因为新冠疫情,在以色列居家隔离的这14天里,我给你们写下了这封书信。在我从美国回来的当天,以色列政府就颁布了国际旅游禁令,凡是在美国参加过100人以上聚会的旅游者必须进行自我隔离。因为我刚刚在美国教授完《永恒智慧训练Timeless Wisdom Training》的止语冥想,我也受到这条规定的约束。
此外,我们也更清楚地看到,集体性的容器还不足以强大到来承载当下全球化的发展。不论作为一个整体还是独立的个体,在向外联结与成长的同时, 我们也必须时时巩固其落地/扎根与具身的部分。
Dear All,
I am writing these lines from my 14 days home quarantine in Israel because of the Coronavirus. On the day I returned from the US, an international travel restriction was issued by the Israeli government, stating that all travelers attending gatherings of 100 people or more in the U.S. must be in self-quarantine. Since we just held the Timeless Wisdom Training meditation retreat there, I was affected by this regulation.
It is also a good opportunity for us as community to come together for a process of intensive self-exploration in the face of an agitated situation in the outside. We can choose to raise our awareness, to create mutual support and collaboration, to find a new vision and integrate. It's a chance to find alternative ways to think, feel and act.
The first question is always, 'Who am I in relation to the current situation?'
Before I jump into philosophical and political explorations about the world, and how the situation is managed by government institutions, I can check-in to see if I can represent the situation in myself. What do I feel and who am I as a human being in this situation? Once I am able to become aware of it I can move further out and relate to the wider circumstances.
We are living in a time where large cleaning processes show us the massive amount of collective fear that is arising. If we combine that understanding with presence, it’s an amazing moment for humanity to deepen our grounding and the connection to our embodiment. Without presence, I will only be scared and frightened and will allow fear to run my decisions. Or I will be detached and avoidant and just downplay whats happening. Both of these reactions restrict my full engagement and potential.
Additionally, we do see that the collective vessel is not yet strong enough to contain the current global growth. We always have to strengthen the grounding and embodiment of our outreach and growth, as a collective and as individuals.
When this interplay is in a good synchronization, nature and spirit are in a good relation. If we get ahead of ourselves then life will call us back. That’s another message of the current sitution in the world.
We especially need to integrate the global expansion, the global collaboration and the technical explosion since it is not yet synced with our capacity to embody it.
A collective crisis needs a collective response. The collective trauma layers are getting reactivated in times of strong uncertainty. This is a good time to apply all the inner practices that we have equipped ourselves with.
The global situation shows the fragility of our world: our deep interconnectedness and interdependence are becoming abundantly clear. Although it may often seem we can solve everything alone, now we see that we really need each other and that we depend on each other.The hyper-individualized arrogance must soften into outreach and a way of being more humble and engaged.
Thomas Hübl