You probably haven’t heard of Alberta Cassady, who passed away decades ago from a battle with cancer, but her bravery has probably changed the life of someone you know.
Cassady was 62 in 1988 and had cancer of the orbit, which means she was about to lose one of her eyes. Knowing that was the case, she volunteered to have an experimental eye surgery performed on her by Dr. Marguerite McDonald.
That was the first laser vision correction surgery, a PRK (photorefractive keratectomy), which is still performed today. This procedure laid the groundwork for what would later become LASIK.
你可能没听说过Alberta Cassady, 几十年前她在与癌症的战斗中去世, 但她的勇敢可能改变了你身边人的生活。
1988年,62岁的Cassady,身患眼眶癌, 这意味着她即将失去一只眼睛。知道了这些之后, 她主动提出让Marguerite McDonald医生在她身上试试这个实验性的眼科手术。
这是第一个激光视力矫正手术, PRK (光折变角膜切除术), 至今仍在进行。这一手术为后来发展的LASIK奠定了基础。
According to Market Scope, around 10 million Americans have had LASIK surgery since it was first approved by the FDA in 1999. Around 700,000 LASIK surgeries are done each year, but that’s down from a peak of 1.4 million in 2000.
It remains one of the most popular elective surgeries in the country, and its satisfaction rating among patients who’ve had the procedure is remarkably high. Eric Donnenfeld, MD, a former president of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, has successfully completed around 85,000 procedures over his 28-year career. He says that overall, 96% to 98% of LASIK patients end up with 20/20 vision. Forty percent to 50% end up with vision that is better than 20/20.
根据Market Scope, 自 1999年 FDA 首次批准LASIK手术以来, 约有1000万美国人接受了该手术。每年约做70万例LASIK治疗手术, 但低于 2000年140万例的高峰。
它仍然是全国最受欢迎的非必要性手术之一, 在接受过手术的患者中, 它的满意度非常高。美国白内障和屈光外科协会前主席埃Eric Donnenfeld) 在28年的职业生涯中成功完成了约 85, 000次手术。他说, 总体来说, 96% 到98% 的LASIK手术患者最终视力达到了 20/20(也就是正常视力,1.0),40% 到 50%的人最终视力要好于 20/20。
对于手术效果的持续时间,美国屈光手术协会(american refractive surgery council),邀请了注明的眼科医生,来做Q&A,下面节选了对这个问题回答的部分。
Q: How long does LASIK last?
DR. DONNENFELD: It is a very persistent myth, people thinking that LASIK is not permanent and that it may only last a few years. The reality is, LASIK permanently corrects the vision prescription – your nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism – that you come in with to have the procedure. It does this by using a laser to reshape the cornea, eliminating the imperfections of the cornea that cause your nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism. Those imperfections are gone, so the idea that a patient’s eyes occasionally “regress” following LASIK doesn’t really make sense. However, what does happen on occasion is a patient’s myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness) actually progresses. Like all living things, your eyes can change over the course of your lifetime. It wouldn’t be reasonable to expect to buy a pair of glasses and have them last your entire lifetime. Your eyes can change, but they will never go back to being as bad as they were prior to LASIK.
问: 激光视力矫正手术的效果可以维持多久?
DONNENFELD医生: 这是一个顽固的流言, 人们认为激光视力矫正手术是非永久性的, 它可能只管用几年。现实是, LASIK永久性的纠正视力-不管是近视, 远视或散光。它通过使用激光重塑角膜, 消除导致你的近视、远视和散光的角膜的缺陷来做到这一点。这些不完美的地方已经消失, 所以病人的眼睛会再在激光手术后 "倒退" 的想法没有意义。然而, 有时会发生的是病人的近视,远视,会继续发展。和所有生物一样, 你的眼睛可以在你的一生中改变。期望买一副眼镜, 让它们持续一辈子是不合理的。你的眼睛可以改变, 但它们永远不会回到像手术前一样那么糟。
Understanding the Nature of LASIK Complications
However, all surgeries come with risks. To make an informed decision about LASIK or any laser vision correction procedure, you need to educate yourself about not only the benefits of LASIK but also the risk for potential symptoms and side effects. The most common side effects of LASIK are those experienced as part of the normal healing process and recovery period. These include night vision visual symptoms, such as glare, halos, ghosting and starbursts, as well as dry eye. Generally, these symptoms go away over time, but sometimes additional treatment may be needed.
Importantly, side effects and symptoms that occur during the recovery and healing process are not LASIK complications. The term “complication” is often used inaccurately to describe symptoms and side effects. In fact, surgical complications from laser vision correction are very rare. The clinical experience with LASIK indicates complications, such as flap dislocations and infections can occur but are very rare.
然而, 所有手术都有风险。要对 LASIK或任何激光视力矫正手续做出明智的决定, 您不仅需要了解 LASIK 的好处, 还要了解潜在症状和副作用的风险。最常见的副作用是处在正常愈合过程和恢复期患者所经历的。这些症状包括夜视视觉症状, 如眩光、光环、重像和星爆现象, 以及眼睛干涩。一般来说, 这些症状会随着时间的推移而消失, 但有时可能需要额外的治疗。
重要的是, 在恢复和愈合过程中发生的副作用和症状不是LASIK并发症。"并发症" 一词经常被错误地用来描述症状和副作用。事实上, 激光视力矫正的手术并发症是非常罕见的。LASIK治疗的临床经验表明, 并发症, 如皮瓣脱位和感染可能发生, 但非常罕见。
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