❶ Become confident, and the rest of the pickup1 game boils down to details. 首先要有自信,有了自信,成功撩妹就剩下细节问题了。
❷ Have a line ready. 准备好搭讪词。
❸ Perfect your body language. 肢体语言要完美。
比如,深情凝视对方,more eye contact.
Lean in slightly to her when you speak to her. 和她说话的时候,身体要稍稍向她倾斜。对了,一定要带上迷人的微笑。Smile whenever you make eye contact. Don't look away until you've smiled. 一定要等笑了再移开目光哦。
Touch her casually2 from time to time. 然后,可以时不时地碰碰她。碰个小手啊,靠一下肩啊,看似漫不经心,但绝对能把女生电麻。
Use humor. 幽默感很重要。赞美女生(compliment a girl)的时候,带些幽默感,效果更佳。
Ask for her number. call within a day or two and see about scheduling a date for the weekend. 要她的电话号码,一两天内打电话约她周末见面。