The web has become the foremost--and sometimes only--method for communicating with users. As a result, having a web content strategy is critical to content teams.
--Digested from Content for the web (MMoS)
目前公司文档就是web-based且发布周期是two weeks。遇到Doc Feedback,随时可以fix bugs or make improvements。看到这一章时,我的感触挺多的,与我以前的写作方法基本吻合。我记录一些要点,强化记忆。
Make text scannable
Include navigation within long documents
Give paragraphs room—and keep them short
Organize text into discrete components to support scanning. This section describes some of the methods you can use:
How you write is equally important to scanning.
* Long web content on a page (Discouraging and daunting for readers)
Cause: The left navigation bar contains two-level TOC. Each web page contains a one-level mini TOC.
Competitor: the layouts of AWS and Microsoft e-doc are a three- or four-level TOC in the navigation bar, which helps reduce the long web content on a page.
* Table design is not friendly (not scannable)
Cause: The in-born issues with markdown syntax (such as text in a cell can't be broken into paragraphs), the poor design (such as the heavy table header, the gray background for rows).
* Part is not task-based writing. Not put first things first
* The Mini-TOC design is easily mistaken for an ad.