no0013艾伦 出柜的历程

no0013艾伦 出柜的历程

作者: yanmai707277 | 来源:发表于2019-06-19 19:49 被阅读0次
no0013艾伦 出柜的历程

艾伦 .德杰尼勒斯 美著名脱口秀主持人。

Ellen DeGeneres.

1 Today I'm ready to come to the key point about how  she decided to come out as a gay or homosexual.

2 When she was 19, she passed a accident.

3  And they didn't know it was her girlfriend.

4  She kept going and she found the accident he passed  was her girlfriend who was lying on the street.

5 She was heartbroken.

at the moment.

6  She had no money, no heat. No air, she only had a mattress on the floor.

7  And her apartment was infested with fleas.

8 so she picked up the phone and call god and ask these questions.

9These words to God became a letter.

10 The letter was showed on a play show.

11  it was a very success.

12 she thought  She was a boy although  She was in a girls body.

13 she want it to be honest and to be himself.

14  She needs to come out to Free herself up from the heaviness  that she was carrying around.

15 She declared that he was gay and come out of the shackles of her heart.

16she was the funniest man that i ever met.

no0013艾伦 出柜的历程 no0013艾伦 出柜的历程 no0013艾伦 出柜的历程 no0013艾伦 出柜的历程
no0013艾伦 出柜的历程


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