教学日记 Eric 2017-11-2

教学日记 Eric 2017-11-2

作者: Cici清清 | 来源:发表于2017-11-02 21:09 被阅读13次


    课时: Eric 1

    今天是Eric的第一堂英语试听课。没上课前我已经听多多的妈妈说Eric已经看英语动画片一年多,我想他的英语应该很不错。今天我们在万达上课,上课前我们相互认识了,并给他介绍了我们上课的方式。我准备了泡泡bubble,我带Eric在广场外面玩,看到泡泡的他开始变得放松和开心。我让他开口说bubble 他也会开口说。 我让他自己尝试,他很兴奋。泡泡水用光后我们去二楼玩具店玩。他喜欢车car, 他最喜欢的是动画片汪汪队 paw patrol 里的玩具,他都能叫出那些狗的英文名字Marshall  Rocky  Tracker和简单台词 green means go等。 我们也玩了太空沙 space sand,  Eric做了沙堡 sand castle. 我们用纯英文交流,Eric几乎都能听懂,他也会说很多的英文单词(orang 猩猩  elephant 大象等)。 我们去了另一家店里玩海洋球ocean ball, 他很喜欢。他也能用英文说出不同颜色的球( pink ball, yellow ball, white ball),他会把外面的球捡回去。我也和他们一起玩,他看到我躺在球里也很高兴。我们一起读了三本书,他想玩不是很情愿读书,但还是听从老师的安排读完了再玩。他不喜欢唱歌。我带他去玩了滑梯slide,我说我也想玩。他说one (只能玩一次),我说不够,他就说four.  Eric会遵守规则,我说最后一次他玩完就停了。最后我们玩了搭积木,他做了一把来复枪 rifle. 他对自己的作品很满意。

    Date: the 2nd November,2017

    Class: Eric 1

    It was Eric's first audition class. I heard from Jack's mummy that Eric had been watched English cartoon more than one year. I think Eric's English is good. We had class in Wanda plaza. At the beginning of class, we introduced and said hello to eachother, i also mentioned the method of our class.  I brought bubble,  when Eric saw the bubbles, he was relaxed and happy. I let him try, he was so excited. When the bubble mixture ran out, we went to the toy store  on the second floor. He liked the car, his favourite was the toy of the cartoon of Paw Patrol. He can say each dog's name ( Marshall  Rocky  Tracker) and simple  lines( green means go).  We played the space sand, he made the sand castle. I spoke to him in English, he can understand most of them, he can speak some words. ( orang  elephant). We went to play the ocean ball in another store. He can say the ball in different colors ( pink ball, yellow ball, white ball). I sat in the balls to play with them, he was happy to see that. We read three books, but he didn't like read books, but he still read it according to the teacher's requirement.  He doen't like singing songs.  We played the slide, i also wanted to play. He said :" one". I wanted to play more, so he said:" four". He was good at keeping the rules, i told him it was the last time, then he stopped playing. At last we played with the blocks, he made one rifle. He liked his own work.



          本文标题:教学日记 Eric 2017-11-2
