2020-05-19 你有没有把开心地和孩子相处放在第一优先级呢

2020-05-19 你有没有把开心地和孩子相处放在第一优先级呢

作者: 泥巴叔叔 | 来源:发表于2020-05-19 23:29 被阅读0次

    Make enjoying your kids your top parenting priority.

     In a competitive, overly busy world, it's so easy to forget the basics: that enjoying your kids is one of the best things you can do for them, and for yourself. You don't have to spend every moment with your kid, or convince yourself parenting isn't hard when it is. But think for a moment about the giddy look we give babies when we see them in the morning or after a long day away. Think about the experience of being that baby: every time someone looks at you, they smile as if you're a miracle.

     Your kid needs to feel the joy of seeing your face light up when you see him because you are genuinely happy to spend time with him. This feeling is incredibly powerful and important for his self- esteem and sense of well-being. Bill still remembers that when he went through a difficult period in his early twenties, he had pair of friends who always expressed how happy they were to see him. This was forty years ago, and still it's seared into his consciousness.

     This powerful memory helped shape Bill's thinking when he started to do psychotherapy with kids and families. He began to suggest to parents that they make enjoying their kids their top priority so that their kids would have the experience of being joy- producing organisms.

     Once that priority of enjoyment is set, work backward. If you're not enjoying your children because of unresolved anger, focus on resolving that anger. If you're not enjoying your kids because of pressures from work, focus on relaxation strategies and cognitive techniques for minimizing anxiety. If the lack of enjoyment is due to marital conflict, investigate couples therapy. If you're not enjoying your kids because of their problematic behavior, work with professional to help improve this behavior. If you're not enjoying your kids because you're not getting enough social support, socialize more. Or perhaps you're not enjoying your kids because you're spending too much time with them. Our highest goal in life isn't to make our kids feel good-but it's worth paying attention to what's blocking you from genuinely enjoying them and removing it.

     Very early in his career, Bill did a consultation with Eric,a twenty-one-year-old "failure to launch" young adult who had had academic and behavioral difficulties in high school, flunked out of college twice, and was struggling to stay clean and sober. After Eric had recounted his struggles in school and the constant conflict that occurred between him and his parents in the teenage years, Bill asked “Do you think there is something that your parents could have done differently when you were in high school that could have made life better for you?" After thinking for a long time, Eric said, "I think it might have helped if they had been happy to see me sometimes."






          本文标题:2020-05-19 你有没有把开心地和孩子相处放在第一优先级呢
