

作者: echo_ec20 | 来源:发表于2018-02-19 12:32 被阅读0次


    proxmark3 原版的程序一直都是英文的 所以一直在考虑怎么翻译一下。

    st=>start: 读取xml文件
    op=>operation: 解析xml文件,提取翻译部分
    op1=>operation: 利用有道翻译API,对提取部分翻译
    op2=>operation: 接收处理翻译结果,替换源文件中匹配部分
    cond=>condition: Yes or No?
    e=>end: 关闭文件



    import re  
    import  xml.dom.minidom
    # coding=utf-8
    import urllib
    import urllib2
    import json
    import time
    import hashlib
    import sys  
    class YouDaoFanyi:
        def __init__(self, appKey, appSecret):
            self.url = 'https://openapi.youdao.com/api/'
            self.headers = {
                "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.109 Safari/537.36",
            self.appKey = appKey  # 应用id
            self.appSecret = appSecret  # 应用密钥
            self.langFrom = 'auto'   # 翻译前文字语言,auto为自动检查
            self.langTo = 'auto'     # 翻译后文字语言,auto为自动检查
        def getUrlEncodedData(self, queryText):
            :param queryText: 待翻译的文字
            :return: 返回url编码过的数据
            salt = str(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))  # 产生随机数 ,其实固定值也可以,不如"2"
            sign_str = self.appKey + queryText + salt + self.appSecret
            sign = hashlib.md5(sign_str).hexdigest()
            payload = {
                'q': queryText,
                'from': self.langFrom,
                'to': self.langTo,
                'appKey': self.appKey,
                'salt': salt,
                'sign': sign
            # 注意是get请求,不是请求
            data = urllib.urlencode(payload)
            return data
        def parseHtml(self, html):
            :param html: 翻译返回的页面内容
            :return: None
            data = json.loads(html)
            #print '-' * 10
            translationResult = data['translation']
            if isinstance(translationResult, list):
                translationResult = translationResult[0]
            #print translationResult
            return translationResult
            if "basic" in data:
                youdaoResult = "\n".join(data['basic']['explains'])
                #print '有道词典结果'
                #print youdaoResult
            #print '-' * 10
        def translate(self, queryText):
            data = self.getUrlEncodedData(queryText)  # 获取url编码过的数据
            target_url = self.url + '?' + data    # 构造目标url
            request = urllib2.Request(target_url, headers=self.headers)  # 构造请求
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)  # 发送请求
            return self.parseHtml(response.read())    # 解析,显示翻译结果
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        appKey = '############'  # 应用id
        appSecret = '#########################'  # 应用密钥
        fanyi = YouDaoFanyi(appKey, appSecret)
        #while True:
         #   queryText = raw_input("请输入你好翻译的文字[Q|quit退出]: ").strip()
          #  if queryText in ['Q', 'quit']:
           #     break
            # fanyi.translate(queryText)
    def change_node_properties(nodelist, kv_map, is_delete=False):
      '''修改/增加 /删除 节点的属性及属性值
        nodelist: 节点列表
      for node in nodelist:
        for key in kv_map:
          if is_delete:
            if key in node.attrib:
              del node.attrib[key]
            node.set(key, kv_map.get(key))
    def change_node_text(nodelist, text, is_add=False, is_delete=False):
        text : 更新后的文本'''
      for node in nodelist:
        if is_add:
          node.text += text
        elif is_delete:
          node.text = ""
          node.text = text
    def write_result(str):  
        str = unicode(str)
        return str 
    def alter(file,old_str,new_str):
        :param file:文件名
        :param old_str:就字符串
        :param new_str:新字符串
        file_data = ""
        with open(file, "r") as f:
            for line in f:
                if old_str in line:
                    line = line.replace(old_str,new_str)
                file_data += line
        with open(file,"w") as f:
    dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse('1.xml')
    root = dom.documentElement
    print root.nodeName
    bb = root.getElementsByTagName('section')
    b= bb[0]
    print b.nodeName
    itemlist = root.getElementsByTagName('item')
    for i in range(3000):
         item = itemlist[i]
         if item.getAttribute("text") != "" :
         #print item
            u = item.getAttribute("text") 
            print u
            if u != "" :
                a = fanyi.translate(u)         
                #   print a
                alter("1.xml", u, a)


    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <section title="高频(高频)" tooltip="高频率函数/命令">
        <section title="ISO14443A" tooltip="管理ISO14443A标签(例如:MIFARE)">
            <section title="14443一个The list of" tooltip="ISO14443A历史The list of" uniqueId="14ahis" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="f" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,也显示帧延迟时间。" uniqueId="14af" text="检查也显示帧延迟时间。"/> 
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,将crc置于[crc]之间" uniqueId="14ac" text="检查在[crc]之间放置crc"/> 
                <item type="button" text="The list of" tooltip="按阅读ISO14443A历史。" action0="hf list 14a $14af $14ac" />
            <section title="14443个The reader" tooltip="Like an ISO14443A reader." uniqueId="14areader" >
                <item type="button" text="ACT AS A reader" tooltip="按使用PM3作为ISO14443A阅读材料。" action0="hf 14a reader" />
                <section title="14443Send the original command" tooltip="Sends the original command to the tag card." uniqueId="14acmd" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-r" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,PM3将不会读取来自标记的响应。" uniqueId="readResponsea" text="不读反应"/>
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="如果检查,PM3将自动计算并追加CRC发送命令。" uniqueId="calcCRCa" text="auto-calculate和附加CRC"/>
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-p" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="如果选中,PM3将在接收后离开信号字段。" uniqueId="fieldona" text="接收后离开信号字段。"/>         
                    <item type="drop-down" values="-a,-s" defaultValue="-s" tooltip="活跃的信号场形态" uniqueId="fieldonsel" label="select field mode (a=On-Without-Select; s=On-With-Select)" width="35" />                            
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-t" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,PM3将在指定的超时下使用。" uniqueId="14at" text="使用指定的超时(在下面的文本字段中写入值)" />                            
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="超时时间(毫秒)" uniqueId="14atimeout" label="Timeout (expressed in ms):" width="180"/>                              
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-b 7" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,PM3将发送第一个字节为7bit(对mifare和可变UID mifare有用)" uniqueId="bits" text="发送第1字节为7比特。" />                          
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="3000" tooltip="将发送十六进制数据。" uniqueId="dataTextbox" label="Data to be sent (in hex):" width="180"/>                
                    <item type="button" text="Send the original command" tooltip="按下按钮将原始命令发送到标签/卡片。" action0="hf 14a raw $readResponsea $calcCRCa $fieldona $fieldonsel $14at $14atimeout $bits $dataTextbox" />
                            <item type="label" label="
                            Main ISO14443A Commands: 
                            30         = Read (usage: 30+1byte block number+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - answer: 16bytes)
                            A2         = Write (usage: A2+1byte block number+4bytes data+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - answer: 0A [ACK] or 00 [NAK])
                            52 (7bits) = WUPA (usage: 52(7bits) - answer: 2bytes ATQA)
                            93 20      = Anticollision (usage: 9320 - answer: 4bytes UID+1byte UID-bytes-xor)
                            93 70      = Select (usage: 9370+5bytes 9320 answer - answer: 1byte SAK)
                            50 00      = Halt (usage: 5000+2bytes ISO14443A-CRC - no answer from card)
                            40 (7bits) = Used to put Chinese Changeable UID cards in special mode (must be followed by 43 (8bits) - answer: 0A
                        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                  
            <section title="14443一个收集uid" tooltip="Collect ISO14443A uid" uniqueId="14acuids"  width="120">
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="您要收集的uid数量。" uniqueId="dataUIDs" label="(Optional) Number of UIDs to collect (>0)"/>
                <item type="button" text="收集uid" tooltip="按使用PM3作为ISO14443A阅读材料。" action0="hf 14a cuids $dataUIDs" />
            <section title="14443一个模拟" tooltip="To simulate the behavior of ISO14443A label (clone)." uniqueId="14asim" >
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="1,2,3,4" tooltip="模式可以是:'1'=MIFARE Classic, '2'=MIFARE Ultralight, '3'=MIFARE DESFire, '4'=ISO/ iec14443 -4。" uniqueId="14atype" label="Mode" width="30"/>       
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="UID值来模拟" uniqueId="14auid" label="UID:" width="120"/>
                <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="按模拟ISO14443A标签-按PM3按钮停止模拟!" action0="hf 14a sim $14atype $14auid" />
            <section title="14443一个Busybody." tooltip="窃听ISO14443 TypeA沟通" uniqueId="14asn" >
                <item type="button" text="Busybody." tooltip="媒体窃听通信;监测数据将使PM3绿色开启;按PM3按钮1次停止窥探。" action0="hf 14a snoop" />
                <item type="label" label="
    嗅嗅 the communication between a reader and a tag. The communication from both directions is captured
    and stored in a buffer (BigBuf) on the Proxmark and can be downloaded by hi14alist. By default, 
    the Proxmark waits for communication to occur which means that it will 'hang' forever if nothing happens.
    You can press the button on the device to stop acquisition and get back to the command line. The command 
    hi14asnoop starts sniffing the communication between a reader and card until the buffer is full. Below is 
    the result of the sniffing captured by executing hi14alist. The result shows the repeated anticollision 
    loop. This indicates that the reader is just polling if the card is still there. 
    This anticollision loop walks through the following states :
    Reader : 26 to Card : 04 00 The reader sends an REQA (Request for type A) message 
                               on which the card responded with its type.
    Reader : 93 20 from Card : 2a 69 8c 43 8c The reader starts the anticollision to select 
                               a card and requests its UID. The card responded with its UID. The last 
                               byte is the so-called BCC18 and is the result of XOR-ing the first four UID-bytes.
    Reader : 93 70 2a 69 8c 43 8c to Card : 08 b6 dd The reader selects the desired card by sending 
                               93 70 followed by the UID of the card. If the card is successfully selected it 
                               will response with a SAK19 which means that the card is now ready to handle commands 
                               of the higher layer protocol. The SAK consists of one byte (08) that indicates the 
                               card type and is followed by two CRC bytes. " />
        <section title="14443A 标签">
            <section title="英飞凌" tooltip="英飞凌特定功能/命令/工具" >
                <section title="我移动" tooltip="管理我的移动标签" uniqueId="mydmove" >
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="读取块号(从00到25)" label="Block Number (00-25):" uniqueId="mydmoveblockr" width="35" />
                        <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14a raw -c -s 30 $mydmoveblockr" waitfor="" action1="" />
                            <item type="label" label="读块 answer is 16bytes + 2bytes CRC (1st byte is 1st-selected-block byte - each 
                            block = 4bytes - if you select 25 you receive bytes form blocks 25, 00, 01 and 02)
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="块号(从00到25)" label="Block Number (00-25):" uniqueId="mydmoveblockw" width="35" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00" tooltip="需要写入的数据(hex中的4个字节)" label="Data:" uniqueId="mydmovedata" width="80" />             
                        <item type="label" label="BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WRITING 我移动 特殊的 BLOCKS !!! 
                            <item type="button" label="     _     " text="写块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14a raw -c -s A2 $mydmoveblockw $mydmovedata" />
                            <item type="label" label="answer for correct writing is -0A- (ACK); answer for incorrect writing is -00- (NAK)
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
        <section title="Innovision /博通" tooltip="Innovision特定功能/命令/工具(珠宝/黄水晶)" >    
            <section title="珠宝/黄玉" tooltip="犹太人/黄玉特定功能/命令/工具" >     
                <section title="The list of" tooltip="窃听珠宝/黄玉通信" uniqueId="topazlst" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="f" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,也显示帧延迟时间。" uniqueId="topazf" text="检查也显示帧延迟时间。"/>   
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,将crc置于[crc]之间" uniqueId="topazc" text="检查在[crc]之间放置crc"/>   
                <item type="button" text="The list of" tooltip="Press to read jewellery/topaz history." action0="hf list topaz $topazf $topazc" />
                <section title="The reader" tooltip="表现得像珠宝或黄玉的The reader。" uniqueId="topazrdr" >
                    <item type="button" text="ACT AS A reader" tooltip="Press button to use PM3 as a jewelry/topaz reader." action0="hf topaz reader" />
                <section title="Busybody." tooltip="窃听珠宝/黄玉通信" uniqueId="topazsn" >
                    <item type="button" text="Busybody." tooltip="媒体窃听通信;监测数据将使PM3绿色开启;按PM3按钮1次停止窥探。" action0="hf topaz snoop" />
                <section title="珠宝/黄玉 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示了可用命令的gem /Topaz子类别。" uniqueId="14atopaz" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press to obtain the help info." action0="hf topaz help" />
        <section title="NXP /飞利浦" tooltip="飞利浦/ NXP特定功能/命令/工具" >    
            <section title="非接触式读卡器(原件/克隆/中国)" tooltip="非接触式读卡器特定功能/命令/工具" >    
                <section title="经典的标签" tooltip="MiFare MINI,经典(1K), 2K, 4K。">   
                    <section title="读块" tooltip="读取标准的Mifare卡块。" uniqueId="mfrdsc">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:63" tooltip="批号来读。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="mfblkn" label="Block Number:" width="40" />
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="A,B" tooltip="使用的关键。A =使用KeyA,B = KeyB使用" uniqueId="mfkey" label="Key to Use:" width="30" /> 
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="FFFFFFFFFFFF" tooltip="键值(12十六进制字符)" uniqueId="mfkeyvalue" label="Key Value:"/>              
                        <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="按下读取选定块。" action0="hf mf rdbl $mfblkn $mfkey $mfkeyvalue" />
                        <item type="label" label="
                            Command execution example:
                            proxmark3> hf mf rdbl 4 B FFFFFFFFFFFF
                            --block no:04 key type:01 key:ff ff ff ff ff ff            
                            #db# 读块 FINISHED                 
                            isOk:01 data:00 00 03 10 d1 01 0c 54 02 65 6e 32 32 32 32 32  
                            -------------------------------------------------------------" />                       
                    <section title="写块" tooltip="阅读标准的Mifare卡块。" uniqueId="mfwrsc">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:63" tooltip="块编号写。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="mfblkn" label="Block Number; WARNING: blocks 3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35,39,43,47,51,55,59 and 63 contains keys and security !!!" width="40" />
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="A,B" tooltip="使用的关键。A =使用KeyA,B = KeyB使用" uniqueId="mfkey" label="Key to Use:" width="30" /> 
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="FFFFFFFFFFFF" tooltip="键值(12十六进制字符)" uniqueId="mfkeyvalue" label="Key Value:"/>              
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="数据值(32个十六进制字符)" uniqueId="mfdata" label="Data to be written (ex. 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F):" width="215"/>                    
                        <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="按下写入选定块。" action0="hf mf wrbl $mfblkn $mfkey $mfkeyvalue $mfdata" /> 
                        <item type="label" label="
                            Command execution example:
                            proxmark3> hf mf wrbl 24 B FFFFFFFFFFFF 00000000000000000000000000000000
                            --block no:18 key type:01 key:ff ff ff ff ff ff           
                            --data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           
                            #db# 写块 FINISHED                 
                            -------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                   
                    <section title="阅读部门" tooltip="阅读标准的Mifare卡片行业。" uniqueId="mfrdblk">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="部门的数字阅读。值在0到15之间。" uniqueId="mfscn" label="Block Number:" width="40" />
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="A,B" tooltip="使用的关键。A =使用KeyA,B = KeyB使用" uniqueId="mfkey" label="Key to Use:" width="30" /> 
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="FFFFFFFFFFFF" tooltip="键值(12十六进制字符)" uniqueId="mfkeyvalue" label="Key Value:"/>                  
                        <item type="button" text="阅读部门" tooltip="按下读取选定块。" action0="hf mf rdsc $mfscn $mfkey $mfkeyvalue" />    
                        <item type="label" label="
                            Command execution example:
                            proxmark3> hf mf rdsc 15 B FFFFFFFFFFFF
                            --sector no:0f key type:01 key:ff ff ff ff ff ff            
                            #db# 阅读部门 FINISHED                 
                            data:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           
                            data:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           
                            data:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           
                            data:00 00 00 00 00 00 7f 07 88 40 00 00 00 00 00 00       
                            -----------------------------------------------------" />                   
                    <section title="黑客" tooltip="非接触式读卡器黑客工具">
                        <section title="试样的钥匙" tooltip="测试一个标准的Mifare卡片,带有默认的/常见的/已知的密钥。" uniqueId="tstmf">
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="*" values="0:255" tooltip="批号进行测试。1k的值在0到63之间,4k的值在0到255之间;‘*’=" uniqueId="blktestn" label="Block Number:"  width="40"/>
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="?" values="?,A,B" tooltip="使用的关键。”?'=使用KeyA, 'B'=使用KeyB。" uniqueId="mfkey" label="Key to Use:"  width="30"/>   
                            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="测试的关键值(12十六进制字符)" uniqueId="mfkeyvaluetest" label="Key to Test (leave blank if unknown):"/>                   
                            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="编写字典文件名(.dic)" uniqueId="mfkeydictest" label="Write down dictionary file name (.dic) (leave blank if not available):"/>   
                            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="d" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查过,找到的密钥将被转储到dumpkeys.bin。" uniqueId="dumpk" label="Dump keys to dumpkeys.bin" />                     
                            <item type="button" text="测试键" tooltip="按按钮测试键:使用这个方法找到的任何键,用“嵌套攻击”来检索其他扇区键!" action0="hf mf chk $blktestn $mfkey $mfkeyvaluetest $mfkeydictest $dumpk" label="Hit below button and wait!"/>    
                        <section title="黑暗面的攻击" tooltip="读取标记奇偶校验错误以检索键。" uniqueId="darkside">
                            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="没有发现之前的黑暗面命令运行。" uniqueId="mfnt" label="Nt from previous darkside command (leave blank if unknown):"/>                                    
                            <item type="button" text="START the dark side of the attack." tooltip="按下按钮开始暗黑攻击:使用这个方法找到的任何键,用“嵌套攻击”来检索其他扇区键!" action0="hf mf mifare $mfnt" label="This function try to extract Mifare Classic Keys; hit below button and WAIT! Press PM3 button to abort !" />                               
                        <section title="嵌套的攻击" tooltip="使用嵌套身份验证测试标准的Mifare卡。" uniqueId="nested">
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="1" values="1,2,3,4" tooltip="卡类型;' 0 ' =迷你,' 1 ' = 1 k,' 2 ' = U2K,4 = 4 k,k = 1任何其他值" uniqueId="mftype" label="Mifare Tag Type:" width="30"/> 
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0:63" tooltip="批号进行测试。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="mfblkn" label="Block Number:"  width="40"/>
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="A" values="A,B" tooltip="使用的关键;A =使用KeyA,B = KeyB使用" uniqueId="mfkey" label="Key to Test:"  width="30"/>   
                            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Key value to test (found with 'dark side' or with 'sample Key ')" uniqueId="mfkeyvaluetest" label="Key Value (found with '黑暗面的攻击' or with '试样的钥匙'):" width="90" />                    
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:63" tooltip="批号进行测试。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="mfblkntarget" label="Target Block Number (optional - leave blank if unknown):"  width="40"/>
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="A,B" tooltip="使用的关键;A =使用KeyA,B = KeyB使用" uniqueId="mfkeytarget" label="Target Key (optional - leave blank if unknown):"  width="30"/>   
                            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values=" ,t,d" tooltip="'t'=将键转换为模拟器内存,'d'=写入二进制文件的键(dumpkyes.bin)" uniqueId="mfwheredump" label="Select where to copy keys (optional - leave blank if none):"  width="30"/> 
                            <item type="button" text="START nested attacks." tooltip="按下按钮后,看看是否可以找到其他的键!" action0="hf mf nested $mftype $mfblkn $mfkey $mfkeyvaluetest $mfblkntarget $mfkeytarget $mfwheredump" label="Hit below button and wait!"/>   
                        <section title="脚本-自动Mifare裂缝。" tooltip="具有自动脚本的裂缝Mifare Classic。" uniqueId="crkmfsc">
                            <item type="label" label="This script uses:
                            - darkside attack to find a key;
                            - then nested attack to find other keys;
                            - finally dumps entire memory and converts it in .eml (needed for simulator) and .html
                            (files will be saved in client folder)"/>       
                            <item type="label" label="
                            <item type="button" text="裂纹非接触式读卡器启动脚本" tooltip="按下按钮,使用.lua脚本自动打开mifare卡。" action0="script run mifare_autopwn" label="" />                                
                            <item type="label" label="--------------------------------------"/>                         
                            <item type="button" text="停止脚本" tooltip="按按钮终止脚本执行。" action0="s" label="(to stop execution press below button)" />                                                      
                        <section title="转储Mifare Classic" tooltip="转储Mifare Classic块" uniqueId="dmpmf">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="1" values="0,1,2,4" tooltip="标签内存大小" uniqueId="mftsize" label="Memory Size (Kb):"  width="30"/>        
                        <item type="button" text="把非接触式读卡器" tooltip="按按钮将Mifare内容转储到文件中。" action0="hf mf dump $mftsize" label="This function need a 转储KEYS.BIN file with correct tag/card keys to work! (see 'nested attack')" />                               
                        <section title="恢复Mifare Classic" tooltip="恢复Mifare Classic块" uniqueId="rstmf">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="1" values="0,1,2,4" tooltip="标签内存大小" uniqueId="mftsize" label="Memory Size (Kb):"  width="30"/>        
                        <item type="button" text="恢复非接触式读卡器" tooltip="按按钮从文件中恢复Mifare内容。" action0="hf mf restore $mftsize" label="This function need 转储数据.BIN (see 'nested attack')" />                             
                        <section title="嗅嗅" tooltip="嗅嗅读卡器通信" uniqueId="mfsniff">
                        <item type="button" text="开始嗅探" tooltip="按下按钮嗅闻交流。" action0="hf mf sniff" />                                
                        <section title="模拟器">
                            <section title="模拟" tooltip="模拟非接触式读卡器卡" uniqueId="mfsim">
                                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="按下按钮查看帮助信息。" action0="hf mf sim h" />                                                        
                                <item type="label" label="--------------------------------------"/> 
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="u" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="激活特定的UID模拟" uniqueId="mfuidyes" text="启用特定的UID(可选)[在下面字段中输入UID值]" />
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="UID值来模拟 - If not specified, the UID from emulator memory will be used" uniqueId="mfuid" label="Write here the specific UID [8 or 14 HEX symbols]:" width="100"/>                      
                            <item type="label" label="--------------------------------------"/>                             
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="n" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="激活exit模拟后-n块读取。" uniqueId="mfnexityes" text="在-n块读取后启用exit(可选)[输入值如下]" />
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="自动exit模拟后-numreads-块已被读取器读取;0 =无限" uniqueId="mfautoexit" label="Write -n- value here:" width="35"/>                       
                            <item type="label" label="--------------------------------------"/>                             
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="i" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="意味着在模拟完成或中止之前,控制台不会返回。" uniqueId="mfint" text="互动(可选)" />                            
                            <item type="label" label="--------------------------------------"/>                                                         
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="x" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="裂缝,执行“The reader攻击”,nr/ar攻击一个合法的The reader,鱼出钥匙(s)" uniqueId="mfcrk" text="裂纹(可选)" />                                                    
                            <item type="label" label="--------------------------------------"/>                                                         
                                <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="按下按钮模拟MIFARE卡-按PM3按钮停止模拟!" action0="hf mf sim $mfuidyes $mfuid $mfnexityes $mfautoexit $mfint $mfcrk" />                             
                            <section title="清晰的模拟器" tooltip="明确模拟器内存块" uniqueId="mfeclr">
                                <item type="button" text="清晰的" tooltip="按下按钮清除模拟器内存块。" action0="hf mf eclr" />                              
                            <section title="把内存块" tooltip="得到模拟内存块" uniqueId="mfeget">
                                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0:63" tooltip="块编号。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="mfegetv" label="Block Number to Get:" width="40" />                 
                                <item type="button" text="获得块" tooltip="按下按钮清除模拟器内存块。" action0="hf mf eget $mfegetv" />                             
                            <section title="设置内存块" tooltip="集仿真器内存块" uniqueId="mfeset">
                                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0:63" tooltip="块编号。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="mfegetv" label="Block Number to Set:"  width="30"/> 
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="数据值(32个十六进制字符)" uniqueId="mfsetdata" label="Data to be written (ex. 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F):" width="210"/>                                         
                                <item type="button" text="组块" tooltip="按下按钮清除模拟器内存块。" action0="hf mf eset $mfegetv $mfsetdata" />                               
                            <section title="脚本——dumpdata转换。本,.eml" tooltip="此脚本从“hf mf转储”中获取一个dumpfile,并将其转换为可由仿真器使用的格式。" uniqueId="bin2eml">
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-i" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,则必须指定dump文件(。bin输入)在下面的字段中。如果省略,dumpdata。本的使用" uniqueId="bin2emlbinfile" text="检查指定.bin文件名低于如果没有“dumpdata”。本的使用" />                            
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="文件名称加载(.bin) -如果省略了,“dumpdata”。本的使用" uniqueId="binfile" label="Input .bin file (fill ONLY if above field is checked):" width="210" />                                         
                                <item type="label" label="
                                " />                            
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-o" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,则必须指定dump文件(。eml输出)在下面的文件中。如果省略,uid。eml使用" uniqueId="bin2emlemlfile" text="检查指定。eml文件名低于如果没有uid。eml的使用" />                         
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="文件名称保存(.eml) -如果省略了,uid。eml的使用" uniqueId="emlfile" label="Output .eml file (fill ONLY if above field is checked):" width="210" />                                         
                                <item type="label" label="
                                " />    
                                <item type="button" text="转换。斌.eml" tooltip="按下按钮将.bin转储文件转换为.eml。" action0="script run dumptoemul.lua $bin2emlbinfile $binfile $bin2emlemlfile $emlfile" />                                
                                <item type="label" label="(file will be saved in client folder)
                                -----------------------------------------------------------" /> 
                                <item type="button" text="The Script to help" tooltip="按下按钮获得脚本帮助信息。" action0="script run dumptoemul.lua -h" />                                                         
                            <section title="脚本——dumpdata转换。eml,. html" tooltip="该脚本采用了EML (ASCII)格式的dumpfile,并生成了一个基于html的转储文件,这一点更容易分析。" uniqueId="eml2html">
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-i" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,则必须指定dump文件(。eml输入)在下面的字段中。如果省略,dumpdata。eml的使用" uniqueId="emlcheck" text="检查指定.eml文件名,如果没有“dumpdata”。eml的使用" />
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="文件名称加载(.eml) -如果省略了,“dumpdata”。eml的使用" uniqueId="emlfile" label="Input .eml file (fill ONLY if above field is checked):" width="210" />                                           
                                <item type="label" label="
                                " />    
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-o" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,则必须指定html文件(。html输出)在下面的文件中。如果省略,-currentdate -。html使用" uniqueId="htmlcheck" text="检查指定.html文件名低于-如果没有-currentdate-。html的使用" />                                                        
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="文件名称保存(.html) -如果省略,'-currentdate-。html的使用" uniqueId="htmlfile" label="Output .html file (fill ONLY if above field is checked):" width="210" />                                           
                                <item type="label" label="
                                " />    
                                <item type="button" text=".eml转换为html" tooltip="按下按钮将.eml文件转换为.html。" action0="script run emul2html.lua $emlcheck $emlfile $htmlcheck $htmlfile" />                             
                                <item type="label" label="(file will be saved in client folder)
                                -----------------------------------------------------------" /> 
                                <item type="button" text="The Script to help" tooltip="按下按钮获得脚本帮助信息。" action0="script run emul2html.lua -h" />                                                          
                            <section title="脚本——dumpdata转换。eml来。斌" tooltip="该脚本采用了EML (ASCII)格式的dumpfile,并将其转换为PM3 dumpbin文件,以与-hf mf恢复一起使用。" uniqueId="eml2dump">
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-i" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,则必须指定dump文件(。eml输入)在下面的字段中。如果省略,dumpdata。eml的使用" uniqueId="emlcheck" text="检查指定.eml文件名,如果没有“dumpdata”。eml的使用" />
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="文件名称加载(.eml) -如果省略了,“dumpdata”。eml的使用" uniqueId="emlfile" label="Input .eml file (fill ONLY if above field is checked):" width="210" />                                           
                                <item type="label" label="
                                " />    
                                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-o" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,则必须指定二进制文件(。bin输出)在以下文件中。如果省略,-currentdate -。使用本" uniqueId="bincheck" text="检查指定.bin文件名低于-如果没有-currentdate-。本的使用" />                                                       
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="文件名称保存(.bin) -如果省略,'-currentdate-。本的使用" uniqueId="binfile" label="Output .bin file (fill ONLY if above field is checked):" width="210" />                                         
                                <item type="label" label="
                                " />    
                                <item type="button" text=".eml转换为。斌" tooltip="按下按钮将.eml文件转换为.bin。" action0="script run emul2dump.lua $emlcheck $emlfile $bincheck $binfile" />                              
                                <item type="label" label="(file will be saved in client folder)
                                -----------------------------------------------------------" /> 
                                <item type="button" text="The Script to help" tooltip="按下按钮获得脚本帮助信息。" action0="script run emul2html.lua -h" />                                                          
                            <section title="加载(.eml)" tooltip="从文件模拟器转储加载。" uniqueId="mfeload">
                                <item type="textbox" label="转储文件的名字:" defaultValue="" tooltip="转储文件的名字" uniqueId="mfeloadfile" width="100" />
                                <item type="button" text="从文件加载" tooltip="按下按钮,从文件中加载转储文件。" action0="hf mf eload $mfeloadfile" />                               
                            <section title="保存到文件(.eml)" tooltip="保存到文件仿真器转储(.eml)" uniqueId="mfesave">
                                <item type="textbox" label="转储文件的名字:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type 转储文件的名字 (.eml) to save:" uniqueId="mfeloadfile" width="100" />                  
                                <item type="button" text="保存到文件" tooltip="按下按钮保存转储文件。" action0="hf mf esave $mfeloadfile" />                                
                            <section title="填补模拟器记忆" tooltip="从卡片仿真器内存中提取关键的模拟内存。" uniqueId="mfecfil">
                                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="A" values="A,B" tooltip="Key to Transfer; 'A'=Transfer KeyA, 'B'=Transfer KeyB" uniqueId="mfkey" label="Key to Transfer:"  width="30"/>        
                                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="1" values="0,1,2,4" tooltip="标签内存大小" uniqueId="mftsize" label="Memory Size (Kb):"  width="30"/>        
                                <item type="button" text="TRANSFER data" tooltip="Press button to transfer keys from cards emulator memory" action0="hf mf ecfill $mfkey $mftsize" />           
                            <section title="打印键" tooltip="从模拟器内存中打印密钥。" uniqueId="mfekeyprn">
                                <item type="button" text="打印键" tooltip="Press button to print keys form simulator memory" action0="hf mf ekeyprn" />                                
                <section title="1K中国Cangeable UID卡。" tooltip="特别中国卡的命令:这些卡片有可重写的Sector0-Block0/UID。">
                    <section title="写UID" tooltip="把UID写在特殊的中国卡片上。" uniqueId="chinsetuid">
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="UID value to Write (Works only with Chinase Special Cards)" uniqueId="ChinUID" label="UID (8 hex values; ex. 01020304):"  width="60"/>
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Specify ATQA value (optional)" uniqueId="catqa" label="ATQA (4 hex values; ex. 0004):"  width="40"/>
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Specify SAK value (optional)" uniqueId="csak" label="SAK (2 hex values; ex. 08):"  width="30"/>
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-w" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="Wipe card before write" uniqueId="wipe" text="(可选)在书写前擦除卡片。"/>          
                        <item type="button" text="写UID" tooltip="Press button to write UID into Chinese Card" action0="hf mf csetuid $ChinUID $catqa $csak $wipe" />                
                    <section title="读块" tooltip="读一组特殊的中国卡片。" uniqueId="chinrdsc">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:63" tooltip="批号来读。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="chnblkn" label="Block Number:" width="40" />            
                        <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="Press button to read selected block" action0="hf mf cgetblk $chnblkn" />             
                    <section title="写块" tooltip="写一组特殊的中国卡片。" uniqueId="chinwrtblk">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:63" tooltip="块编号写。值在0到63之间。" uniqueId="chnblkn" label="Block Number" width="40" />         
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (32 hex values)" uniqueId="blkhex" label="Data to write (32 hex values; ex. 01020304050607080910111213141516):"  width="210"/>
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-w" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="Wipe card before write" uniqueId="wipe" text="(可选)在书写前擦除卡片。"/>          
                        <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="Press button to write selected block" action0="hf mf csetblk $chnblkn $blkhex $wipe" />              
                    <section title="阅读部门" tooltip="阅读特殊中国卡片的扇区。" uniqueId="chinrdblk">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="部门的数字阅读。值在0到15之间。" uniqueId="chnscn" label="Sector Number:" width="40"/>          
                        <item type="button" text="阅读部门" tooltip="Press button to read selected sector" action0="hf mf cgetsc $chnscn" />                
                    <section title="负载转储" tooltip="一种特殊的中国卡的卸载。" uniqueId="chinload">
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="e" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="" tooltip="Check to load from emulator memory" uniqueId="modeTextboxChnload" label="Load From Emulator Memory:"/>
                        <item type="textbox" label="转储文件的名字:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type the dump file name (.eml) to load" uniqueId="mfchneloadfile" width="100" />         
                        <item type="button" text="负载转储" tooltip="Press button to load dump" action0="hf mf cload $modeTextboxChnload $mfchneloadfile" />                
                    <section title="保存转储" tooltip="保存一个特殊的中国卡的转储。" uniqueId="chinsav">
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="e" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="" tooltip="Check to save to emulator memory" uniqueId="modeTextboxChnsave" label="Save To Emulator Memory:"/>
                        <item type="textbox" label="转储文件的名字:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type the dump file name (.eml) to save" uniqueId="mfchneloadfile" width="100" />         
                        <item type="button" text="保存转储" tooltip="Press button to save dump" action0="hf mf csave $modeTextboxChnsave $mfchneloadfile" />                
                    <section title="恢复损坏Sector0Block0" tooltip="当卡片不再被The reader识别时,恢复Mifare可变的UID卡。" uniqueId="chinrestore">
                        <item type="button" text="恢复" tooltip="Restore Changeable UID cards when card is no more recognized by reader due to wrong bytes written at Sector0Block0" action0="hf 14a raw -p -a -b 7 40" waitFor0="proxmark3>" action1="hf 14a raw -p -a 43" waitFor1="proxmark3>" action2="hf 14a raw -c -p -a A000" waitFor2="proxmark3>" action3="hf 14a raw -c -p -a 01 02 03 04 04 98 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 01" waitFor3="proxmark3>" action4="hf 14a raw -c -a 3000" waitFor4="proxmark3>" action5="hf 14a raw -c -a 5000" />               
                            <item type="label" label="
                            This little script put the card in -special mode-, then writes correct bytes to Sector0Block0, 
                            reads them back [bytes written are: 01 02 03 04 04 98 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 01] and finally 
                            send an -halt- command; this way card's new UID will be: 01 02 03 04].
                            -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                           
                <section title="超轻/超轻的中国可移动的UID。" tooltip="芯片MF0ICU1">
                    <section title="读块" tooltip="读的非接触式读卡器超轻块" uniqueId="mfurdsc">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="Block number to read. Value between 0 and 15" uniqueId="mfurdb" label="Block Number:" width="40" />           
                            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="k" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enable key support" uniqueId="ulkeyen" label="Enable key support (enter key value in the field below):"/>                                                                         
                            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="l" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="" tooltip="If checked it swaps entered key's endianness" uniqueId="ulkendian" label="Swap entered key's endianness:"/>                                   
                            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (4 bytes for EV1/NTAG, 16 bytes for UL-C)" uniqueId="ulkeyval" label="Key Value (optional):"  width="200"/>    
                        <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="Press button to read selected block" action0="hf mfu rdbl b $mfurdb $ulkeyen $ulkeyval $ulkendian" />    
                    <section title="写块" tooltip="写非接触式读卡器超轻块" uniqueId="mfuwrtblk">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="Block number to write. Value between 0 and 15" uniqueId="mfuwblk" label="Block Number" width="40" />          
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (8 hex values)" uniqueId="blkuhex" label="Data to write (8 hex values; ex. 01020304):"  width="60"/>
                            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="k" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enable key support" uniqueId="ulwkeyen" label="Enable key support (enter key value in the field below):"/>                                                                            
                            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="l" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="" tooltip="If checked it swaps entered key's endianness" uniqueId="ulkwendian" label="Swap entered key's endianness:"/>                                                          
                            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (4 bytes for EV1/NTAG, 16 bytes for UL-C)" uniqueId="ulwkeyval" label="Key Value (optional):"  width="200"/>                       
                        <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="Press button to write selected block" action0="hf mfu wrbl b $mfuwblk d $blkuhex $ulwkeyen $ulwkeyval $ulkwendian" />    
                        <item type="label" label="
                            Command execution example:
                            proxmark3> hf mfu wrbl 15 5310fa22
                            --block no:0f          
                            --data: 53 10 fa 22           
                            -----------------------------------" />                         
                    <section title="Set the 3DES password - super light C." tooltip="Set the 3DES password - super light C." uniqueId="setc3despw">
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (32 hex values)" uniqueId="u3despw" label="Password Bytes:"  width="200"/>
                        <item type="button" text="写3 des密码" tooltip="Press button to write 3DES PASSOWRD" action0="hf mfu setpwd $u3despw" />   
                    <section title="设置UID - MAGIC Ultralight C。" tooltip="设置超轻型C的UID。" uniqueId="setucuid">
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (14 hex values)" uniqueId="ucuid" label="Password Bytes:"  width="120"/>
                        <item type="button" text="设置魔法超轻C UID。" tooltip="Press button to write 3DES PASSOWRD" action0="hf mfu setpwd $ucuid" /> 
                    <section title="试着C认证" tooltip="尝试一个超轻的C认证。" uniqueId="mfucauth">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="1:2" tooltip="Key to use. Value between 1 and 2" uniqueId="mfuctryauth" label="Key Number:" width="30" />            
                        <item type="button" text="尝试验证" tooltip="Press button to try to authenticate" action0="hf mfu cauth $mfuctryauth" />    
                        <item type="label" label="
                            Command execution example:
                            proxmark3> hf mfu cauth 0
                            enc(RndB):20 81 9e d8 0d 88 a4 79           
                                 RndB:ce 72 83 84 90 a0 05 30           
                                 RndA:6e b6 4f e9 b9 ba d3 1f           
                                 RA+B:6e b6 4f e9 b9 ba d3 1f 72 83 84 90 a0 05 30 ce           
                            enc(RA+B):11 51 fd 91 98 9a f4 96 82 c5 e9 6e 7d 4b 0c 92           
                            enc(RndA'):10 ca c7 89 3a fb 5e 82   
                            --------------------------" />                  
                    <section title="生成3 des密钥" tooltip="生成3des mifare多样化密钥(测试)" uniqueId="gen3deskeys">
                        <item type="button" text="生成3 des多样化的键" tooltip="Press button to generate 3DES diversified keys" action0="hf mfu gen" />    
                    <section title="把卡" tooltip="读取Mifare超轻/超轻C卡的所有内容并将其保存到文件中。" uniqueId="mfurall">
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="k" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, Write the Key Value in the Field Below" uniqueId="keychk" text="设置键(可选)"/>               
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="l" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, swap below key's endianness" uniqueId="keyen" text="反键Endianess(可选)"/>       
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (4 bytes for EV1/NTAG, 16 bytes for UL-C)" uniqueId="keyval" label="Key Value (4 or 16 bytes):"  width="230"/>                 
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="p" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, manually set a page to start the dump at" uniqueId="pgs" text="开始页面(可选)"/>       
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Page Number" uniqueId="pgsh" label="Page Number:"  width="25"/>                   
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="q" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, manually set how many pages to dump" uniqueId="pgn" text="开始页面(可选)"/>        
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Page Number" uniqueId="pgnh" label="Page Number:"  width="20"/>       
                        <item type="browse-save" label="Select or Type File Name:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type the path/name of the saved file or press browse button to select it" uniqueId="mfufilensave" width="300" />                                    
                        <item type="button" text="把页面" tooltip="Press button to read all Mifare Ultralight content and save it to a file" action0="hf mfu dump $keychk $keyval $keyen $pgs $pgsh $pgn $pgnh n $mfufilensave" />             
                    <section title="恢复损坏Block0-2" tooltip="在正式的The reader/软件上,当卡片出现错误时,恢复超轻的可变UID卡。" uniqueId="ulchinrestore">
                        <item type="button" text="恢复" tooltip="在正式的The reader/软件上,当卡片出现错误时,恢复超轻的可变UID卡。 due to wrong bytes written at Block0-2" action0="hf mfu wrbl 0 0401028F w" waitFor0="isOk:01" action1="hf mfu wrbl 1 05060708 w" waitFor1="isOk:01" action2="hf mfu wrbl 2 0C000000 w" waitFor2="isOk:01" action3="hf mfu dump" />              
                            <item type="label" label="
                            This little script writes correct bytes to Sector0-2 and reads them back 
                            [bytes written are: 04 01 02 8F 05 06 07 08 0C 00 00 00]; this way card's 
                            new UID will be: 04 01 02 05 06 07 08 with correct BCC0 and BCC1].
                            If the command gives errors try to put the card at 0.5-1.0 cm form the antenna.
                            04 = Manufacturer (NXP)
                            8F = 88 [CT] xor 04 xor 01 xor 02
                            0C = 05 xor 06 xor 07 xor 08
                            --------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                            
                    <section title="调试水平" tooltip="设置调试级别" uniqueId="mfudbglv">
                        <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:4" tooltip="设置调试级别 between 0 and 4" uniqueId="mfudbg" label="调试水平:" width="30" />          
                        <item type="button" text="设置选择调试水平" tooltip="Press button to set the choosen debug level" action0="hf mfu dbg $mfudbg" />   
                        <item type="label" label="
                             0 - no debug messages          
                             1 - error messages          
                             2 - plus information messages          
                             3 - plus debug messages          
                             4 - print even debug messages in timing critical functions          
                                 Note: this option therefore may cause malfunction itself  
                            -------------------------------------------------------------" />                   
                    <section title="帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示Mifare超轻型/C子类可用的命令。" uniqueId="mfuh" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hf mfu help" />
                <section title="调试模式" uniqueId="mfdebug">           
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0,1,2,4" tooltip="Mode can be: '0'=no debug messages, '1'=error messages, '2'=all messages. '4'=extended debug mode " uniqueId="modeTextboxmf" label="Mode"  width="30"/>
                    <item type="button" text="设置调试模式" tooltip="Press button to set default debug mode" action0="hf mf dbg $modeTextboxmf" />                
                <section title="Mifare 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示Mifare子类别可用的命令。" uniqueId="mfh" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hf mf help" />
                <section title="NTAG203" tooltip="管理 NTAG203 标记" uniqueId="ntag203" >
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Block number to read (from 00 to 29)" label="Block Number (00-29):" uniqueId="ntag203blockr" width="35" />
                        <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14a raw -c -s 30 $ntag203blockr" />
                            <item type="label" label="读块 answer is 16bytes + 2bytes CRC (1st byte is 1st-selected-block byte - each 
                            block = 4bytes - if you select 29 you receive bytes form blocks 29, 00, 01 and 02)
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Block number to write (from 00 to 29)" label="Block Number (00-29):" uniqueId="ntag203blockw" width="35" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00" tooltip="需要写入的数据(hex中的4个字节)" label="Data:" uniqueId="ntag203data" width="80" />             
                        <item type="label" label="BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WRITING NTAG203 特殊的 BLOCKS !!! 
                            <item type="button" label="     _     " text="写块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14a raw -c -s A2 $ntag203blockw $ntag203data" />
                            <item type="label" label="answer for correct writing is -0A- (ACK); answer for incorrect writing is -00- (NAK)
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                    <section title="卡信息" tooltip="读卡信息" uniqueId="mfuinfo">
                        <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="l" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, swap below key's endianness" uniqueId="infokeyen" text="反键Endianess(可选)"/>                       
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex value to Write (4 bytes for EV1/NTAG, 16 bytes for UL-C)" uniqueId="keymfuinfo" label="Key Value (optional):"  width="200"/>  
                        <item type="button" text="读卡信息" tooltip="Press button to read Mifare Ultralight information)" action0="hf mfu info $infokeyen $keymfuinfo" />   
                <section title="14443A 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示HF 14a子类别可用命令。" uniqueId="14ah" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press to obtain the help info." action0="hf 14a help" />
        <section title="ISO14443B" tooltip="管理 ISO14443B 标记 (ex。SRIX4K)">
            <section title="14443B The list of" tooltip="ISO14443B历史The list of" uniqueId="14bhis" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="f" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,也显示帧延迟时间。" uniqueId="14bf" text="检查也显示帧延迟时间。"/> 
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,将crc置于[crc]之间" uniqueId="14bc" text="检查在[crc]之间放置crc"/> 
                <item type="button" text="The list of" tooltip="Press button to read ISO14443B history" action0="hf list 14b $14bf $14bc" />
            <section title="14443 b的信息" tooltip="尝试读取各种14b标记和输出类型/uid。" uniqueId="14binfo" >
                <item type="button" text="得到信息" tooltip="Press button to read info" action0="hf 14b info" />
            <section title="14443B The reader" tooltip="阅读高频标签(ISO14443B)" uniqueId="14bread" >
                <item type="button" text="The reader" tooltip="IN THE NEXT RELEASE !" action0="IN THE NEXT RELEASE !" />
            <section title="14443 bSend the original command" tooltip="Sends the original command to the tag card." uniqueId="14braw" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-r" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,PM3将不会读取来自标记的响应。" uniqueId="14breadResponse" text="不读反应"/>
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="如果检查,PM3将自动计算并追加CRC发送命令。" uniqueId="14bcalcCRC" text="auto-calculate和附加CRC"/>
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-p" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will leave the antenna field on after receive (red led on)" uniqueId="14boptionsBox" text="收到后请离开现场。"/>           
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="将发送十六进制数据。 (ex. send 0B to get SRIX4k UID or 08 01 [the same as 0801] to read SRIX4K block 01)" uniqueId="14bdataTextbox" label="Data to be sent (in hex):" width="180"/>             
                <item type="button" text="Send the original command" tooltip="按下按钮将原始命令发送到标签/卡片。" action0="hf 14b raw $14breadResponse $14bcalcCRC $14boptionsBox $14bdataTextbox" />
                            <item type="label" label="
                            Main ISO14443B Commands: 
                            05 00 00 = REQB (usage: 050000+2bytes ISO14443B-CRC - answer: 14bytes starting with -50-)
                        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />   
            <section title="14443 b模拟" tooltip="模拟ISO14443B标签(克隆)的行为" uniqueId="14bsim" >
                <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate an ISO14443B tag - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="hf 14b sim" />
            <section title="14443B Busybody." tooltip="窃听ISO14443 TypeB沟通" uniqueId="14bsn" >
                <item type="button" text="Busybody." tooltip="Press button to eavesdrop ISO14443B communication" action0="hf 14b snoop" />
            <section title="14443B 标签" tooltip="支持标签" uniqueId="Btags" >
                <section title="爱特梅尔公司" tooltip="管理 Atmel 标记" uniqueId="att" >
                    <section title="AT88SC0808CRF" tooltip="管理 AT88SC0808CRF 日" uniqueId="at88r" >
                        <item type="button" text="REQB" tooltip="Press button to send REQB command" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 05 00 00" />
                            <item type="label" label="启动 answer is 1byte-Chip-ID + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                <section title="圣微电子" tooltip="圣微电子管理标签" uniqueId="stt" >       
                    <section title="SRI4K/SRIX4K" tooltip="管理SRI4K/SRIX4K标记(- x - means Authenticate [0A]命令可用)" uniqueId="srix4kr" >
                        <item type="button" text="启动" tooltip="Press button to send Inventory command" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 06 00" />
                        <item type="label" label="启动 answer is 1byte-Chip-ID + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Insert the 1byte-Chip-ID received from previous 启动 command" uniqueId="srix4kuid" label="Chip-ID" width="30" />
                        <item type="button" text="选择" tooltip="Press button to select the previous-received 1byte-Chip-ID" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0E $srix4kuid" />
                        <item type="label" label="选择 answer is 1byte-Chip-ID + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                        <item type="button" text="得到UID" tooltip="Press button to get tag UID" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0B" />
                        <item type="label" label="得到UID answer is 8byts-UID (LSB first) + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00" tooltip="Block number to read (from 00 to 7F - FF for OTP_Lock_Reg block)" label="Block Number:" uniqueId="srix4krblock" width="25" />
                        <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 08 $srix4krblock" />
                        <item type="label" label="读块 answer is 4bytes + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="button" text="阅读所有标签块" tooltip="Press button to read all SRIX4K blocks, OTP_Lock_Reg [FF] included" action0="hf 14b srix4kread" />
                        <item type="label" label="This is a PM3 command so it doesn't need 启动 nor 选择 to be sent 
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                        <item type="label" label="写 USING PM3 INTERNAL COMMAND" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Block number to write (from 00 to 7F - FF for OTP_Lock_Reg block)" label="Block Number (00-7F):" uniqueId="srix4kpm3wblock" width="30" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00" tooltip="需要写入的数据(hex中的4个字节)" label="Data:" uniqueId="srix4kpm3wdata" width="80" />              
                        <item type="label" label="BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WRITING SRIX4K 特殊的 BLOCKS !!! 
                        <item type="label" label="" />
                        <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14b sriwrite 1 $srix4kpm3wblock $srix4kpm3wdata" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed-
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                      
                        <item type="label" label="写 USING RAW COMMANDS" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Block number to write (from 00 to 7F - FF for OTP_Lock_Reg block)" label="Block Number (00-7F):" uniqueId="srix4kwblock" width="30" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00" tooltip="需要写入的数据(hex中的4个字节)" label="Data:" uniqueId="srix4kwdata" width="80" />             
                        <item type="label" label="BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WRITING SRIX4K 特殊的 BLOCKS !!! 
                        <item type="label" label="" />
                        <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 09 $srix4kwblock $srix4kwdata" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed-
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="button" text="重置为库存" tooltip="Press button to reset SRIX4K - After this command you can re-execute 启动" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0C" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed- 
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />      
                        <item type="button" text="完成" tooltip="Press button to temporarily deactivate SRIX4K - After this command you must remove the tag from magnetic filed and put it back again to re-send 启动" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0F" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed- 
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />      
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00 00 00" tooltip="Data to be sent (6 bytes in hex)" label="Data:" uniqueId="srix4kauthdata" width="120" /> 
                        <item type="button" text="进行身份验证" tooltip="Press button to sent 进行身份验证 command to SRIX4K" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0A $srix4kauthdata" />              
                        <item type="label" label="进行身份验证 command [0A+6bytes] is used to authenticate SRIX4K with original CRX14 
                        contained in official readers so it is executed by the tag but for some reason you
                        cannot receive back the expected 3bytes signature computed by the tag (maybe unknown
                        special bytes known only by CRX14?)
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                      
                    <section title="SRI512/SRT512/SRIX512" tooltip="管理SRI512/SRT512/SRIX512标记(- x - means Authenticate [0A]命令可用)" uniqueId="sr512r" >
                        <item type="button" text="启动" tooltip="Press button to send Inventory command" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 06 00" />
                        <item type="label" label="启动 answer is 1byte-Chip-ID + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Insert the 1byte-Chip-ID received from previous 启动 command" uniqueId="sr512uid" label="Chip-ID" width="30" />
                        <item type="button" text="选择" tooltip="Press button to select the previous-received 1byte-Chip-ID" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0E $sr512uid" />
                        <item type="label" label="选择 answer is 1byte-Chip-ID + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                        <item type="button" text="得到UID" tooltip="Press button to get tag UID" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0B" />
                        <item type="label" label="得到UID answer is 8byts-UID (LSB first) + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00" tooltip="Block number to read (from 00 to 0F - FF for OTP_Lock_Reg block)" label="Block Number (00-7F):" uniqueId="sr512rblock" width="25" />
                        <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 08 $sr512rblock" />
                        <item type="label" label="读块 answer is 4bytes + 2bytes CRC
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="button" text="阅读所有标签块" tooltip="Press button to read all SR?512? blocks, OTP_Lock_Reg [FF] included" action0="hf 14b sri512read" />
                        <item type="label" label="This is a PM3 command so it doesn't need 启动 nor 选择 to be sent 
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                        <item type="label" label="写 USING PM3 INTERNAL COMMANDS" />                 
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00" tooltip="Block number to write (from 00 to 0F - FF for OTP_Lock_Reg block)" label="Block Number:" uniqueId="sr512wblock" width="30" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00" tooltip="需要写入的数据(hex中的4个字节)" label="Data:" uniqueId="sr512wdata" width="80" />              
                        <item type="label" label="BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WRITING SRIX4K 特殊的 BLOCKS !!! 
                        <item type="label" label="" />
                        <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14b sriwrite 2 $sr512wblock $sr512wdata" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed-
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />  
                        <item type="label" label="写 USING RAW COMMANDS" />                  
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00" tooltip="Block number to write (from 00 to 0F - FF for OTP_Lock_Reg block)" label="Block Number:" uniqueId="sr512wblock" width="30" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00" tooltip="需要写入的数据(hex中的4个字节)" label="Data:" uniqueId="sr512wdata" width="80" />              
                        <item type="label" label="BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WRITING SRIX4K 特殊的 BLOCKS !!! 
                        <item type="label" label="" />
                        <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="按下按钮读取所选的块。" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 09 $sr512wblock $sr512wdata" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed-
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                      
                        <item type="button" text="重置为库存" tooltip="Press button to reset SR?512? - After this command you can re-execute 启动" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0C" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed- 
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />      
                        <item type="button" text="完成" tooltip="Press button to temporarily deactivate SR?512? - After this command you must remove the tag from magnetic filed and put it back again to re-send 启动" action0="hf 14b raw -c -p 0F" />
                        <item type="label" label="There is no answer to this command except for a normal -CRC failed- 
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                      
            <section title="14443B 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示HF 14b子类别可用命令。" uniqueId="14bh" >
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hf 14b help" />
        <section title="ISO15693" tooltip="管理ISO15693标签(ex. I-CODE SLI)">
            <section title="15693年解调" tooltip="解调ISO15693从标签" uniqueId="156demod" >
                <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate ISO15693 from tag" action0="hf 15 demod" />
            <section title="15693年读" tooltip="阅读高频标签(ISO15693)" uniqueId="156read" >
                <item type="button" text="读" tooltip="Press button to read ISO15693 tag" action0="hf 15 read" />
            <section title="15693年记录" tooltip="记录样品(ISO15693)" uniqueId="156rec" >
                <item type="button" text="记录" tooltip="Press button to record ISO15693 samples" action0="hf 15 record" />
            <section title="15693 The reader" tooltip="表现得像一个ISO15693The reader。" uniqueId="156reader" >
                <item type="button" text="ACT AS A reader" tooltip="Press button to use PM3 as an ISO15693 reader" action0="hf 15 reader" />
            <section title="15693年模拟" tooltip="模拟ISO15693标签(克隆)的行为" uniqueId="156sim" >
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="写UID that pm3 will simulate (in HEX)" uniqueId="UID15" label="UID (16 HEX characters):" width="180"/>                     
                <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate an ISO15693 tag" action0="hf 15 sim $UID15" />
            <section title="15693年CMD" >
                <section title="调查" tooltip="寻找tags-cards" uniqueId="156cmd1" >
                    <item type="button" text="调查" tooltip="Press button to search for tags in range" action0="hf 15 cmd inquiry" />
                            <item type="label" label="This command analyzes the ISO15693 tag sending [26 01 00] command [Invemtory] to
                            retrieve tag information: FLAGS(1byte)+UID(8bytes)+DSFID(1byte)+CRC(2bytes);
                            UID = always starts with E0, then you find 1byte-IC Manufacturer code followed
                            by 48bit unique tag serial number.
                            DSFID = [Data Storage Format Identifier] which indicates how the data is 
                            structured in the tag [VICC = Vicinity Integrated Circuit Card] memory. 
                            It may be programmed and locked by the respective commands. It allows for 
                            instant knowledge on the logical organisation of the data. If its programming 
                            is not supported by the VICC, the VICC shall respond with the value zero ('00').
                            Here is the list of IC-Manufacturer known codes:
                            '01' Motorola UK
                            '02' STMicroelectronics SA France
                            '03' Hitachi, Ltd Japan
                            '04' NXP Semiconductors Germany
                            '05' 英飞凌 Technologies AG Germany
                            '06' Cylink USA
                            '07' Texas Instrument France
                            '08' Fujitsu Limited Japan
                            '09' Matsushita Electronics Corporation, Semiconductor Company Japan
                            '0A' NEC Japan
                            '0B' Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd Japan
                            '0C' Toshiba Corp. Japan
                            '0D' Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Japan
                            '0E' Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd Korea
                            '0F' Hynix Korea
                            '10' LG-Semiconductors Co. Ltd Korea
                            '11' Emosyn-EM Microelectronics USA
                            '12' INSIDE Technology France
                            '13' ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH Germany
                            '14' SHARP Corporation Japan
                            '15' 爱特梅尔公司 France
                            '16' EM Microelectronic-Marin SA Switzerland
                            '17' KSW Microtec GmbH Germany
                            '18' ZMD AG Germany
                            '19' XICOR, Inc. USA
                            '1A' Sony Corporation Japan
                            '1B' Malaysia Microelectronic Solutions Sdn. Bhd Malaysia
                            '1C' Emosyn USA
                            '1D' Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Co. Ltd. P.R. China
                            '1E' Magellan Technology Pty Limited Australia
                            '1F' Melexis NV BO Switzerland
                            '20' Renesas Technology Corp. Japan
                            '21' TAGSYS France
                            '22' Transcore USA
                            '23' Shanghai belling corp., ltd. China
                            '24' Masktech Germany Gmbh Germany
                            '25' Innovision Research and Technology Plc UK
                            '26' Hitachi ULSI Systems Co., Ltd. Japan
                            '27' Cypak AB Sweden
                            '28' Ricoh Japan
                            '29' ASK France
                            '2A' Unicore Microsystems, LLC Russian Federation
                            '2B' Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim USA
                            '2C' Impinj, Inc. USA
                            '2D' RightPlug Alliance USA
                            '2E' Broadcom Corporation USA
                            '2F' MStar Semiconductor, Inc Taiwan, ROC
                            '30' BeeDar Technology Inc. USA
                            '31' RFIDsec Denmark
                            '32' Schweizer Electronic AG Germany
                            '33' AMIC Technology Corp Taiwan
                            '34' Mikron JSC Russia
                            '35' Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems Germany
                            '36' IDS Microchip AG Switzerland
                            '37' Kovio USA
                            '38' HMT Microelectronic Ltd Switzerland
                            '39' Silicon Craft Technology Thailand
                            '3A' Advanced Film Device Inc. Japan
                            '3B' Nitecrest Ltd UK
                            '3C' Verayo Inc. USA
                            '3D' 藏 Global USA
                            '3E' Productivity Engineering Gmbh Germany
                            '3F' Austriamicrosystems AG (reserved) Austria
                            '40' Gemalto SA France
                            '41' Renesas Electronics Corporation Japan
                            '42' 3Alogics Inc Korea
                            '43' Top TroniQ Asia Limited Hong Kong
                            '44' Gentag Inc (USA) USA
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />                  
                <section title="读块" tooltip="从标记卡读取单个块。" uniqueId="156cmd2" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-2" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will 使用较慢的沟通方法" uniqueId="optionsBox" text="使用较慢的沟通方法"/>          
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="u" values="u,s,*,Type UID(16Hex chars)" tooltip="Mode can be: 'u'=unaddressed tag, 's'=selected tag, '*'=scan for tag or type full uid (16Hex chars) " uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Mode" width="120"/>
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0:255" tooltip="Page number to read. Value between 0 and 255" uniqueId="pageTextbox" label="Page Number:"  width="40"/>
                    <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="Press button to Send Read Command" action0="hf 15 cmd read $optionsBox $modeTextbox $pageTextbox" />
                <section title="写块" tooltip="从标记卡片上写一个块。" uniqueId="156cmd3" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-2" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will 使用较慢的沟通方法" uniqueId="optionsBox" text="使用较慢的沟通方法"/>          
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-o" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, it will enable Option Flag" uniqueId="optionFlag" text="设置选项标志(TI hi - tag HF-I需要)"/>
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="u" values="u,s,*,Type UID(16Hex chars)" tooltip="Mode can be: 'u'=unaddressed tag, 's'=selected tag, '*'=scan for tag or type full uid (16Hex chars) " uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Mode" width="120" />
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0:255" tooltip="Page number to read. Value between 0 and 255" uniqueId="pageTextbox" label="Page Number:"  width="40"/>
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00 00 00 00" tooltip="Hex data to write (ex. AA BB CC DD or AABBCCDD)" uniqueId="dataTextbox" label="Data to be written (in hex)" width="70"/>
                    <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="Press button to Send Write Command" action0="hf 15 cmd write $optionsBox $optionFlag $modeTextbox $pageTextbox $dataTextbox" />
                <section title="读多块" tooltip="从标记卡读取多个块。" uniqueId="156cmd4" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-2" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will 使用较慢的沟通方法" uniqueId="optionsBox" text="使用较慢的沟通方法"/>          
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="u" values="u,s,*,Type UID(16Hex chars)" tooltip="Mode can be: 'u'=unaddressed tag, 's'=selected tag, '*'=scan for tag or type full uid (16Hex chars) " uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Mode" width="120"/>
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0:255" tooltip="Page number to start with. Value between 0 and 255" uniqueId="startTextbox" label="Start at page:"  width="40"/>
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="255" values="0:255" tooltip="Page number to end with. Value between 0 and 255" uniqueId="endTextbox" label="End at page:" width="40"/>
                    <item type="button" text="读 MULTI BLOCKS" tooltip="Press button to Send 读多块 Command" action0="hf 15 cmd readmulti $optionsBox $modeTextbox $startTextbox $endTextbox" />
                <section title="系统信息" tooltip="从标识卡片检索信息" uniqueId="156cmd5" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-2" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will 使用较慢的沟通方法" uniqueId="optionsBox" text="使用较慢的沟通方法"/>          
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="u" values="u,s,*,Type UID(16Hex chars)" tooltip="Mode can be: 'u'=unaddressed tag, 's'=selected tag, '*'=scan for tag or type full uid (16Hex chars)" uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Mode:" width="120"/>
                    <item type="button" text="获取系统信息" tooltip="Press button to Get 系统信息" action0="hf 15 cmd sysinfo $optionsBox $modeTextbox" />
                                    <item type="label" label="This command analyzes the ISO15693 tag sending [02 2B] command [Get 系统信息] to retrieve 
                            tag information: FLAGS(1byte)+Info Flags(1byte)+UID(8bytes)+DSFID(1byte)+AFI(1byte)+Other Fields+CRC(2bytes);
                            Info Flags: various bit-coded info (ex.the presence or not of Memory Size or IC Reference information)
                            UID = always starts with E0, then you find 1byte-IC Manufacturer code followed by 48bit unique  tag 
                            serial number.
                            DSFID = [Data Storage Format Identifier] which indicates how the data is structured in the  tag 
                            [called VICC = Vicinity Integrated Circuit Card] memory. It may be programmed and locked by the 
                            respective commands. It allows for instant knowledge on the logical organisation of the data.
                            If its programming is not supported by the VICC, the VICC shall respond with the value zero ('00').
                            AFI = Application Family Identifier; represents the type of application targeted by the VCD and is used 
                            to extract from all the VICCs present only the VICCs meeting the required application criteria.
                            Other Fields = Usually Memory Size (2bytes: ex.033F = 64blocks[3F] of 4 bytes[03])+IC Reference (1byte);
                            (IC Reference is manufacturer specific and is usually find inside specific tag datasheet).
                            -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />   
                <section title="Send the original command" tooltip="Sends the original command to the tag card." uniqueId="156cmd6" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-r" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果选中,PM3将不会读取来自标记的响应。" uniqueId="readResponse" text="不读反应"/>
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-2" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will 使用较慢的沟通方法" uniqueId="optionsBox" text="使用较慢的沟通方法"/>          
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="-c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="checked" tooltip="如果检查,PM3将自动计算并追加CRC发送命令。" uniqueId="calcCRC" text="auto-calculate和附加CRC"/>
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="将发送十六进制数据。 (ex. send 02 2B or 022B to get 系统信息)" uniqueId="dataTextbox" label="Data to be sent (in hex):" width="180"/>               
                    <item type="button" text="Send the original command" tooltip="按下按钮将原始命令发送到标签/卡片。" action0="hf 15 cmd raw $readResponse $optionsBox $calcCRC $dataTextbox" />
                            <item type="label" label="
                            Main ISO15693 Commands: 
                            01 = Inventory (usage: 260100+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 12bytes)
                            2B = Get_System_Info (usage: 022B+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 14 or more bytes)
                            20 = 读块 (usage: 0220+1byte block number+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 4bytes)
                            21 = 写块 (usage: 0221+1byte block number+4bytes data+2bytes ISO15693-CRC - answer: 4bytes)
                            23 = Read Multiple Blocks (usage: 0223+1byte 1st block to read+1byte last block to read+2bytes ISO15693-CRC)
                            2C = Read Multiple Block Security Status (usage: 022C+1byte 1st block security to read+
                                 1byte last block security to read+2bytes ISO15693-CRC)
                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
                <section title="调试" tooltip="启用/禁用调试输出" uniqueId="156cmd7" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="1" valueUnchecked="0" defaultValue="0" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will enable debug output (by default it is disabled)" uniqueId="enable调试" text="设置调试状态(检查=激活;不=禁用)"/>
                <item type="button" text="设置调试状态" tooltip="Press button to Set the Status" action0="hf 15 cmd debug $enable调试" />           
                <section title="帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示HF 15 CMD可用的子命令。" uniqueId="156cmd8" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the sub-commands help info" action0="hf 15 cmd help" />
            <section title="15693内存转储" tooltip="读取ISO15693标签的所有内存页。" uniqueId="156dump" >
                <item type="button" text="转储" tooltip="Press button to dump IOS15693 tag memory" action0="hf 15 dumpmemory" />
                            <item type="label" label="This command analyzes the ISO15693 tag sending [26 01 00] command [Inventory] to
                            retrieve tag information; in particular it detects correct tag memory size 
                            and starts to dump each single block one after the other with command 
                            [22 20+UID+block num.] until the end of memory.
                        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />    
            <section title="15693年发现AFI" tooltip="一个ISO15693标签的Bruteforce AFI。" uniqueId="156afi" >
                <item type="button" text="BRUTEFORCE AFI" tooltip="Press button to bruteforce AFI" action0="hf 15 findafi" />
            <section title="15693 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示HF 15子类别可用命令。" uniqueId="156h" >
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hf 15 help" />
        <section title="电子身份证明文件">
            <section title="获得速度目前" tooltip="以dsec暂停的方式,获取n>0加密的速度,大小为m>0。" uniqueId="epaacqu">
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="10" tooltip="Size" uniqueId="epamvalue" label="Size of Enrcypted PACE nonces (>0):" width="50"/>     
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="16" tooltip="Number of encrypted PACE" uniqueId="epanvalue" label="Number of encrypted PACE (>0):" width="50"/>      
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="0" tooltip="Pause Time (in seconds)" uniqueId="epadvalue" label="Pause Time (sec.):" width="50"/>            
                <item type="button" text="收购" tooltip="Press button to acquire encrypted PACE nonces" action0="hf epa cnonces $epamvalue $epanvalue $epadvalue" />  
            <section title="同步协议" tooltip="通过重新播放给定的APDUs来执行速度协议。" uniqueId="epaacqu">
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="mse" tooltip="mse" uniqueId="epamvalue" label="MSE:" width="100"/>       
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="get" tooltip="get" uniqueId="epanvalue" label="GET:" width="100"/>       
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="map" tooltip="map" uniqueId="epadvalue" label="MAP:" width="100"/>           
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="pka" tooltip="pka" uniqueId="epadvalue" label="PKA:" width="100"/>           
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="ma" tooltip="ma" uniqueId="epadvalue" label="MA:" width="100"/>                      
                <item type="button" text="收购" tooltip="Press button to acquire encrypted PACE nonces" action0="hf epa preplay $mse $get $map $pka $ma" />   
            <section title="EPA 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示了EPA可用的命令。" uniqueId="epah">
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain EPA help" action0="hf epa help" />    
        <section title="LEGIC" tooltip="管理LEGIC标签">
            <section title="LEGICThe reader" tooltip="从LEGIC卡读取字节。" uniqueId="legicreader" >
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Offset" uniqueId="legicoffset" label="Offset:" width="40"/>       
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Lenght" uniqueId="legiclen" label="Lenght:" width="40"/>              
                <item type="button" text="ACT AS A reader" tooltip="Press button to read bytes from a LEGIC card" action0="hf legic reader $legicoffset $legiclen" />
            <section title="LEGIC解码" tooltip="显示去混淆和解码的LEGIC射频标签数据。" uniqueId="legicdecode" >
                <item type="button" text="解码" tooltip="Press button to display deobfuscated and decoded LEGIC RF tag data (use after 'hf legic reader' command)" action0="hf legic decode" />
            <section title="LEGIC负载" tooltip="恢复样品" uniqueId="legicload" >
                <item type="browse-load" label="Select or Type Samples File Name:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type the path to the file containing the samples data or press browse button to select it" uniqueId="legicfilenload" width="300" />     
                <item type="button" text="负载" tooltip="Press button to load samples" action0="hf legic load $legicfilenload" />         
            <section title="LEGIC保存" tooltip="商店的样品" uniqueId="legicsav" >
                <item type="browse-save" label="Select or Type Samples File Name:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type the path to the file containing the samples data or press browse button to select it" uniqueId="legicfilensave" width="300" />             
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Lenght" uniqueId="legicsavlen" label="Lenght:" width="40"/>           
                <item type="button" text="保存" tooltip="Press button to store samples" action0="hf legic save $legicfilensave" />
            <section title="LEGIC 模拟" tooltip="启动LEGIC标记模拟器(在“加载”或“读取”命令后使用)" uniqueId="legicsim" >
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="phase drift" uniqueId="legicphase" label="Phase Drift:"/>     
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="frame drift" uniqueId="legicframe" label="Frame Drift:"/>     
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="req-resp drift" uniqueId="legicreq" label="Req-Resp Drift:"/>                 
                <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to start LEGIC tag simulator (use after 'load' or 'read' commands) - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="hf legic sim $legicphase $legicframe $legicreq" />
            <section title="LEGIC 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示可使用的命令。" uniqueId="legich" >
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hf legic help" />
        <section title="iCLASS" tooltip="管理藏iCLASS">
            <section title="iCLASSThe list of" tooltip="iClass历史The list of" uniqueId="iclasslist" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="f" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,也显示帧延迟时间。" uniqueId="icf" text="检查也显示帧延迟时间。"/>  
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,将crc置于[crc]之间" uniqueId="icc" text="检查在[crc]之间放置crc"/>  
                <item type="button" text="The list of" tooltip="Press button to list iClass history" action0="hf list iclass $icf $icc" />
            <section title="iCLASS Snoop" tooltip="窃听iClass沟通" uniqueId="iclasssnoop" >
                <item type="button" text="Busybody." tooltip="Press button to 窃听iClass沟通 (works quite well also for ISO15693 communications)" action0="hf iclass snoop" />
            <section title="iCLASS 模拟" tooltip="模拟iClass标签的行为。" uniqueId="iclasssim" >
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="0" values="0:2" tooltip="Simulation Type: 0 = 模拟 Given CSN - 1 = 模拟 Default CSN - 2 = Iterate CSNs, gather Message Authentication Codes [MACs]" uniqueId="iclasstype" label="Simulation Type:" width="30" />       
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="CSN(16hex characters)" uniqueId="iclasscsn" label="Card Serial Number [CSN] - use with Simulation Type 0 Only:" width="120"/> 
                <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to 模拟 an iClass tag" action0="hf iclass sim $iclasstype $iclasscsn" />
            <section title ="iCLASSThe reader" tooltip="扮演一个电子阅读器的角色。" uniqueId="iclassreader">
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="0" tooltip="Reader Type" uniqueId="iclassrdrtype" label="Simulation Type:" width="30" />     
                <item type="button" text="ACT AS A reader" tooltip="Press button to 模拟 an iClass tag - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="hf iclass reader $iclassrdrtype" />       
            <section title="iCLASS转储" tooltip="转储iClass标签" uniqueId="iclassdump" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="e" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, the key is interpreted as the 16 byte Custom Key (KCus), which can be obtained via reader-attack; see 'hf iclass sim 2'. This key should be on iclass-format" uniqueId="ickey" text="检查使用指定键为自定义键(KCus)"/>
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Master Key if above the option is not checked; Custom Key if checked (both keys are 16 bytes long)" uniqueId="ickey" label="Key" width="120"/>    
                <item type="button" text="转储" tooltip="Press button to Dump an iClass tag" action0="hf iclass dump $ice $ickey" />
            <section title="iCLASS 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示可用的iCLASS命令。" uniqueId="iclassch" >
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hf iclass help" />
        <section title="Search for the high frequency" tooltip="寻找有效的高频标签(ISO14443A/MF/B, IClass, ISO15693)" uniqueId="searchhf" >
                <item type="button" text="Search for the high frequency" tooltip="Press button to search for a valid HF tag in the field" action0="hf search" />
        <section title="原始The list of" tooltip="列出原始字节(没有写注释,也没有crc检查)" uniqueId="hflistraw" >
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="f" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,也显示帧延迟时间。" uniqueId="rawf" text="检查也显示帧延迟时间。"/> 
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果检查,将crc置于[crc]之间" uniqueId="rawc" text="检查在[crc]之间放置crc"/> 
            <item type="button" text="测试天线" tooltip="Press button to measure HF antenna tuning" action0="hf list raw $rawf $rawc" />
        <section title="调优" tooltip="连续测量高频天线调优。" uniqueId="hftune" >
            <item type="button" text="测试天线" tooltip="Press button to measure HF antenna tuning" action0="hf tune" />
        <section title="帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示高频率可用的命令。" uniqueId="hfh" >
            <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hf help" />
    <section title="低频(低频)" tooltip="低频函数/命令" >
        <section title="搜索低频" tooltip="读取125 kHz LF ID标签和测试已知的标签以获得ID。" uniqueId="lfsearch" >
            <item type="label" label="Press button to search a 125kHz unknown tag; if online it will do -lf read-/-data samples 20000- 
            then check the read samples against EM410x, 藏 Prox, IOProx, awid, pyramid, verex g prox ii, and paradox tags and output the result.
            If offline it will check inside the graphbuffer (so do a -data load- first) and perform the same tests." />
            <item type="label" label="" />
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="1" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, client will search from the graphbuffer" uniqueId="lfchkbuf" text="检查使用真实标签的graphbuffer。"/>                          
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="u" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, client will search for unknown tags" uniqueId="lfunk" text="检查未知标签(原始fsk, ask/man和PSK1)"/>                           
            <item type="button" text="搜索" label="" tooltip="Press button to search a tag and plot results" action0="lf search $lfchkbuf $lfunk" />  >       
            <item type="label" label="
    proxmark3> lf search u
    #db# Sampling config:                  
    #db#   [q] divisor:           95                  
    #db#   [b] bps:               8                  
    #db#   [d] decimation:        1                  
    #db#   [a] averaging:         1                  
    #db#   [t] trigger threshold: 0                  
    #db# Done, saved 40000 out of 40000 seen samples at 8 bits/sample                 
    #db# buffer samples: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ...                 
    Reading 20000 bytes from device memory
    Data fetched          
    Samples @ 8 bits/smpl, decimation 1:1           
    NOTE: some demods output possible binary
      if it finds something that looks like a tag          
    False Positives ARE possible
    Checking for known tags:
    Using Clock: 64 - Invert: 0 - Bits Found: 313          
    EM410x pattern found:           
    EM TAG ID    : 0e003023cb          
    Unique TAG ID: 70000cc4d3          
    DEZ 8        : 03154891          
    DEZ 10       : 0003154891          
    DEZ 5.5      : 00048.09163          
    DEZ 3.5A     : 014.09163          
    DEZ 14/IK2   : 00060132697035          
    DEZ 15/IK3   : 000481037173971          
    Other        : 09163_048_03154891          
    Valid EM410x ID Found!"          />
        <section title="研究低频" tooltip="研究一个低频未知的标签。" uniqueId="lfinv" >
            <item type="label" label="Press button to read a 125kHz unknown tag, collect samples, 
            plot them (in a new window) and save them in \investigated.txt file" />
            <item type="button" text="调查" label="" tooltip="Press button to investigate tag and plot results" action0="lf read" waitFor0="proxmark3>" action1="data samples 16000" waitFor1="proxmark3>" action2="data plot" waitFor2="proxmark3>" action3="data save investigated.txt" />      
            <item type="label" label="\r\rNOTES - To act inside the plot window, use the following keyboard keys:" />
            <item type="label" label="\r\rUP ARROW            = Zoom Out\rDOWN ARROW          = Zoom In\rLEFT ARROW          = Move Left\rCTRL+LEFT ARROW     = Move Left 1 sample\rSHIFT+LEFT ARROW    = Move Left 1 page\rRIGHT ARROW         = Move Right\rCTRL+RIGHT ARROW    = Move Right 1 sample\rSHIFT+RIGHT ARROW   = Move Right 1 page\rLEFT MOUSE CLICK    = Set yellow cursor\rRIGHT MOUSE CLICK   = Set purple cursor\rG                   = Toggle grid display\rH                   = Show help\rL                   = Toggle lock grid relative to samples\rQ                   = Hide window" />
        <section title="Send the original command" tooltip="调制LF阅读器字段,在读取之前发送命令。" uniqueId="lfcmdread" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Duration of 'off' period" uniqueId="lfoffp" label="'Sleeping gap after sending and before reading (in milliseconds):" width="50" />       
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Duration of '0' period" uniqueId="lf0p" label="'0' - What length in microsec represents a '0' (in milliseconds):" width="50" />   
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Duration of '1' period" uniqueId="lf1p" label="'1' - What length in microsec represents a '1' (in milliseconds):" width="50" />
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="01010101" tooltip="Command" uniqueId="lfcmd" label="LF Command (in binary form - no bits number limit)" width="500" />       
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="h" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will use 134kHz" uniqueId="lf134" text="检查使用134千赫"/>                 
            <item type="button" text="发送命令" tooltip="Press to modulate LF reader field to send command before read" action0="lf cmdread $lfoffp $lf0p $lf1p $lfcmd $lf134" />
        <section title="读125千赫/ 134 khz ID" tooltip="阅读125/134 kHz LF id标签。" uniqueId="readlfid">
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="驱动低频天线 at a custom frequency (KHz)" uniqueId="customdiv" label="Select the divisor value to drive the antenna at a custom frequency (ex. 88=134KHz, 95=125KHz):"  width="25"/>
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="h" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, 134kHz frequency will be used" uniqueId="read134" text="检查使用134千赫 (not checked = 125kHz)" />             
            <item type="button" text="读 ID" tooltip="Press button to read 125/134 kHz LF ID-only tag" action0="lf read $read134 $customdiv" />  
        <section title="配置设备" tooltip="用户可以得到更长的采样-运行,lf读取和lf snoop。" uniqueId="lfcfg" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="L" tooltip="Select L for 125KHz, H for 134KHz or manually set divisor" uniqueId="cfghl" label="L for 125, H for 134 KHz or q -divisor- (ex.q 88 for 134, q 95 for 125):" width="30" />       
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="8" tooltip="Set resolution of bits per sample" uniqueId="cfgbps" label="Bits per sample (default = 8 (max)):" width="30" />  
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="1" tooltip="Sets decimation. A value of N saves only 1 in N samples." uniqueId="cfgdec" label="Decimation (default=1):" width="30" />
            <item type="label" label="" />
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="0" valueUnchecked="1" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, will average the stored sample value when decimating" uniqueId="cfgaver" text="在抽取时,检查存储的样本值。"/>                    
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="0" tooltip="Sets trigger threshold" uniqueId="cfgthre" label="Sets trigger threshold (0 means no threshold)" width="30" />       
            <item type="button" text="配置" tooltip="Press to modulate LF reader field to send command before read" action0="lf config $cfghl b $cfgbps d $cfgdec a $cfgaver t $cfgthre" />
                    <item type="label" label="=======================================================================================================
        用户可以得到更长的采样-运行,lf读取和lf snoop。. It uses a configuration on the device side.  
          lf config b 8 L          
                        Samples at 125KHz, 8bps.          
          lf config H b 4 d 3          
                        Samples at 134KHz, averages three samples into one, stored with           
                        a resolution of 4 bits per sample.          
          lf read          
                        Performs a read (active field)          
          lf snoop          
                        Performs a snoop (no active field)"/>
        <section title="Busybody." tooltip="Snoop低频传输" uniqueId="snooplfid">
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Threshold Value" uniqueId="lfsnoopthr" label="Set Threshold Value" width="30" />  
            <item type="label" label="----------------------------------------" />      
            <item type="button" text="Busybody. 125KHz" tooltip="Press button to start snooping ad 125KHz" action0="lf snoop l $lfsnoopthr" />  
            <item type="label" label="----------------------------------------" />
            <item type="button" text="Busybody. 134KHz" tooltip="Press button to start snooping as 134KHz" action0="lf snoop h $lfsnoopthr" />  
            <item type="label" label="----------------------------------------" />
            <item type="label" label="Busybody. CUSTOM FREQUENCY" />        
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="驱动低频天线 at a custom frequency (KHz)" uniqueId="customdivsnoop" label="Select the divisor value to drive the antenna at a custom frequency (ex. 88=134KHz, 95=125KHz):"  width="30"/>
            <item type="button" text="Busybody. CUSTOM FREQUENCY" tooltip="Press button to start snooping at desired frequency" action0="lf snoop $customdivsnoop $lfsnoopthr" />           
        <section title="模拟低频标签" tooltip="使用graphbuffer并尝试模拟相同的wave(不需要demod,但只适用于强读)" uniqueId="simlf">
            <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate LF tag from buffer with optional GAP (in microseconds) - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="lf sim" />  
                <item type="label" label="==============================================================================================================
    The [lf sim] command is intended to run directly after a [lf read] - [data samples] or [lf search].  
    It will attempt to simulate the wave form from the graphbuffer without knowing what kind of tag or wave it is.
    This works 80% of the time on ASK, FSK modulated tags if you have a strong antenna."/>  
        <section title="模拟低频双向" tooltip="模拟LF标签(在阅读器和标签之间进行双向数据传输)" uniqueId="simbid">
            <item type="button" text="模拟 BIDIRECTIONAL" tooltip="Press button to 模拟LF标签(在阅读器和标签之间进行双向数据传输) - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="lf simbidir" /> 
        <section title="模拟低频问" tooltip="从解调缓冲区或原始输入中模拟lf请求标签。" uniqueId="simask">
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="b,m,r" tooltip="Mode can be: 'm'=manchester encoding, 'r'=raw (no encoding)" uniqueId="modesim" label="Encoding type:" width="30"/>
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, you can specify clock value in the text field below" uniqueId="c" text="检查在下面的文本字段中指定“时钟”值。"/>           
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Clock" uniqueId="clocksim" label="Clock (do not use if 'clock' is not checked above):" width="50" />  
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="i" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will invert the data before simulating" uniqueId="siminv" text="检查转化数据"/>            
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="s" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, allows to specify a gap between transmission loops in the text field below" uniqueId="simspecgap" text="检查在下面的字段中指定一个“间隙”。"/>            
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="GAP time (expressed in microseconds)" uniqueId="simgapvalue" label="GAP (in microseconds  - do not use if 'gap' is not checked above):" width="50" />         
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex Data to transmit" uniqueId="simhexdata" label="Data to sim in HEX (must have leading zeros and all digits in transmission):" width="200" />                   
            <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate ASK LF tag - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="lf simask $modesim $c $clocksim $simspecgap $simgapvalue $siminv d $simhexdata" />  
                <item type="label" label="----------" />
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf simask h" />         
                    <item type="label" label="===============================================================================================================================
    lf simask  --  [c 'clock'] ['i'] ['b'|'m'|'r'] ['s'] [d 'hexdata'] simulate lf ASK tag from demodbuffer or raw input
    so for a rf/64 clock enter:  lf simask c 64
    to enter your data to sim you are entering the entire transmission hex (must have leading zeros and all digits in transmission)
    Example trace: modulation-ask-man-32.pm3
    lf simask m c 32 d 000102030405060708090A0B"/>      
        <section title="模拟低频移频键控" tooltip="从demodbuffer或原始输入中模拟lf FSK标记。" uniqueId="simfsk">
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, you can specify clock value in the text field below" uniqueId="c" text="检查在下面的文本字段中指定“时钟”值。"/>       
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Clock" uniqueId="clocksim" label="Clock (do not use if 'clock' is not checked above):" width="50" />  
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="i" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will invert the data before simulating" uniqueId="siminv" text="检查转化数据"/>                    
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="H" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, allows to specify a fcHigh value in the text field below" uniqueId="H" text="请在下面的文本中指定“fcHigh”值。"/>                 
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="fcHigh value" uniqueId="Hv" label="as integer, large field clock length (do not use if 'fcHigh' is not checked above):" width="40" />         
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="L" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, allows to specify a fcLow value in the text field below" uniqueId="L" text="请在下面的文本中指定“fcLow”值。"/>                   
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="fcLow value" uniqueId="Lv" label="as integer, small field clock length (do not use if 'fcLow' is not checked above):" width="40" />                   
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex Data to transmit" uniqueId="simhexdata" label="Data to sim in HEX (must have leading zeros and all digits in transmission):" width="200" />                   
            <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate FSK LF tag - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="lf simfsk $c $clocksim $H $Hv $L $Lv $siminv d $simhexdata" />  
                <item type="label" label="----------" />
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf simfsk h" />         
                    <item type="label" label="==============================================================================================
    This follows the same principles as the other two simxxx commands, but to specify fsk1 vs fsk2 
    you need to specify the fcHigh and fcLow  (FSK1: fcHigh=8, fcLow=5, FSK2: fcHigh=10, fcLow=8) 
    (in case other fsk methods become needed it is specified this way instead of fsk1 or fsk2) 
    fsk2 vs fsk2a is just a matter of inverting (i)
    Example trace: modulation-fsk1a-50.pm3
    lf simfsk c 50 H 8 L 5 i d 000102030405060708090a0b"/>      
        <section title="模拟低频相移键控" tooltip="从解调缓冲区或原始输入中模拟lf请求标签。" uniqueId="simpsk">
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="1,2,3" tooltip="Mode can be: '1'=PSK1, '2'=PSK2, '3'=PSK3" uniqueId="modesim" label="Encoding type:" width="30"/>
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="c" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, you can specify clock value in the text field below" uniqueId="c" text="检查在下面的文本字段中指定“时钟”值。"/>           
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Clock" uniqueId="clocksim" label="Clock (do not use if 'clock' is not checked above):" width="50" />  
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="i" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will invert the data before simulating" uniqueId="siminv" text="检查转化数据"/>            
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, allows to specify a carrier value in the drop-down field below" uniqueId="r" text="从下面的下拉The list of中选择“载波”值。"/>          
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="r 2,r 4,r 8" tooltip="sets the carrier (valid entries for 'carrier' are 2,4,or 8)" uniqueId="carvalue" label="Carrier:" width="40"/>
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex Data to transmit" uniqueId="simhexdata" label="Data to sim in HEX (must have leading zeros and all digits in transmission):" width="200" />                   
            <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate PSK LF tag - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="lf simpsk $c $modesim $clocksim $r $carvalue $siminv d $simhexdata" />  
                <item type="label" label="----------" />
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf simpsk h" />         
                    <item type="label" label="==============================================================================================
    Sim psk has 3 modes (2 actually since psk3 is not implemented), PSK1, PSK2, PSK3(future)
    specifying 1 or 2 or 3 will set the psk mode
    lf simpsk 2: sets it to PSK2
    r 'carrier' sets the carrier (valid entries for 'carrier' are 2,4,or 8)
    Example trace: modulation-psk2-32-2.pm3
    lf simpsk 2 c 32 r 2 d 000102030405060708090A0B"/>      
        <section title="标签" tooltip="低频标签测试" uniqueId="lftags" >
            <section title="AWID" tooltip="为AWID FSK标签解调样品。" uniqueId="awid" >
                <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate samples for AWID" action0="data fskawiddemod" />
            <section title="EM4x">
                <section title="EM410xread" tooltip="从EM410x标签中提取ID。" uniqueId="em4xread">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Clock Rate" uniqueId="em4xclock" label="Clock Rate (empty = auto-detect):" width="40" />      
                    <item type="button" text="提取ID" tooltip="Press button to extract ID from EM410x tag" action0="lf em4x 410read $em4xclock" />        
                <section title="EM410xdemod" tooltip="Continuously 从EM410x标签中提取ID。" uniqueId="em4xdemodcont">
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0,1" tooltip="Loop can be: '0'=for continuous loop; '1'=for only 1 tag" uniqueId="loopyn" label="Loop or not:" width="30"/>              
                    <item type="button" text="提取ID" tooltip="Press button to extract ID from EM410x tag" action0="lf em4x em410xdemod $loopyn" />       
                    <item type="label" label="      
                This command will continuously attempt to read an em410x tag until the button 
                is pressed. An argument of 1 will make it search for one tag only." />
                <section title="EM410xsim" tooltip="模拟EM410x标签" uniqueId="em410xsim">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="UID Value" uniqueId="em410xUID" label="UID (10 hex characters):" width="80" />        
                    <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate ID from EM410x tag" action0="lf em4x 410sim $em410xUID" />  
                <section title="EM410xwatch" tooltip="注意EM410x标签" uniqueId="em410xwatch">
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="h" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will use 134kHz" uniqueId="em134" text="检查使用134千赫"/>         
                    <item type="button" text="扫描标签" tooltip="Press button to scan for EM410x tags" action0="lf em4x 410watch $em134" /> 
                <section title="EM410xspoof" tooltip="注意EM410x标签 and reply to them" uniqueId="em410xspoof">
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="h" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, PM3 will use 134kHz" uniqueId="em134" text="检查使用134千赫"/>         
                    <item type="button" text="扫描标签" tooltip="Press button to scan for EM410x tags and reply to them" action0="lf em4x 410spoof $em134" />   
                <section title="EM410xwrite" tooltip="将EM410x UID写入T5555(Q5)或T55x7标记。" uniqueId="em410xwrite">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="UID Value" uniqueId="em410xUID" label="UID (10 hex characters):" width="80" />        
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0,1" tooltip="Mode can be: '0'=write to T5555 tag, '1'=write to T55x7" uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Destinantion Tag Type:" width="30"/>
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Optionally set clock rate value" uniqueId="emdataclock" label="Clock Rate:" width="50" />         
                    <item type="button" text="克隆标记" tooltip="Press button to write EM410x UID to T5555/T55x7 tag" action0="lf em4x 410write $em410xUID $modeTextbox $emdataclock" />    
                <section title="EM4x50read" tooltip="从EM4x50标签中提取数据。" uniqueId="em4x50read">
                    <item type="button" text="EXTRACT data" tooltip="Press button to extract data from EM4x50 tag" action0="lf em4x 4xread" />      
                <section title="EM4xxxReadWord" tooltip="读取EM4xxx字数据" uniqueId="readword">
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="Select word to read" uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Word to Read:" width="30"/>        
                    <item type="button" text="读 WORD" tooltip="Press button to read EM4xxx word" action0="lf em4x rd $modeTextbox" />   
                <section title="EM4xxxReadWordWithPassword" tooltip="读取EM4xxx字数据" uniqueId="readwordpwd">
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="Select word to read" uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Word to Read:" width="30"/>
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00000000" tooltip="Password value: 8 hex characters" uniqueId="em4xxxpass" label="Password:" width="80" />       
                    <item type="button" text="读 WORD WITH PWD" tooltip="Press button to read EM4xxx word in password mode" action0="lf em4x rdpwd $modeTextbox $em4xxxpass" />  
                <section title="EM4xxxWriteWord" tooltip="写EM4xxx字数据" uniqueId="writeword">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="01020304" tooltip="Data to be written" uniqueId="em4xxxdata" label="Data:" width="80" /> 
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="Select word to write" uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Word to Write:" width="30"/>
                    <item type="button" text="写单词" tooltip="Press button to write EM4xxx word" action0="lf em4x wr $em4xxxdata $modeTextbox" /> 
                <section title="EM4xxxWriteWordWithPassword" tooltip="写EM4xxx字数据" uniqueId="writewordpwd">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="00000000" tooltip="Password value: 8 hex characters" uniqueId="em4xxxpass" label="Password:" width="80" />   
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="01020304" tooltip="Data to be written" uniqueId="em4xxxdata" label="Data:" width="80" /> 
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:15" tooltip="Select word to write" uniqueId="modeTextbox" label="Word to Write:" width="30"/>
                    <item type="button" text="写单词 WITH PWD" tooltip="Press button to write EM4xxx word in password mode" action0="lf em4x wr $em4xxxdata $modeTextbox $em4xxxpass" />   
                <section title="EM4x 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示EM4x可用命令。" uniqueId="em4xh" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf em4x help" />
            <section title="FLEXPASS" tooltip="解调样本FlexPass" uniqueId="lfflex" >
                <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate samples for FlexPass" action0="lf flexdemod" />
            <section title="藏">
                <section title="藏 解调" tooltip="用于藏 Prox卡II的解调样本。" uniqueId="lfhiddem" >
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate 藏 Prox Card II" action0="lf hid demod" />
                <section title="藏 FSK 解调" tooltip="实时 hid FSK 解调器" uniqueId="lfhiddemfsk" >
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Find One" uniqueId="hidfskdemodfo" label="Find One (empty = continuous, 1 = find one):" width="15" /> 
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to FSK demodulate 藏 Prox Card (reads continuously until the button is pressed)" action0="lf hid fskdemod $hidfskdemodfo" />
                    <item type="label" label="
        藏 FSK demodulator, it loops continuously (or until the button is pressed) and if a 藏 
        tag enters the field it will capture and do the FSK demodulation and manchester decoding 
        of the waveform to return the tag ID as a hex number. It seems the TAG ID is a 44 bit number 
        and the number printed on the tag is usually bits 16 though 1 (bit 0 is possibly a parity bit)" />
                <section title="数据 藏 解调 FSK" tooltip="解调图形窗口作为隐藏的FSK标记。" uniqueId="datafskhid" >
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate graph window as a 藏 FSK Tag (takes the graphbuffer and hid demods it (for offline mode)" action0="data fskhiddemod" />
                    <item type="label" label="
            This command allows demodulation and decoding from the graph buffer for 藏 tag." />
                <section title="藏 模拟器" tooltip="模拟藏 Prox卡II标签。" uniqueId="hidsim">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="藏 ID Value" uniqueId="hidID" label="藏 Prox Card II ID (up to 44 bits):" width="80" />     
                    <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to simulate 藏 Prox Card II tag ID - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="lf hid sim $hidID" />    
                <section title="藏 CLONE" tooltip="克隆隐藏Prox卡片II到T55x7标签。" uniqueId="hidclone">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="藏 ID Value" uniqueId="hidcID" label="藏 Prox Card II ID (up to 85 bits):" width="140" />   
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="l" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, 85 bit ID will be used" uniqueId="85bitid" text="检查使用85bit ID(不勾选= 44位ID)" />            
                    <item type="button" text="克隆标记" tooltip="Press button to clone 藏 Prox Card II to T55x7 tag" action0="lf hid clone $hidcID $85bitid" />  
                <section title="藏 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示隐藏可用命令。" uniqueId="lfhidh" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf hid help" />
            <section title="INDALA">
                <section title="INDALA相移键控解调" tooltip="解调一个psk1 indala标记和输出位,并保存到demodbuffer。" uniqueId="indalapskdemod">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Clock" uniqueId="indalapskc" label="Clock value (optional - empty = auto-detect):" width="30" />      
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="1" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="Invert 0 and 1" uniqueId="indalapskinv" label="Invert (optional):" width="40"/>
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate" action0="data pskindalademod $indalapskc $indalapskinv" />   
                <section title="INDALA克隆" tooltip="克隆对T55x7 Indala" uniqueId="indalaclone">
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="l" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, 224 bit ID will be used" uniqueId="224每个" text="检查使用224bit ID(不勾选= 64位ID)" />                
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Indala UID Value" uniqueId="IndalaUID" label="Indala UID (up to 224 bits):" width="140" />        
                    <item type="button" text="每个" tooltip="Press button to 每个 Indala ID to T55x7 TAG" action0="lf indalaclone $IndalaUID $224每个" /> 
            <section title="IoProx (Kantech)">
                <section title="ioProx解调器" tooltip="ioProx 64bit UID的解调样品。" uniqueId="iopdemod">
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate samples of ioProx TAG" action0="lf io demod" />   
                <section title="ioProx移频键控解调" tooltip="连续读取和FSK解调ioProx 64bit UID。" uniqueId="iopfskdemod">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Find One" uniqueId="iofskdemodfo" label="Find One (empty = continuous, 1 = find one):" width="15" />
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button begin reading and FSK demodulating ioProx TAGS (reads continuously until the button is pressed)" action0="lf io fskdemod $iofskdemodfo" />  
                                <item type="label" label="
        Output example:
        (for 1 tag only option)
        #00000000 0
        #11110000 1
        #10111110 1 facility
        #00000001 1 version 
        #00001011 1 ID1
        #11000011 1 ID2
        #00001011 11 checksum
        (for all reads)
        #XSF(01)BE:03011 (00786fa030be1e0b)" />
                <section title="数据输入输出PROX解调" tooltip="解调图形窗口作为一个IO PROX FSK标记。" uniqueId="datafskio" >
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate graph window as a IO Prox FSK Tag (takes the graphbuffer and hid demods it (for offline mode)" action0="data fskiodemod" />
                    <item type="label" label="
            This command allows demodulation and decoding from the graph buffer for io prox tag." />        
                <section title="ioProx克隆" tooltip="克隆对T55x7 ioProx" uniqueId="ioProxclone">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="ioProx UID Value" uniqueId="ioProxUID" label="ioProx UID (64 bits):" width="115" />       
                    <item type="button" text="每个" tooltip="Press button to 每个 ioProx ID to T55x7 TAG" action0="lf io clone $ioProxUID" />   
                    <item type="label" label="
        Output example:
        >lf io clone 00786fa030be1e0b
        #Cloning with UID 00786fa0 30be1e0b
        #DONE#" />          
                <section title="ioProx 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示了ioProx可用的命令。" uniqueId="lfioph" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf io help" />
            <section title="你(德州仪器)">
                <section title="TI解调" tooltip="为ti类型的LF标签解调原始位。" uniqueId="tidemod">
                    <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate raw bits for TI-type LF tag" action0="lf ti demod" /> 
                    <item type="label" label="
        Demodulate the data stream retrieved by hisampless following a tiread.
        Performs some checks on the recovered data and prints relevant info. 
        Use the plot command to see a graphical output of the demodulated waveform and the detected bit boundaries.         
                    " />
                <section title="TI读" tooltip="读取和解码一个TI 134 kHz标签。" uniqueId="tiread">
                    <item type="button" text="读" tooltip="Press button to read and decode a TI 134 kHz tag" action0="lf ti read" /> 
                    <item type="label" label="
        This tag sends a stream of 128 bits as an FM (frequency modulated) waveform.
        A zero consists of 16 cycles at 123.2Khz and a one consists of 16 cycles at 134.2Khz meaning the duration
        of ones and zeroes is slightly different therefore the bit boundaries are not at regular intervals.
        Once the tag is read, the waveform stored in the buffer is demodulated into a set of three hex numbers 
        (high 32 bits, low 32 bits and crc). Some checks are performed on the recovered data and relevant info printed. 
        The TI tag stores 64 bits of data and a 16 bit crc. On the rewriteable TI tags, the crc written to the tag 
        doesn't have to be valid, therefore 64+16=80 bits of data can be written.
        At the completion of this command, the raw waveform is available in the buffer.         
                <section title="TI写" tooltip="将新数据写入r/w TI 134 kHz标签。" uniqueId="tiwrite">
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="1st Hex Value" uniqueId="tihex1" label="Hex Value 1:" width="70" />   
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="2nd Hex Value" uniqueId="tihex2" label="Hex Value 2:" width="70" />   
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="CRC will be auto-calculated if left blank" uniqueId="ticrc" label="CRC (optional):" width="40" />     
                    <item type="button" text="写" tooltip="Press button to write new data to a r/w TI 134 kHz tag" action0="lf ti write $tihex1 $tihex2 $ticrc" />   
                    <item type="label" label="
        Takes two hex parameters that form the 64 bit data to be written. Optionally a hex crc can be provided.
        If no crc is provided, one will be computed before writing. If a crc is provided, it will be written verbatim,
        even if it's wrong. This allows one to write up to 80 arbitrary bits to the tag (64 data + 16 crc). Once the 
        write is finished, the tag immediately transmits the data written back, so this command reads and stores the 
        raw waveform in the buffer. 
        > lf ti write 0xfeedbeef 0xdeadfade
        #db# Writing the following data to tag:
        #db# feedbeef, deadfade, 00004bc8
        #db# Now use tiread to check
        > lf ti read
        #db# Info: TI tag is rewriteable
        #db# Info: TI tag ident is valid
        #db# Info: Tag data_hi, data_lo, crc = 
        #db# feedbeef, deadfade, 00004bc8
        #db# Info: CRC is good
        Alternatively if you want to decode the tag on the client side (PC):
        > lf ti write 0xfeedbeef 0xdeadfade
        #db# Writing the following data to tag:
        #db# feedbeef, deadfade, 00004bc8
        #db# Now use tiread to check
        > samples 40000
        > lf ti demod
        actual data bits start at sample 5851
        length 260/238
        Info: raw tag bits = 1.1111.11.1.111111.
        Info: Rewriteable TI tag detected.
        Info: Tag data = FEEDBEEFDEADFADE
        Info: CRC 4BC8 is good"/>           
                    <section title="TI 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示TI可用的命令。" uniqueId="lftih" >
                        <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf ti help" />
            <section title="HITAG"> 
                <section title="HITAG The list of" tooltip="The list ofHitag跟踪历史" uniqueId="hitaghis" >
                    <item type="button" text="The list of" tooltip="Press to list Hitag trace history" action0="lf hitag list" />
                <section title="HITAG The reader" tooltip="像个Hitag的The reader。">
                    <section title="密码模式" uniqueId="readerpw">
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Password Value" uniqueId="pwdhitag" label="Password:" width="80" />                           
                        <item type="button" text="密码模式" tooltip="???" action0="lf hitag reader 21 $pwdhitag" />
                    <section title="nr ar远程准入" uniqueId="readerauth">
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="nr" uniqueId="hitagnr" label="nr:" width="80" />
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="ar" uniqueId="hitagar" label="ar:" width="80" />              
                        <item type="button" text="身份验证" tooltip="???" action0="lf hitag reader 22 $hitagnr $hitagar" />
                    <section title="密钥身份验证" uniqueId="readerauth2">
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="key is in format: ISK high + ISK low" uniqueId="hitagkey" label="Key:" width="80" />          
                        <item type="button" text="身份验证" tooltip="???" action0="lf hitag reader 23 $hitagkey" />
                    <section title="测试记录认证" uniqueId="readerrec">
                        <item type="button" text="TEST RECODED 身份验证S" tooltip="???" action0="lf hitag reader 25" />
                <section title="HITAG模拟" tooltip="模拟Hitag应答器" uniqueId="simhitag">
                    <item type="button" text="模拟" tooltip="Press button to 模拟Hitag应答器 - Press PM3 button to stop simulation!" action0="lf hitag sim" /> 
                <section title="HITAG Busybody." tooltip="窃听Hitag沟通" uniqueId="hitagsnoop">
                    <item type="button" text="Busybody." tooltip="Press button to 模拟Hitag应答器 - Press PM3 button to stop eavesdrop!" action0="lf hitag snoop" /> 
                <section title="HITAG 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示TI可用的命令。" uniqueId="lfhitag" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain eavesdrop Hitag communication" action0="lf hitag help" />
            <section title="绝对芯片解调" tooltip="解调样本绝对芯片" uniqueId="verichip" >
                <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate samples for VeriChip" action0="lf vchdemod" />
            <section title="T55XX"> 
                <section title="T55XX读块" tooltip="读取T55xx块数据(第0页)" uniqueId="t55xxread" >
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:7" tooltip="Block to write" uniqueId="t55xxblock" label="Block:" width="30" />
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Password is represented by 8 characters in hex" uniqueId="t55xxpwd" label="Password:" width="60" />
                    <item type="button" text="读块" tooltip="Press button to read T55xx block data (page 0)" action0="lf t55xx read $t55xxblock $t55xxpwd" />
                <section title="T55XX写块" tooltip="写入T55xx块数据(第0页)" uniqueId="t55xxwrite" >
                    <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:7" tooltip="Block to write" uniqueId="t55xxblock" label="Block:" width="30" />
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="11223344" tooltip="Data are represented by 8 characters in hex" uniqueId="t55xxdata" label="Data to Write:" width="60" />
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Password is represented by 8 characters in hex" uniqueId="t55xxpwd" label="Password:" width="60" />               
                    <item type="button" text="写块" tooltip="Press button to write T55xx block data (page 0)" action0="lf t55xx write $t55xxblock $t55xxdata $t55xxpwd" />
                <section title="T55XX阅读跟踪" tooltip="读取T55xx跟踪数据(第1页)" uniqueId="t55xxreadt" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="1" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, use Graphbuffer otherwise read data from tag" uniqueId="graphb" text="检查使用Graphbuffer,否则从标签读取数据。"/>              
                    <item type="button" text="读 TRACE" tooltip="Press button to read T55xx traceability data (page 1)" action0="lf t55xx trace $graphb" />
                <section title="T55XX阅读信息" tooltip="读取T55xx配置数据(page0 /blk 0)" uniqueId="t55xxinfo" >
                    <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="1" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, use Graphbuffer otherwise read data from tag" uniqueId="graphbinfo" text="检查使用Graphbuffer,否则从标签读取数据。"/>                          
                    <item type="button" text="得到信息" tooltip="Press button to obtain T55XX page0/block0 information" action0="lf t55xx info $graphbinfo" />
                <section title="T55XX配置" tooltip="设置/获取T55XX配置(调制、倒转、偏移、速率)" uniqueId="t55xxcfg" >
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="8,16,32,40,50,64,100,128" tooltip="Select Bitrate" uniqueId="t55xxbr" label="Select Bitrate:" width="45" />
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="FSK,FSK1,FSK1a,FSK2,FSK2a,ASK,PSK1,PSK2,NZ,BI,BIa" tooltip="Select Demodulation" uniqueId="t55xxdem" label="Select Demodulation:" width="60" />          
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0,1" tooltip="Invert Data Signal" uniqueId="t55xxinv" label="Invert Data Signal:" width="25" />  
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:9" tooltip="Set offset where data should start decode in bitstream" uniqueId="t55xxoff" label="Set Starting Offset:" width="25" />             
                    <item type="button" text="获取/设置配置" tooltip="Press button to set/get T55XX configuration (modulation, inverted, offset, rate)" action0="lf t55xx config b $t55xxbr d t55xxdem i $t55xxinv o $t55xxoff" />
                <section title="T55XX转储" tooltip="转储T55xx卡块0-7。可选的密码" uniqueId="t55xxdump" >
                    <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Password is represented by 8 characters in hex" uniqueId="t55xxpwd" label="Password (optional):" width="60" />        
                    <item type="button" text="转储" tooltip="Press button to dump T55XX content" action0="lf t55xx dump $t55xxpwd" />
                <section title="T55XX特殊" tooltip="显示块更改64个不同的偏移量。" uniqueId="t55xxspecial" >
                    <item type="button" text="特殊的" tooltip="Press button to show block changes with 64 different offsets" action0="lf t55xx special" />
                <section title="T55XX 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示T55XX频率可用的命令。" uniqueId="t55xxh" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf t55xx help" />
            <section title="悖论" tooltip="为悖论FSK标签解调样本。" uniqueId="parad" >
                <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate samples for Paradox" action0="data fskparadoxdemod" />
            <section title="PCF7931">   
                <section title="PCF7931读" tooltip="读取PCF7931应答器的内容。" uniqueId="pcf7931read" >
                    <item type="button" text="读" tooltip="Press button to read content of a PCF7931 transponder" action0="lf pcf7931 read" />
                <section title="PCF7931 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示PCF7931频率可用命令。" uniqueId="pcf7931h" >
                    <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf pcf7931 help" />
            <section title="金字塔" tooltip="用于金字塔FSK标签的解调样本。" uniqueId="pyram" >
                <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to demodulate samples for Pyramic" action0="data fskpyramiddemod" />
        <section title="帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示低频率可用的命令。" uniqueId="lfh" >
            <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="lf help" />
    <section title="数据" tooltip="绘图窗口/数据缓冲区操作。">
        <section title="数据 DEBUG" tooltip="打开和关闭lf demods的调试或详细错误模式。" uniqueId="debugonoff" >
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:1" tooltip="0=off; 1= n" uniqueId="donoff" label="Set 0 to turn off debug; set 1 to turn it on:" width="30"/>  
            <item type="button" text="集" tooltip="Press button set on and off debugging or verbose error mode for lf demods " action0="data setdebugmode $donoff" />
        <section title="数据 放大" tooltip="放大的山峰" uniqueId="dataamp" >
            <item type="button" text="放大" tooltip="Press button to amplify peaks" action0="data amp" />
        <section title="数据 解调 ASK EM410x" tooltip="试图解调EM410x。" uniqueId="dataaskemdem" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Clock Rate" uniqueId="askemclk" label="Clock Rate (optional: empty = auto-detect):" width="20" />     
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue=" " values=" ,1" tooltip="Invert" uniqueId="askeminv" label="Invert output (optional: empty for no - 1 for invert):" width="30" />
            <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to to demodulate EM410x only - returns 0 if EM format is not found" action0="data askem410xdemod $askemclk $askeminv" />
                <item type="label" label="----------" />
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="data askem410xdemod h" />
        <section title="数据 解调 G PROX II" tooltip="从GraphBuffer解调G Prox II标签。" uniqueId="dataaskgprox" >
            <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to to demodulate G Prox II tag" action0="data askgproxiidemod" />
        <section title="数据 解调 NEXWATCH" tooltip="从GraphBuffer中解调NexWatch (nexkey, quadrakey) (PSK1)。" uniqueId="datafsknex" >
            <item type="button" text="解调" tooltip="Press button to to demodulate G Prox II tag" action0="data psknexwatchdemod" />
        <section title="数据 CLOCK DETECT" tooltip="检测时钟频率" uniqueId="askdetectc">
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="a" values="a,f,n,p" tooltip="Select to detect ASK, FSK, NRZ, or PSK clock" uniqueId="datadetectarg" label="Modulation to detect is:" width="30" />
            <item type="button" text="检测时钟" tooltip="Press button to detect clock for selected Modulation" action0="data detectclock $datadetectarg" /> 
            <item type="label" label="
                            a for ASK
                            f for FSK
                            n for NRZ/Direct
                            p for PSK" />
        <section title="数据 RAWDEMOD" tooltip="解调波从缓冲区" uniqueId="datarawdemod">
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="am" values="ab,am,ar,fs,nr,p1,p2, " tooltip="Select to demod ASK/BIPHASE, ASK/MAN, ASK/RAW, FSK, NRZ, PSK1, or PSK2 clock" uniqueId="rawdemodmod" label="Select Modulation:" width="40" /> 
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="h" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, show modulation demod help" uniqueId="rawdemodhelp" text="检查显示调制帮助。"/>   
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Offset (optional)" uniqueId="offset" label="Offset to begin biphase (default=0):" width="30" />   
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter clock (optional)" uniqueId="rawdemodclk" label="Clock (optional):" width="50" />    
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0,1, " tooltip="1=invert, 0=do not invert (default)" uniqueId="rawdemodinvert" label="Invert output:" width="30"/>   
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter Max Errors allowed (optional - default=100)" uniqueId="rawdemodmaxerr" label="Max Errors (not for FSK) - (optional):" width="40" /> 
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Specify Sample Lenght (optional - default=32768 (512 bits at rf/64))" uniqueId="rawdemodlen" label="Specify Sample Lenght - (optional):" width="50" />    
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter FCHigh(optional) - applies only to FSK" uniqueId="rawdemodfchigh" label="FC High (FSK only) - (optional):" width="50" />    
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter FCLow(optional) - applies only to FSK" uniqueId="rawdemodfclow" label="FC Low (FSK only) - (optional):" width="50" />
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="a" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="Amplify (optional)" uniqueId="amplify" label="Amplify (default=no amp):" width="50" />           
            <item type="button" text="生的解调" tooltip="Press button to set cursor display scale" action0="data rawdemod $offset $rawdemodmod $rawdemodhelp $rawdemodclk $rawdemodinvert $rawdemodfchigh $rawdemodfclow $rawdemodmaxerr $rawdemodlen $amplify" />
            <item type="label" label="
                            ab for ASK/BIPHASE demod
                            am for ASK/MANCHESTER demod
                            fS for FSK demod
                            nr for NRZ/Direct demod
                            p1 for PSK1 demod
                            p2 for PSK2 demod" />
        <section title="数据 ASK EDGEDETECT" tooltip="使用阈值来检查样本值>阈值的跳转,以检测请求波的边缘——然后将清理过的波放入graphbuffer并刷新图(用于手动demod)" uniqueId="askdetectedge">
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="25" tooltip="Threshold" uniqueId="askedgethre" label="Threshold value:" width="50" />        
            <item type="button" text="边缘检测要求" tooltip="Press button to detect clock" action0="data askedgedetect $askedgethre" />   
        <section title="数据 MANCHESTER 解码 RAW BIN" tooltip="Manchster解码图形窗口二进制。" uniqueId="datamanraw" >
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0,1, " tooltip="1=invert, 0=do not invert (default)" uniqueId="manrawdemodinvert" label="Invert output:" width="30"/>    
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter Max Errors allowed (optional)" uniqueId="manrawdemodmaxerr" label="Max Errors - (optional):" width="50" />  
            <item type="button" text="解码 MANCHESTER" tooltip="Press button to Manchster解码图形窗口二进制。" action0="data manrawdecode $manrawdemodinvert $manrawdemodmaxerr" />
            <item type="label" label="
    This function strictly takes binary already in the graph buffer and Manchester decodes it.
    It makes two passes on the data checking which results in less errors and outputs the 
    resulting binary inserting 77 for any error it hits. "      />
        <section title="数据 BIPHASE 解码 RAW BIN" tooltip="双相解码图形窗口二进制。" uniqueId="databiphraw" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Offset (optional)" uniqueId="biphoffset" label="Offset to begin biphase (default=0):" width="30" />   
            <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0,1, " tooltip="1=invert, 0=do not invert (default)" uniqueId="biphrawdemodinvert" label="Invert output:" width="30"/>   
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter Max Errors allowed (optional)" uniqueId="biphawdemodmaxerr" label="Max Errors - (optional):" width="50" />      
            <item type="button" text="解码 BIPHASE" tooltip="Press button to 双相解码图形窗口二进制。" action0="data biphaserawdecode $biphoffset $biphrawdemodinvert $biphawdemodmaxerr" />
            <item type="label" label="
    This function takes binary from the graph buffer and attempts to biphase decode it.
    The offset is intended to be used to align the encoding as unlike Manchester the 
    binary alone doesn't help us to do this. Still a work in progress. "        />
        <section title="数据 AUTOCORRELATION" tooltip="尝试对窗口进行自相关。" uniqueId="dataautocorr" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Window must be smaller than trace (default=4000; value = 0 not allowed)" uniqueId="autocorrwinlen" label="Window Lenght:" width="50" />   
            <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="g" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, graph output (overwriting graphbuffer)" uniqueId="graph" text="检查图输出"/>          
            <item type="button" text="AUTOCORRELATE" tooltip="Press button to have have autocorrelation over window" action0="data autocorr $autocorrwinlen $graph" />
        <section title="数据 清晰的 BUFFER" tooltip="清除示例缓冲区和图形窗口。" uniqueId="dataclearbuff" >
            <item type="button" text="清晰的 BUFFER" tooltip="Press button to clear sample buffer and graph window " action0="data buffclear" />
        <section title="数据 成千上万的样品" tooltip="成千上万的样品" uniqueId="datadec" >
            <item type="button" text="成千上万的样品" tooltip="Press button to decimate samples " action0="data dec" />
            <item type="label" label="
            This command removes every other sample from the trace buffer : in practice, this means it 
            divides the sampling rate by two. Command dec exists partly for historical purposes : 
            commands such as flexdemod and vchdemod were written for the Prox II, which had a sampling 
            rate of half of the Prox3 sampling rate. For this reason, in order to get actual meaningful 
            results from those commands, you should decimate the trace before issuing them. " />
        <section title="数据 UN成千上万的样品" tooltip="成千上万的样品" uniqueId="dataundec" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="2" tooltip="Number of times to repeat each sample" uniqueId="undfac" label="The number of times to repeat each sample (default=2):" width="25" />        
            <item type="button" text="UN成千上万的样品" tooltip="Press button to decimate samples " action0="data undec $undfac" />
        <section title="数据 GRID" tooltip="在图形窗口上覆盖网格。" uniqueId="datagrid" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="0" tooltip="You can turn 'X' grid off by specifiyng a 0 value" uniqueId="x" label="Grid 'X' Value:" width="40" />    
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="0" tooltip="You can turn 'Y' grid off by specifiyng a 0 value" uniqueId="y" label="Grid 'Y' Value:" width="40" />            
            <item type="button" text="覆盖网格" tooltip="Press button to overlay grid on graph window" action0="data grid $x $y" />
        <section title="数据 HEX SAMPLES" tooltip="将大缓冲区转储为十六进制字节,特别是用于ISO14443-B阅读命令。" uniqueId="datahexsam" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="" uniqueId="samblocks" label="Blocks:" width="40" />  
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="" uniqueId="samoffset" label="Offset:" width="40" />          
            <item type="button" text="转储 BUFFER" tooltip="Press button to dump big buffer as hex bytes" action0="data hexsamples $samblocks $samoffset" />
        <section title="数据 Tibetan E GRAPH" tooltip="隐藏图窗口" uniqueId="datahidegraph" >
            <item type="button" text="Tibetan E GRAPH" tooltip="Press button to hide graph window" action0="data hide" />
        <section title="数据 REMOVE DC OFF集" tooltip="从跟踪中删除DC偏移量。" uniqueId="datahpf" >
            <item type="button" text="REMOVE DC OFF集" tooltip="Press button to remove DC offset from trace" action0="data hpf" />
        <section title="数据 负载 TRACE" tooltip="加载跟踪到图形窗口。" uniqueId="dataload" >
            <item type="browse-load" label="Type or Select trace file name to load:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type the path to the file containing the trace data or press browse button to select it" uniqueId="datafilenameload" width="300" />   
            <item type="button" text="负载 TRACE" tooltip="Press button to load trace to graph window" action0="data load $datafilenameload" />
        <section title="数据 保存 TRACE" tooltip="从图形窗口保存跟踪。" uniqueId="datasave" >
            <item type="browse-save" label="Type or Select trace file name to save:" defaultValue="" tooltip="Type the path to the file containing the trace data or press browse button to select it" uniqueId="datafilenamesave" width="300" />
            <item type="button" text="保存 TRACE" tooltip="Press button to save trace to graph window" action0="data save $datafilenamesave" />
        <section title="数据 修剪 SAMPLES" tooltip="从留下的痕迹中修剪样品。" uniqueId="datatrim" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter samples" uniqueId="datatrimsam" label="Samples:" width="120" /> 
            <item type="button" text="修剪" tooltip="Press button to trim samples from left of trace" action0="data ltrim $datatrimsam" />
        <section title="数据 曼彻斯特调节" tooltip="曼彻斯特调制了一个二进制流。" uniqueId="datamanchmod" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter clock rate" uniqueId="dataclockrate" label="Clock Rate:" width="120" /> 
            <item type="button" text="曼彻斯特调节" tooltip="Press button to manchester modulate a binary stream " action0="data manmod $dataclockrate" />
        <section title="数据 正常化" tooltip="正常化最大值/最小值+ / -500" uniqueId="datanorm" >
            <item type="button" text="正常化" tooltip="Press button to normalize max/min to +/-500" action0="data norm" />
        <section title="数据 PLOT" tooltip="显示图形窗口" uniqueId="dataplot" >
            <item type="button" text="图" tooltip="Press button to 显示图形窗口 (hit 'h' in window for keystroke help)" action0="data plot" />
            <item type="label" label="" />
            <item type="label" label="NOTES: To act inside the plot window, use the following keyboard keys" />
            <item type="label" label="LEGEND:\r\rUP ARROW            = Zoom Out\rDOWN ARROW          = Zoom In\rLEFT ARROW          = Move Left\rCTRL+LEFT ARROW     = Move Left 1 sample\rSHIFT+LEFT ARROW    = Move Left 1 page\rRIGHT ARROW         = Move Right\rCTRL+RIGHT ARROW    = Move Right 1 sample\rSHIFT+RIGHT ARROW   = Move Right 1 page\rLEFT MOUSE CLICK    = Set yellow cursor\rRIGHT MOUSE CLICK   = Set purple cursor\rG                   = Toggle grid display\rH                   = Show help\rL                   = Toggle lock grid relative to samples\rQ                   = Hide window" />
        <section title="数据 打印原始ID" tooltip="在解调缓冲区中打印解调的二进制(原始ID)。" uniqueId="dataprntraw" >
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="x" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="如果勾选,则输出为十六进制。 (omit to see binary output)" uniqueId="hexo" text="如果勾选,则输出为十六进制。"/>      
                <item type="checkbox" valueChecked="o" valueUnchecked="" defaultValue="unchecked" tooltip="If checked, enable offset in # of bits)" uniqueId="offs" text="在#中启用偏移量。"/>
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="" values="0:9" tooltip="Set offset in # of bits" uniqueId="offval" label="Set offset in # of bits:" width="30"/>               
                <item type="button" text="打印原始ID" tooltip="Press button to demodulated binary (raw ID) in the demodbuffer" action0="data printdemodbuf $hexo $offs $offval" />
        <section title="数据 得到的比特流" tooltip="将图波转换为原始二进制(基于样本值优于1或低于1)(lf sim使用)" uniqueId="datagetbitstr" >
            <item type="button" text="得到的比特流" tooltip="Press button to get biststream" action0="data getbitstream" />
        <section title="数据 R-修剪 SAMPLES" tooltip="将样品重新修剪回进入位置。" uniqueId="datatrim" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter Location to trim back to" uniqueId="datartrimsam" label="Samples:" width="120" />   
            <item type="button" text="R-修剪" tooltip="Press button to trim samples from right of trace" action0="data rtrim $datartrimsam" />
            <item type="label" label="
    This command allow you to truncate the graph buffer samples.        " />
        <section title="数据 获得原始样本" tooltip="获取图形窗口的原始样本。" uniqueId="datagetsam" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter samples to get" uniqueId="dsamples" label="Samples to Get (value between 128 - 16000):" width="40" />   
            <item type="button" text="获得原始样本" tooltip="Press button to get raw samples for graph window " action0="data samples $dsamples" />
        <section title="数据 集 SCALE" tooltip="设置光标显示比例" uniqueId="datascale" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter scale frequency in kHz" uniqueId="datascalehz" label="Scale (expressed in kHz; ex.125 = 125kHz):" width="50" /> 
            <item type="button" text="集 SCALE" tooltip="Press button to set cursor display scale" action0="data scale $datascalehz" />
        <section title="数据 SHIFTGRAPHZERO" tooltip="波的中点偏移+或-输入值并使其标准化。" uniqueId="datashiftgz" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="波的中点偏移+或-输入值并使其标准化。" uniqueId="datashiftg" label="Threshold (positive or negative):" width="50" />    
            <item type="button" text="集 THRESHOLD" tooltip="Press button to maximize/minimize every value in the graph window depending on threshold " action0="data shiftgraphzero $datashiftg" />
        <section title="数据 DIRTHRESHOLD" tooltip="最大值上升,上升/分钟下降下降,保持静止为prev。" uniqueId="datadirthreshold" >
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter threshold UP" uniqueId="datathreup" label="Threshold UP:" width="50" /> 
            <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter threshold DOWN" uniqueId="datathredown" label="Threshold DOWN:" width="50" />   
            <item type="button" text="集 THRESHOLD" tooltip="Press button to maximize/minimize every value in the graph window depending on threshold " action0="data dirthreshold $datathreup $datathredown" />
        <section title="数据 ZEROCROSSING" tooltip="计算时间之间的零交点" uniqueId="datazerocross" >
            <item type="button" text="数时间" tooltip="Press button to count time between zero-crossings" action0="data zerocrossings" />
        <section title="数据 FDBXDEMOD" tooltip="从GraphBuffer中解调FDX-B ISO11784/85 Biphase标记。" uniqueId="fdxbdemod" >
            <item type="button" text="FDBX解调" tooltip="Press button to demod" action0="data fdxbdemod" />
        <section title="数据 帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示可用的数据命令。" uniqueId="datah" >
            <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="data help" />
    <section title="硬件" tooltip="量子硬件设置">
            <section title="检测The reader" tooltip="检测外部The reader领域" uniqueId="HWdetect" >
                <item type="drop-down" values="h,l, " defaultValue="" tooltip="Select frequency to scan (if none both will be scanned)" uniqueId="freq" text="选择频率(l =低;h =高)" width="30" />            
                <item type="button" text="检测了" label="(to stop action, press PM3 button 2 times)" tooltip="Press to detect reader field" action0="hw detectreader $freq" />
                <item type="label" label="\rThis just listens for an external reader field and lights up green for HF and/or red for LF; Button press exits.\rOutput columns are:\rPREVIOUS, CURRENT, LOOPS where:\r   PREVIOUS is the ADC value we just changed from;\r   CURRENT is the value we changed to;\r   LOOPS is the number of times we went around the loop between changes,\r\rIt would obviously be more helpful to have an actual time, but since the resolution proved\rnot to be high enough to be able to measure reader commands (which is why I started on this in the first place !) I didn't bother...
    However, it proved to be a useful little feature when you're wondering what that reader on the wall is actually listening for...
    Here it is in action :
    proxmark3> detectreader
    > detectreader
    #db# LF 125/134 Baseline:
    #db# 00000000, 00000000, 00000000
    #db# HF 13.56 Baseline:
    #db# 00000000, 00000000, 00000000
    #db# HF 13.56 Field Change:
    #db# 00000000, 0000000b, 0000c899
    #db# HF 13.56 Field Change:
    #db# 0000000b, 00000000, 00000001
    It's also great for seeing how far out the reader field extends (or how sensitive your antenna is)"
            <section title="The FPGA off" tooltip="使FPGA" uniqueId="fpgaoff" >
                <item type="button" text="The FPGA off" tooltip="Press to turn The FPGA off" action0="hw fpgaoff" />
                <item type="label" label="Set FPGA off, meaning all signal lines are driven low; \rin this mode the FPGA does not modulate the antenna or route any inbound signals;\rthis does not turn off power to the FPGA." />
            <section title="液晶显示器" tooltip="液晶显示器设置-只使用PM3和液晶显示器。" uniqueId="lcdset" >
                            <section title="发送命令" tooltip="发送命令到液晶显示器 -只在PM3上使用液晶显示器。" uniqueId="cmdlcd" >
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Hex command to be sent to 液晶显示器" uniqueId="液晶显示器Command" label="Command to be sent (in hex)"/>                
                                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Count" uniqueId="液晶显示器Count" label="Count"/>      
                                <item type="button" text="发送命令" tooltip="Press button to Send Command to 液晶显示器" action0="hw lcd $液晶显示器Command $液晶显示器Count" />   
                            <section title="Reset 液晶显示器" tooltip="重置液晶显示器硬件-只在PM3上使用液晶显示器。" uniqueId="lcdreset" >
                                <item type="button" text="RE集" tooltip="Press button to Reset 液晶显示器 硬件" action0="hw lcdreset" />                        
            <section title="读取闪存" tooltip="从PM3闪存读取内存。" uniqueId="readpm3flashmem" >
                <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Address to be read from flash (in hex)" uniqueId="readpm3flash" label=""/>                
                <item type="button" text="读 ADDRESS" tooltip="Press button to read memory at decimal address from flash" action0="hw readmem $readpm3flash" />  
            <section title="重置量子化学" tooltip="重置了量子硬件" uniqueId="pm3reset" >
                <item type="button" text="RE集" tooltip="Press button to Reset the PM3" action0="hw reset" label="(this also disconnect PM3 from USB)" />
            <section title="驱动低频天线" tooltip="在特定频率下驱动LF天线。" uniqueId="driveantenna" >
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="19" values="19:255" tooltip="驱动低频天线 at 12Mhz/(divisor+1)" uniqueId="antenna12" label="Divisor value:"  width="50"/>
                <item type="button" text="驱动天线" tooltip="Press button to 驱动低频天线 at 12Mhz" action0="hw setlfdivisor $antenna12" />   
            <section title="Mux设置" tooltip="将ADC mux设置为一个特定值。" uniqueId="setmux" >
                <item type="drop-down" defaultValue="loraw" values="loraw,hiraw,lopkd,hipkd" tooltip="Mux can be: loraw, hiraw, lopkd or hipkd " uniqueId="setmuxcurtain" label="Mode" width="60" />
                <item type="button" text="集 MUX" tooltip="Press button to Set Mux Mode" action0="hw setmux $setmuxcurtain" />
            <section title="调优" tooltip="测试和显示天线特性。" uniqueId="hwtune" >
                <item type="button" text="测试天线" tooltip="Press button to obtain actual connected antenna characteristics" action0="hw tune" />
                <item type="label" label="
                Measure antenna tuning
    This command can be issued to verify that the antennas work properly. Run tune and wait about 8 seconds for the 
    sweep to complete and the output values to be printed. The typical output of the 'tune' command should return values 
    in this region:
    # LF antenna @  33.97 V @   125.00Khz
    # LF antenna @  22.29 V @   134.00Khz
    # LF optimal @  33.97 V @   125.00Khz
    # HF antenna @  14.27 V @    13.56Mhz
    Read the section on antenna building for more details on how to use this command.
    For a graphical view of the results issue the plot command. The output shows the voltage measured on the antennas 
    at the most commonly used frequencies 125/134Khz and 13.56Mhz. It also shows where the LF antenna peak voltage 
    occured (LF optimal value) which is where the LF antenna peak resonance is. This command can be used to check 
    whether the LF antenna is properly tuned to the frequency you expect, typically a LF antenna should be tuned to 
    129Khz for best results with both 125Khz and 134Khz tags." />
            <section title="版本" tooltip="显示Proxmark3固件修正" uniqueId="hwverion" >
                <item type="button" text="显示版本" tooltip="Press button to obtain PM3 Bootloader, OS and FPG revisions" action0="hw version" />
            <section title="帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示可用的硬件命令。" uniqueId="hwh" >
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="hw help" />
    <section title="脚本" tooltip="运行proxmark3脚本(.lua)">
            <section title="运行" tooltip="执行指定的.lua文件包含在\scripts文件夹中。" uniqueId="scriptrun">
                <item type="button" text="The list of SCRIPTS" tooltip="Press button to see .lua script list" action0="script list" />
                            <item type="label" label="------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Script File Name (with or without .lua extension):" />                  
                <item type="textbox" label="" defaultValue="ScriptName.lua" tooltip="Type the .lua script file name to load" uniqueId="filetorun" width="100" />                    
                <item type="button" text="Run the Lua SCRIPT" tooltip="Press button to run .lua script" action0="script run $filetorun" />
                            <item type="label" label="
                            For further information on scripts please visit: 
                        ------------------------------------------------------------------" />          
            <section title="帮助" tooltip="帮助命令显示脚本可用的命令。" uniqueId="scripth">
                <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="script help" />
    <section title="手动命令" tooltip="发送命令,就像在shell命令行中一样。" uniqueId="1m" >
                        <item type="textbox" defaultValue="" tooltip="Enter a proxmark3 command just like if you are in a shell and press the button !" uniqueId="manualcmd" label="Command:" width="240"/> 
        <item type="button" text="发送手动命令" tooltip="Press button send the above command" action0=" $manualcmd" />
    <section title="帮助一般" tooltip="帮助命令显示PM3可用命令。" uniqueId="1h" >
        <item type="button" text="帮助" tooltip="Press button to obtain the 帮助 info" action0="help" />
    <section title="exit" tooltip="exit了量子客户" uniqueId="99" >
        <item type="button" text="exit" tooltip="Press button to exit PM3 client (after this you need to re-select COM port to re-use PM3)" action0="exit" />   



