Left you in a bind

Row row row your boat
Stop to have a munch
What a noisy bunch!

Row row row your boat
Better row to shore
Raining,hailing,wind is wailing
Hear the thunder roar!

Row row row your boat
Finding a place that’s dry
Scurry,scuttle,hide and huddle
Till the storm blows by

Row row row your boat
And away you go
Skies are clearing,sunset nearing
Homeward bound you row
