

作者: htrh545 | 来源:发表于2019-02-12 16:25 被阅读0次


应用描述:Mobile game is a 3D action made by a professional game team. Featuring classic Oriental fantasy style, it has created a brand new world of xiuxian for players.Finger manipulation is easier, the ubiquitous PK battle, you also a real exciting battlefield.








1. 天道争锋会获取用户的积分或战力等信息进入游戏排行榜供其他玩家查看

2. 天道争锋游戏在提供产品和服务时,可能会对部分用户收取一定的费用。在此情况下,相关页面上会有明确的提示。如用户不同意支付该等费用,可选择不接受相应的产品和服务。

3. 天道争锋游戏通过服务器端设备接入互联网为用户提供产品和服务,除此之外与产品和服务有关的设备(如电脑、调制解调器及其他与接入互联网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费)均应由用户自行负担。

4. 用户应使用正版软件接受产品和服务,软件费用由用户自行负担。


Skypath - privacy agreement statement

This user registration services agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement") is between you (hereinafter referred to as the "user") and the developer of skytrek games in its and/or its affiliates for the provision of products and services.

In order to protect the rights and interests of users, please carefully read the full text of this agreement before you register to use the various products and services provided by tiandao zhengfeng game.If the user to enter heaven head-to-head game user registration page, confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement and complete the registration, or by any other way to obtain and use the other game products and services provided by the heaven, is regarded as the user has read the contents of this agreement and agree to abide by the stipulations of the this agreement.User shall no longer refuse to perform this agreement on the ground of not knowing the contents hereof.

In addition to this service agreement, you should also read and accept the "notice to upload works", "notice to leave a message" and "copyright notice". The "notice to upload works", "notice to leave a message" and "copyright notice" are integral parts of this agreement.

Tiandao zhengfeng game service content

1. Tiandao zhanfeng will obtain the user's points or battle power and other information into the game leaderboard for other players to view

2. Tiandao zhengfeng may charge some users a certain fee when providing products and services.In this case, the relevant page will have a clear hint.If users do not agree to pay such fees, they may choose not to accept the corresponding products and services.

3. Heaven head-to-head games through the server equipment connected to the Internet to provide users with products and services, in addition to equipment related to the products and services (such as computers, modems and other associated with access to the Internet device) and the required fees (such as networking fee and pay for access to the Internet) shall be borne by users.

4. Users shall use legitimate software to accept products and services, and the software fees shall be borne by users themselves.

In addition to the above use, no third party shall have access to the data.


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