

作者: 行之玉 | 来源:发表于2023-10-08 10:00 被阅读0次





Everyone's growth has a stage, so do I.

When I was 14, I was very rebellious and often quarreled with my mother. One day, I played alone in the field, seeing a bird just left the nest, who seemed to be lost with its mother, I brought it back home and gave it a lot of delicious food. Although it didn't eat a bite, I still fantasized that it would eat some when it feels happy. But before the bird moved its mouth to eat, it was found by my mother. She berated me for meddling and mercilessly released the bird into the wild. I was very angry, I even thought: I am definitely the most unlucky person in the world, have such a bad mother.

I decided that I would never listen to her again and refused to eat her food. When my father came back in the Evening, my mother told him that I had been angry with her for a bird all day, and didn't eat any food. I thought my father would be angry and punish me. What I didn't expect is that my father just went to cook for me without saying a word. When I got the meal,I felt I just like the thirst grass who is about to die in the desert, suddenly meet the long-awaited rain!

Later, I heard my dad said to my mom,"Don't be angry, this child's nature is not bad, she likes to quarrel with you, just because she is still in the process of developing views of the world, you need to slowly guide her on the right track. It takes ten years to cultivate a tree without feelings, let alone to cultivate a person. That's why people say, 'Cultivate people in a century'!"  My mother said: "In fact, I am not angry, she is now very resistant to me, what I do she thinks is wrong, so you may have to spend more attention to educate and guide her."

After listening to their dialogue, all I felt was shame. So from that moment on, I decided in my heart: I must restrain my emotions in the future to be an understanding child. Years later, I found that I really grew up in that moment!


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